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Time Management Tips for Online Students

Ideas for Time Management and Success for Online Students
1. Make and keep a daily schedule for yourself:
a. Wake up, exercise, shower, get dressed and eat breakfast at the same time each
day and be ready to work by 9am.
2. DO NOT STUDY IN BED. Be at a desk or kitchen table!
3. Recreate your school schedule, ie:
a. Per. 1 - Math - 9:00 am - 9:50 (10 minute break)
b. Per. 2 - English - 10: 00 am - 10:50 am (10 minute break)
c. Be sure to take 30 minutes for lunch.
4. You can’t use your phone in class or play video games at school, so keep that same
policy each day at home. No phones, or games until the work is done at 4 pm.
5. Use a planner or assignment sheet to keep track of assignments, and due dates. Make
daily and weekly lists of things that need to be done.
6. Spend 10 minutes at the end of each day and show your parents, (not just tell) them
what you did that day and that it was turned in.
7. Communicate with your teachers even if you are just a bit confused. Do not wait until
you get further behind to talk to them. Send each teacher a weekly email, letting them
know how you feel you are doing in their class.
8. If teachers have office hours with a “call in” time or Zoom time, USE IT! Get on and talk
with them. Let them know you are alive and care about their class.
9. Review your grades on ASPIRE each week with your parents. Sit down and show them
grades, percentages, missing assignments, upcoming assignments. Show your parents
each class in CANVAS and how it works. Pick a day and stick with it.
10. Call or email your counselor if you feel there is a disconnect between you and your
teacher. We can help and would love to hear from you.
If you will commit to doing these things I will promise you that you will be successful!