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Global Migration: Causes, Effects, and Trends

Global Migration:
According to biologyonline.com, Migration is the process or act of
migrating, i.e. the movement from one region or place of habitat to
According to Britannica. Human migration, the permanent change of
residence by an individual or group. It can be within a country or
international in nature.
Migration. What is Migration? Key Question: Movement Cyclic Movement – movement away from
home for a short period. –Commuting –Seasonal movement –Nomadism. - ppt download
Migration Learning Objectives: - ppt download (slideplayer.com)
Global migration is debated just about as often as it is misunderstood.
However, the reasons why people migrate differ depending on an individual’s
situation. In this post, we will explore what exactly is global migration, dissect
its current state, highlight some of the factors that cause global migration,
and study the pros and cons associated with global migration.
In addition to professional Translation Services and Cultural Awareness
Training, Bromberg & Associates also provides Relocation Services for
people who need to move to another country. Now, let’s take a look at the
state of global migration presently.
Of the world’s current 247 million immigrants and expatriates, where are
they from and where are they going?
As a global phenomenon, people are moving just about everywhere. In
particular, Quartz Media LLC indicates that the largest area of regional
migration is from Southeast Asia to the Middle East, which is largely due to
oil construction booms on the Arabian Peninsula. The biggest flow between
individual countries is between Mexico and the United States, the latter
making up the largest single migrant destination in the world. Many migration
routes are within the same continents and regions, with people moving to
neighboring countries.
How people migrate depends greatly on each nation’s current immigration
laws and the safety of the route itself. While some migrants are able to travel
by airplane or train, others do not have the same luxury. Those looking to
enter Europe through North Africa often face a particularly perilous route: an
extremely overcrowded boat over the Mediterranean Sea, sometimes with a
Saharan Desert trek directly beforehand. Transportation is one of many
examples of how migration can take drastically different forms.
Why do people move?
Global migration can be understood as a cause and effect relationship,
though the causes are just as numerous as their effects. People move across
international borders for a variety of reasons, including (though not limited
 Natural disaster
 Political conflict
 Education
 Family
 Career
 Economic betterment
The Push-Pull Factor
Some of the reasons that trigger global migration can be explained by what’s
known as the Push-Pull factor. Pull factors are factors in the destination
country that attract the individual or group to leave their home. These factors
attract people to a new place largely because of the opportunities presented
in the new location were not available to them previously. An example of a
pull factor would include a family moving from a country with minimal job
opportunities to a new location with more opportunities for a successful
career. The beneficial elements that the new country presents encourages
people to migrate there in order to seek a better life for their families.
A push factor refers to conditions which force people to leave their homes. A
person would typically move because of distress (safety, natural disaster, or
political conflict). Although push factors don’t require a person to leave their
home, the conditions impacting the push factors often negatively impact the
quality of life for the person if they choose to stay. Places that experience
drought and famine, war conflicts, and/or high unemployment would
contribute to the push factors that trigger migration for that country’s
Push factors, in particular, are often underestimated in their popularity and
frequency, which is emphasized by Manpower Inc.’s survey of employees
across 27 countries. In this survey about relocating internationally, 82
percent of respondents said they would move for a pay increase, 74 percent
would move to increase their career, and 47 percent would move to learn
another language. In short, people migrate for all kinds of unexpected
Does migration improve the quality of life?
Whether individuals migrate due to push or pull factors, there are undeniable
benefits involved with adapting to a new country. Some benefits are simply
fun and exciting: learning a new culture and experiencing new opportunities,
such as tasting new foods and getting to know a different approach to
communication, or immersing yourself in the new cultural activities, can be
exciting and enriching.
Other benefits, namely personal freedoms, are essential. People may leave
their home countries in search of safety and religious, academic, or political
freedom in their new countries. It’s estimated that around 11 million
Syrians have fled their homes since the outbreak of the civil war in March
2011; many fleeing for their safety in search of a better quality of life for their
families. In this example, migration can improve peoples’ lives drastically.
Potential Drawbacks for Global Migration
Migration can present a great variety of challenges ranging from simple
discomfort to profound shifts in mental health. Migrating to a new place
where the diet or the local culture is largely unfamiliar may be quite jarring.
Imagine moving from the US where drinking coffee or tea in the mornings is
the cultural norm to living in Central Asia where in some parts, drinking
salty yak butter tea is the norm.
Culture shock is a predictable culprit for migratory challenges: changes in
language, diet, politics, religion, and environment are immediately visible.
For example, those who migrate from the Middle East or Africa are aware of
the difficulties of adjusting to colder temperatures in Scandinavia. What
might not be as obvious, though, is the challenge of adjusting to extremely
short daylight hours in the winter, making seasonal affective disorder an
unanticipated hurdle for many immigrants.
Furthermore, the act of leaving a home country can be emotionally difficult,
especially for those who may never be able to return and/or were forced out
by situations that they couldn’t control. Having to emigrate as a refugee from
a war-torn Syria, breaks up families and can destabilize immigrants’ sense
of self, which could lead to depression. These challenges obviously should
not be taken lightly – help and support are key.
People and families that migrate may need language assistance in
schooling, medical language services and translation of personal
documents required for migration.
What now?
The reasons why people migrate are seemingly as numerous as the world’s
countries themselves. The UN Population Division states that since 1960, at
least 2.5 percent of the world’s population have been international migrants.
The combination of these two ideas means that this concept is not new:
migrants have been, are, and will continue to be part of our communities
which are increasingly more vibrant due to the integration of new cultural
influences. By welcoming migrants into our communities, this ensures they
will adapt to the local culture quicker and more efficiently as well as enriching
the community by the exchange of new ideas and cultural norms.