CHAPTER I TITLE CHAPTER III CHAPTER II TITLE COMPETENCIES OF BUSINESS OWNERS REGARDING ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM Researchers Galicia, Jazmin D. Mendoza, Lyndsay M. Romero, Jessa Mae B. INTRODUCTION THEORETICAL & CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK CHAPTER I STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY SCOPE, LIMITATION AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY I INTRODUCTION 01 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM 03 COMPETENCIES 02 SALEHI AND ABDIPOUR (2011) 04 SARBANES OXLEY ACT 01 INTRODUCTION ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM Accounting information systems (AIS) are used by accountants, consultants, industry analysts, administrators, chief financial officers (CFOs), auditors, regulators, and tax authorities to collect, store, manage, process, retrieve, and report financial data. 02 INTRODUCTION SALEHI AND ABDIPOUR (2011) It is also considered a competitive advantage for organizations that have well-designed accounting information systems. Failure to adopt a information well-functioning accounting system harm company's success would the INTRODUCTION 03 COMPETENCY The capability to apply or use the set of related knowledge, skills and abilities required to successfully perform critical work functions or tasks in a defined work setting. INTRODUCTION 04 SARBANES OXLEY ACT An act that helps protect shareholders, employees and the public from accounting errors and fraudulent financial practices. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM To determine the different perception of business owners regarding Accounting Information System in terms of: a) User Skills b) User Knowledge c) User Challenges d) User Benefits To identify the challenges as well as problems associated with the use of Accounting Information Systems. To assess the benefits of Accounting Information system in business owners THEORETICAL & CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK INPUT ● ● ● Factors that will affect the knowledge and skills of business owners regarding Accounting Information System. ● Challenges that they will encounter due to lack of skills and knowledge in Accounting Information System ● Benefits that they will have with the use of Accounting Information System OUTPUT PROCESS ● Gather data for improved analysis from books, blogs, journals and other web sources. Conduct an investigation process using social media site questionnaires such as Google forms, Facebook etc. ● Improve their skill and knowledge in Accounting Information System. ● Locate the factors that affect the business owner’s perspective regarding accounting information system ● Make their Accounting activities more accurate, easier and quicker. SCOPE, LIMITATION AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY The study focused on the skills of business owners. Despite the various limitations that have been found, this research leads to significant conclusions that have both theoretical and practical implications. The data collection will be conducted on 83 randomly business owners in Batangas City as a sample size that will represent the total population. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY BUSINESS OWNERS TEACHERS COLLEGE INSTITUTION STUDENTS RESEARCHERS REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE CHAPTER II In the present study, the researcher focused on business owners that are using Accounting Information System. Other research, such as that Mishina et al. (2020) and Fitrios (2016), have respondents who lack accounting expertise and training in using the Accounting Information system. The present study also focuses on gathering data about the competencies of business owners regarding accounting information system through qualitative and descriptive research, similar to the study of Endraria (2016). REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The current research will use the data gathered and the study results to competencies develop of recommended business owners improvements regarding for accounting information system. The present study is similar to Fitrios (2016) and Endraria (2016), as their end goal is to determine the expertise of users in using accounting information system. III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA RESEARCH DESIGN RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY DATA GATHERING PROCEDURES DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENTS III RESEARCH DESIGN The researcher used a descriptive design of research, which entails gathering data to explain what is about to occur in a given phenomenon. The researchers used a variety of methods to collect and gather the information required to complete the analysis. III RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY Slovin’s Formula: n = sample size N = Total Number of Population e = margin of error CATEGORY OF BUSINESS Information and Communication STUDY POPULATION SAMPLE SIZE 24 17 Financial and Insurance Activities 80 66 TOTAL 104 83 III DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENTS The instrument for gathering primary data is a ‘questionnaire' (Cohen, 2013). A traditional ‘interview' is a face-to-face conversation between a researcher and a participant in which information is transferred to the interviewer (Cresswell, 2012). III DATA GATHERING PROCEDURE The researchers with the aid of books, journals, magazines and other related published materials prepared the items in the questionnaire. After the questionnaire has been prepared and validated, the search for respondents occurred. A survey was conducted among the business owners to know their competencies in using the accounting information system. III STATISTICAL TREATMENT OF DATA WM= fxN Where: WM= Weighted Mean fx= the sum of products of f and x X= weight of each option N= total number of respondents P=fNx100 Where: P= Percentage F= frequency N= total number of respondents THANK YOU