CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING Six Thinking Hats and Other Tools by Culture Transformation Resources, LLC TRAINING OBJECTIVES • Provide you with new Tools, Tips and Techniques to improve your Problem Solving Skills. • • • • • • • Learn Six Thinking Hats Techniques. Revolutionize Group Problem-Solving. Bring Diverse Perspectives to Decision Making. Depersonalize Team-Dynamic Feedback. Save Time and Reach Decisions Quickly. Expand Your Thinking as a Leader. Facilitate Productive and Effective Meetings. “ THERE ARE NO RULES HERE- WE ARE TRYING TO CREATE SOMETHING. - Thomas A. Edison “ CHALLENGES BRAINSTORM CHALLENGES THINK TANK • 5 Minute Think Tank • Brainstorm as many team CHALLENGES as possible and list them on a flip chart or board. • Vote on the Top 1 or 2 challenges you will focus on during this session. TRADITIONAL CPS • • • • • • Mess-finding Data-finding Problem-finding Idea-finding Solution-finding Acceptance-finding COMMON IDEA-FINDING • • • • • Brainstorming Mind Maps Free Association Free-Writing Incubation BRAIN BASICS Left Right Rational Emotional Pratical Creative Logical Immaginative Linear Intuitive Analytical Holistic Mathematical Expanded CRITICAL VS. CREATIVE Critical Thinking Creative Thinking • Analytical • Generative • Judgmental • Non-judgmental • Selective • Expansive • Probability • Possibility • Left brain • Right brain • Yes but… • Yes and… The Thinking process is like a KAYAK with Two Paddles: One is CREATIVE Thinking while the other represents CRITICAL Thinking. SIX THINKING HATS SIX THINKING HATS An effective tool for decision making and problem solving that uses both sides of your brain. EDWARD DE BONO • Edward de Bono has written 70 books in 37 languages. • Rhodes Scholar to Oxford. • Originator of the term 'lateral thinking.’ • Leading authority in the field of creative thinking, innovation and the direct teaching of thinking as a skill. • International Bestselling Author of Six Thinking Hats. SIX THINKING HATS Six Thinking Hats is a very simple, effec8ve parallel thinking process that helps individuals be more focused, produc8ve, and mindfully involved. A powerful tool to add to your leadership toolkit that, once learned, can be applied immediately! You and your team members can learn how to separate thinking into six clear func8ons and roles using “thinking hats.” Each thinking role is iden8fied with a colored symbolic thinking hat. By mentally wearing and switching "hats," you can easily focus or redirect thoughts, conversa8ons, or mee8ngs. SIX THINKING HATS • Six colors of hats for six types of thinking - Each hat identifies a type of thinking - Hats are directions of thinking • Hats help a group use parallel thinking - You can “put on” and “take off” a hat USES FOR HATS • • • • • • • • • Critical, Analytical Thinking and Problem-Solving Strategic planning Running meetings Generating ideas Public Speaking Process Improvement Project Management Organizational Change and much more! GENERAL HAT ISSUES General Hat issues • Direction, not description • Not categories of people • A constructive form of showing off • Use in whole or in part – Set out to think in a certain direction – Let’s have some black hat thinking… – Not:“He’s a black hat thinker.” – Everyone can and should use all the hats – Show off by being a better thinker – Not destructive right vs. wrong argument BENEFITS General Hat issues • • • • • • • • • • • Provide a common language Maximize productive collaboration Diversity of thought while using more of our brains Consider issues, challenges, decisions and opportunities systematically Remove ego (reduce confrontation) Save time Focus (one thing at a time) Think clearly and objectively Create, evaluate & implement action plans Achieve significant and meaningful results Make meetings more productive in less time SIX COLORS White: neutral, objective Red: emotional, angry Black: serious, somber Yellow: sunny, positive Green: growth, fertility Blue: cool, sky above …AND SIX HATS White: objective, facts & figures Red: emotions & feelings Black: cautious & careful Yellow: benefits, positive & speculative Green: creativity, ideas & lateral thinking Blue: process, control & organization SIX THINKING HATS Six Thinking Hats FEELINGS REFLECTIVE INFORMATION BENEFITS CREATIVE JUDGEMENT WHICH TWO HATS DO YOU USE? Six Thinking Hats FEELINGS REFLECTIVE INFORMATION BENEFITS CREATIVE JUDGEMENT TECHNIQUE: Choose the right hat or tool FOCUS: Decide on what you want to think about TIME: Set limits and work within them :60 SECONDS If you are a business leader serious about CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING in your company / department / team, contact us @ Contact / Follow / Like / Share Twitter Facebook Slideshare LinkedIn SIX HATS DEEP DIVE Six Thinking Hats The Blue Hat • The control hat, organizing thinking itself. • Sets the focus, calls for the use of other hats. • Monitors and reflects on the thinking processes used. • Blue is for planning. “ PROBLEM SOLVING IS HUNTING. IT IS A SAVAGE PLEASURE AND WE ARE BORN TO IT. - Thomas Harris “ THE BLUE HAT • FACILITATOR ROLE • The role of the facilitator focuses and refocuses thinking • Makes calls for the group to make decisions “ WHAT IS THE POINT OF HIRING SMART PEOPLE IF WE DON’T EMPOWER THEM TO FIX WHAT’S BROKEN? - Creativity, Inc. “ BLUE HAT CASE STUDY • 3 Minutes • Define Your Team Problem BLUE HAT QUESTIONS START: • What is the main idea? • What is the problem? • How do we sequence the events? • Explain? Summarize. END: • What is your conclusion? • What next? Action plan? • How was it solved? “ WE BELIEVE IDEAS ONLY BECOME GREAT WHEN THEY ARE CHALLENGED AND TESTED. - Creativity, Inc. “ THE WHITE HAT • The information seeking hat. • What are the facts? • What information is available? • What is relevant? • When wearing the white hat we are neutral in our thinking. “ IDENTIFY YOUR PROBLEMS BUT GIVE YOUR POWER AND ENERGY TO SOLUTIONS. “ - Tony Robbins THE WHITE HAT • FACTS AND LOGIC • Separates fact from speculation • Specifies action needed to fill gaps • Assesses the relevance and accuracy of information WHITE HAT CASE STUDY • 5 Minutes • Record as many facts about your Team Problem WHITE HAT QUESTIONS • • • • • • Who, what, when, where? What do you know about? What are the facts about? What do you need or want to know about? Where might you go to find out about? What OPVs should we consider? THE GREEN HAT • This is the creative mode of thinking. • Green represents growth and movement. • In green hat we look to new ideas and solutions. • Lateral thinking wears a green hat. “ ALMOST ALWAYS, THE CREATIVE DEDICATED MINORITY MADE THE WORLD BETTER. - Martin Luther King, Jr. “ THE GREEN HAT • CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION • Encourages search for new ideas • Seeks to modify and removes faults from existing ideas • Makes time for creative effort “ YOU CAN’T USE UP CREATIVITY. THE MORE YOU USE, THE MORE YOU HAVE. “ - Maya Angelou THE THREE P’s • Positive: every idea is potentially valuable, record all • Prolific: the more ideas the better; build on ideas • Playful: it is easier to tame a wild idea than to make a boring idea interesting OTHER USES FOR • Balloon ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Golf Tee ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ • Toothbrush ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Paperclip ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ OTHER USES FOR Balloon Golf Tee Shower Cap Traffic Sign Tooth Pick Paper Holder Scarecrow Stake a Picnic Blanket Hot Air Balloon Center Piece Tile Spacers Decorative Lantern Replace a Lost Cap (Plug a Tube) Toothbrush Brush Your Eyebrows Silver Cleaner Paint Cleaner Clean Fingernails Apply Hair Dye Clean the Toilet Paperclip Egg Dipper for Dying Eggs Popping Discs Jewelry Clasp Remove Hair from Brush Unclog Bottle of Glue or Salt Shaker Letter Opener GREEN HAT CASE STUDY • 10 MINUTES • List as many ideas and solutions to your team problem. GREEN HAT QUESTIONS • • • • • • • What if? What is good about? What is the value of? How can we make this work? What are the alternatives? What else can we do? What is holding our team back? “ CREATIVITY IS INVENTING, EXPERIMENTING, GROWING, TAKING RISKS, BREAKING RULES, MAKING MISTAKES AND HAVING FUN. - Mary Lou Cook “ THE RED HAT • EMOTIONS AND FEELINGS • Gives permission to express feelings, hunches and intuitions • Help to make a decision • Does not require justification • Best expressed in a word or two THE RED HAT • What do you feel about the suggestion? • What are your gut reactions? • What intuitions do you have? • Don’t think too long or too hard. “ TO LIVE A CREATIVE LIFE, WE MUST LOSE OUR FEAR OF BEING WRONG. - Joseph Chilton Pearce “ RED HAT CASE STUDY • Quickly, < :30 Seconds • Discuss how everyone feels? (1-2 words) RED HAT QUESTIONS • • • • • What does your intuition tell you? Did your feelings change? How? What prejudices are present? What are you feeling now? What is your hunch about? “ IF I HAD 60 MINUTES TO SOLVE A PROBLEM, I’D SPEND 55 MINUTES DEFINING IT, AND 5 MINUTES SOLVING IT. - Albert Einstein “ THE YELLOW HAT • The sunshine hat. • It is positive and constructive. • It is about effectiveness and getting a job done. • What are the benefits, the advantages? “ MANAGERS OF CREATIVE COMPANIES MUST NEVER FORGET TO ASK THEMSELVES: ‘HOW DO WE TAP THE BRAINPOWER OF OUR PEOPLE?’ - Creativity, Inc. “ THE YELLOW HAT • LOGICAL POSITIVES • Explores Benefits of Ideas • Must give reasons why an idea is valuable and might work • Reinforces creative ideas and new directions YELLOW HAT CASE STUDY • • 5 MINUTES Discuss the Benefits of Your Team’s Ideas and Solutions YELLOW HAT QUESTIONS • • • • • • What are the Benefits? What is good about? What are positive outcomes? What is the value? Can this be made to work? What did you like about? If you are interested in a workshop or training on SIX THINKING HATS or CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING for your company / department / team, contact us @ Contact / Follow / Like / Share Twitter Facebook Slideshare LinkedIn THE BLACK HAT • The caution hat. Devil’s advocate. • In black hat the thinker points out errors or pit-falls. • What are the risks or dangers involved? • Identifies difficulties and problems. “ I HAVE NOT FAILED. I’VE JUST FOUND 10,000 WAYS THAT WON’T WORK. “ - Thomas Edison THE BLACK HAT • LOGICAL NEGATIVES • Explores why an idea may not work • Must give logical reasons for concerns • Points out difficulties and weaknesses BLACK HAT CASE STUDY • 5 MINUTES • What are all of the negatives and pitfalls of your team’s ideas and solutions? BLACK HAT QUESTIONS • • • • • • What should you be cautious about? What are the consequences? What are the pitfalls? Why won’t/didn’t this work? What weaknesses exist? What are the risks? THE BLACK HAT • Is there someone you work with who tends to overuse black hat thinking? • What is the impact? “ THE CREATIVE CULTURE IS THAT ITS PEOPLE FEEL FREE TO SHARE IDEAS, OPINIONS, AND CRITICISMS. LACK OF CANDOR, IF UNCHECKED, ULTIMATELY LEADS TO DYSFUNCTIONAL ENVIRONMENTS. - Creativity, Inc. “ THE RED HAT CHECK • How does everyone feel now? (1-2 words) BLUE HAT WRAP UP • • • Conclusions What next? Action Plans Blue Hat Information & Data Neutral & Objective Checked & Believed Facts Missing Information & Where To Source It Managing The Thinking Setting The Focus Making Summaries Overviews • Conclusions Action Plans Black Hat Why It May Not Work Cautions • Dangers Problems • Faults Logical Reasons Must Be Given FOCUS Yellow Hat Why It May Work Values & Benefits (Both Known & Potential) The Good In It Logical Reasons Must Be Given Red Hat Green Hat Feelings & Intuition Emotions Or Hunches “At This Point” No Reasons or Justification Keep It Short Creative Thinking Possibilities • Alternatives New Ideas • New Concepts Overcome Black Hat Problems & Reinforce Yellow Hat Values SUMMARY OF SIX HATS General Hat issues SIX HATS HATS REMINDERS General Hat issues • • • • • Use any hat, as often as needed Sequence can be preset or evolving Not necessary to use every hat Allow specific time for each hat (generally, short) Requires discipline from each person – Stay in the idiom • • Adds an element of play, play along Can be used by individuals and groups HAT QUIZ General Hat issues 1. “Retooling will take a minimum of six months.” 2. “I am unhappy with the merger.” 3. “Our product is the most expensive on market?” 4. “It will increase our profile in the community?” 5. “Low staff morale is causing high attrition.” 6. “The meeting seems to be drifting.” HAT QUIZ (CONT’D) General Hat issues 7. “Joe told me he was worried about a staff issue.” 8. “We tried that and staff are not supportive.” 9. “It would be easy to implement a new logo.” 10. “We could offer two for the price of one.” 11. “I am concerned about staff morale.” 12. “Are we ready to commit to a decision?” 13. “What if we gave everyone an additional day off?” TECHNIQUE: TRY ON EVERY HAT PLANS FACTS Process, Agenda Informa8on, Data Ideas, Solu8ons What do we want to accomplish? What is the current informa8on and facts on the issue or problem? What are new crea8ve ideas or alterna8ves in solving the problem? CREATIVE FEELINGS BENEFITS Gut Ins8nct, Intui8on How does everyone feel about the current situa8on, issue or problem? JUDGE FEELINGS DECISION Values, Posi8ves PiZalls, Problems Gut Ins8nct, Intui8on Next Steps, Ac8on Plans What are the posi8ve aspects of the current situa8on, issue or problem? What are the nega8ve aspects or piZalls? How does everyone feel now that we have worked on the issue? What conclusions, decisions or summaries can we make in moving forward? MY LEADERSHIP ACTION ITEMS CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING 1-877-CTR-1236 OR 1-877-287-1236 If you are interested in a workshop or training on CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING or SIX THINKING HATS for your company / department / team, contact us @ Contact / Follow / Like / Share Twitter Facebook Slideshare LinkedIn