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Carbon Cycle Lab Worksheet

Carbon Cycle Lab
In this lab, you and your teammates will attempt to release carbon dioxide (CO2) from
both chalk and baking soda. You will do this by creating an acid-base reaction using
vinegar to simulate a process in the carbon cycle. To receive full credit for this lab (A
TEST GRADE) you need to answer the questions in full sentences and your own words.
Do NOT copy and paste from online.
Observation: Chalk and baking soda have carbon in them.
Background Research: (15pts)
Take some time to research.
1. What is baking soda made of?
2. What is chalk made of?
3. Are they naturally occurring?
Hypothesis: (10pts)
It’s time to make a prediction. Which do you believe will produce more carbon dioxide
when mixed with vinegar? Don’t forget the correct hypothesis format!!
What is your independent variable?
What is your dependent variable?
Experiment: (35 pts)
1. Stop and get everything briefly checked by Ms. Perkins
2. Gather your materials: Chalk, a beaker, a graduated cylinder baking soda, a
plastic bag, a tablespoon, a balloon, a ruler, and string.
3. Place 1 tablespoon of baking soda in the graduated cylinder.
4. Measure 40 mL of vinegar and add it to the beaker.
5. Combine the two and immediately place your balloon over the graduated
6. Wrap a string around the circumference of the balloon.
7. Measure the length of the string used around the circumference with a ruler.
8. Record the data in the table and clean out your beaker and graduated cylinder.
9. Mash your chalk. Then take one tablespoon of the powder chalk and add it to a
graduated cylinder.
10. Repeat steps 4-8.
Your Group’s Data Table:
Substance Type
Qualitative Observations
Class Data:
Substance Type
Analyze Data: (10pts)
1. Which material released the most carbon dioxide based on your results?
2. Did the class as a whole have the same results?
Conclusion (30pts)
1. Was your hypothesis supported or rejected?
2. What errors possibly occurred in this experiment?
3. Explain how this is related to the carbon cycle. What sink/reservoir/sphere
did the carbon start in? (think about where chalk is found) Where did it move
4. Is it possible that the carbon from ancient marine animals or dinosaurs were
released when the vinegar was added the chalk?
5. Explain why people are concerned with the rising level of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere (CO2). What are engineers doing to rebalance the carbon
cycle? What can you do to help rebalance the carbon cycle?