Uploaded by Helen A Leopard Wallis

Gothic Literature Lesson Plan: Image Analysis & Creative Writing

Connect the Learning (START WITH BRONZE)
BRONZE: What clues does
the image give you about the
type of writing we will be
connotations does the
image have?
GOLD: Why might a writer
choose a setting like this
for their text?
Be exploring the features of Gothic Literature so that we can
complete high quality imaginative writing coursework.
Identify the key
elements of gothic
literature and
make inferences
from images
Analyse how a writer
uses the features of
gothic literature
Apply our
understanding of
how writer’s use
the features of a
genre into our own
Use self-assessment
and reflection to
improve and refine our
creative writing
Currently, we are working AO4 (communicate effectively and imaginatively, writing for
specific purposes and audiences)
Carousel activity
On your tables there are images.
Consider the connotations of the images:
What do you associate with the images?
What adjectives would you use to describe the image?
What do they make you think of?
What ideas do the images link to?
Note down ideas on the A3 paper next to the image.
Carousel activity
Move on to the next table: What can you add to the previous groups
Consider the connotations of the images:
What do you associate with the images?
What adjectives would you use to describe the image?
What do they make you think of?
What ideas do the images link to?
Note down ideas on the A3 paper next to the image.
Carousel activity
Carousel activity
Carousel activity
Carousel activity
Carousel activity
Carousel activity
Cold writing – 200 words
Pick one of the images
we have looked at in this
Write a description
suggested by the image
Use sophisticated adjectives
Use a variety of sentence openers
Use figurative language
Check verb tense carefully
Peer assessment
Swap work with your partner and read through their description
Identify how they have met the success criteria
Highlight the adjectives in yellow
Highlight interesting sentence openers in green
Highlight the figurative language in pink
Underline any grammatical errors
Reflect and Improve (DIRT)
Ensure any changes you make are in purple
Look back at your own description. Could you change anything to
improve your description?
Can you add more interesting adjectives?
Can you vary your sentence openers? (use an adverb, verb or
adjective to begin some sentences)
Can you include more sophisticated figurative language examples?