2021-2022 PLAN FOR STUDENT SUCCESS FOR CHEMISTRY School: Plantation High School Teacher: Mr. Zakes Department: Science Course Title: Chemistry No. of Credits: 1 Course Description: Chemistry is a laboratory science course designed for students who wish to pursue a more challenging and quantitative approach to chemistry. The student will learn about matter, energy and the composition of the universe. The major instructional areas are: identifying consistencies in experimental data, structure of matter as a key to chemical and physical properties, mole concept, and energy changes in matter, conservation of energy, equilibrium systems and stoichiometric relationships. Laboratory work and the scientific method are emphasized. Research papers and individual laboratory research may be required. Students will earn .5 credit for each semester, for a successful completion of the course. Materials Required: Text book: Modern Chemistry (Sarquis & Sarquis, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) (Online book available through canvas course, hardcover available from the book room) Binder: Each student is required to have a binder to organize their science material and graded papers for the year. Recommended: 5-tab divider Calculator: Each student must purchase a scientific calculator. (A graphing calculator will NOT be necessary) (I will be using and demonstrating how to use a TI-30XIIS) Student Supplies: Each student is required to bring his/her they/them binder, a pencil, and a calculator to class each day. Pens will not be needed. Laptop/Tablet while this is not required, all work will be digitized and submitted via Canvas, student who have their own device can complete the work directly on the device and avoid digitizing their work later for submission. Grading System: GENERAL: Your grade in this class will depend on your performance. BRING YOUR STUDENT SUPPLIES TO CLASS: A student that does not have materials to complete classroom assignments will be considered unprepared for class (see student supplies). COMPLETING ASSIGNMENTS / TURNING THEM IN ON TIME: The single most important thing that you do is to complete assignments to the best of your ability and on time. All assignments are given in preparation for a lab/test, therefore only completed assignments may receive a passing grade. Incomplete assignments may receive zero points, will be returned to the student for completion and resubmission the following day. Late assignments will have points deducted. DOING YOUR OWN WORK: You are asked to do your own work on class activities because that is the only way that we know whether or not you are learning. If you attempt to communicate in any way during a quiz or test, then you will receive no credit. If a student is observed using (copying) another’s paper, then both will earn zero credit. In such cases, we will call the parents to get their assistance in correcting the behaviors. PERFORMANCE: You will have many different kinds of assignments. All activities are based on state standards. Since this is a hands-on approach, concepts missed due to absences will be difficult to make up due to class discourse and white boarding that cannot be done on an individual basis. A point system is used to keep track of your performance. The better you do on the graded assignments and examinations, the more points you will earn and the better your grade will be. Performance is how well you do on your graded labs, assignments, quizzes, and examinations. You will be given every opportunity to complete assignments satisfactorily. BONUS POINTS: Extra credit WILL NOT be given in this course. HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned on a regular basis. When a student reviews the work done in class, the student has the opportunity to improve the understanding of the material. It is part of the grade and an important learning activity. EXAMINATIONS: Examinations will be given at the conclusion of each unit. FINAL EXAM: There is a cumulative semester exam for Chemistry 1 and 2, which is aligned to the state and district requirements; this is a mandatory assessment. SEMESTER GRADE BREAKDOWN: Classwork/Homework 100 points Quizzes/Labs 200 points Tests/Projects 300 points Midterm/CRT Final 30% of semester grade PERCENTAGE OF POINTS FOR GRADE 100 - 90 A 89 - 80 B 79 - 70 C 69 - 60 D 59 or less F ** Appropriate modifications will be made according to student IEP & 504 plans** ONLINE ACCESS TO GRADES: Parents and students will be able to access their student’s grades via Pinnacle or Canvas please reach out if you have any questions regarding how to access student grades. Make-up Policy: One of the major factors that contribute to poor grades is student absence. Missed assignments are not given during the class period. All assignments are to be submitted online by the due dates posted. For in class assessments, students will make these up no later than a week following their return to school. Bell work cannot be made up if absent or tardy. Some makeup work requires tutoring during their study hall period. The student has the same number of days to make up the work as he/she was absent. Lab activities may be made up by appointment only. Attendance: “Absent” is defined as nonattendance in an assigned class or activity for more than one-half of the period. “Tardy” is defined as not being in the assigned class or activity when the tardy bell has finished ringing. Classroom Rules: A STUDENT DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DISRUPT THE LEARNING OF ANOTHER STUDENT. THEREFORE CLASSROOM PROCEDURES AND RULES ARE IN PLACE TO ENSURE A POSITIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOR YOUR STUDENT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plan for Success Acknowledgment Receipt WELCOME AND LET’S ENJOY AN EXCITING YEAR OF LEARNING TOGETHER!! If you have any questions regarding this Plan For Success please contact me at peter.zakes@browardschools.com . If not, please complete the information below and have your student submit it to canvas by Friday, August 27, 2021. Thank you. We have received this plan for success Chemistry which included the Flinn Scientific’s Student Safety Contract. I (we) have no questions about the course, course rules, the manner in which grades are determined or the safety contract. Print Student Name: Student Signature: Date: ________________________________________ _________________________________________ _______ Print Parent or Guardian Name: Parent or Guardian Signature: Date: ________________________________________ _________________________________________ _______