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Beta Script

Beta Testers Sales Script
Using This Document
1. Click ‘File’ (top left corner).
2. Make a copy.
3. Read through this once.
4. Go back and fill in the blank spaces with what is appropriate for your business. There are
examples of what you can say, but you can always ask in the FB group if you’re unsure.
Note: if you have a question, ask it in the FB group. If you want us to audit your sales script after
you have filled in the blanks with what is appropriate for your business - submit a ticket.
5. Delete the examples which are all in [square brackets].
6. Words in Italics are instructions for you.
Tips for your calls:
- Tonality:
Make sure your tone is upbeat and happy throughout the call. No one will ever buy from you if
your tone says, “I had a bad day.”
- Take notes during the call:
As your prospect is talking about their pains, struggles, desires and goals - jot these down so
that later in the conversation you can repeat all of it back to them. This is called “looping.” There
are examples in the script.
- Take payment ON the phone:
Click here for the document which explains how to take payments using Stripe​. You will want to
set this up ASAP.
If you’re signing clients super early on, you can simply take the payment on PayPal while your
phone payment processing is being activated on Stripe. To do this, login to your PayPal, send
your client an invoice, and wait on the line until they have paid it. You will receive an email from
PayPal as soon as it’s paid. Don’t get off the line until that’s done.
Stages Of The Call
1. Small talk
2. Setting expectations
3. Finding out their reason WHY for change
4. 5x7
5. Where the sale begins
- Build credibility (position yourself as e
The expert)
- Impact Switch
- Insights and proof
6. Outline your program and the benefits
7. Impact Scale
8. Asking permission
9. Investment
10. Objection handling
Hey (name)... how’s your day been so far?!
You need to be EXCITED and positive here
Even if they say something you aren’t sure of just be kind and build RAPPORT
Where are you calling from?
Ahhh nice, I’ve always wanted to go to ____. Or Ahhh nice, I love ___.
We are on this call to provide you with some clarity and to see if you are a good fit to
become one of my beta testers I work extremely close with. I want to help you grow and
see success in _______________​,
[the outcome of your program. Ie: “...help you finally lose fat and reach your goal weight” Or
maybe, “...help you grow and see success in reaching your personal goals” or, “... help you
finally get out of debt and see success in your personal finances.” or perhaps, “help you finally
love yourself and attract a partner who will respect you and treat you the way you deserve to be
even if you feel stuck and hopeless right now. So... On these calls, I do like to have a
structure to the conversation.
Is it ok if I ​outline​ them for you?
1. I want to get clear on what your goals are. Not just in the next couple of months… but
also the next 6 months and 12 months… Sound good?
Here they may start talking about their goals - politely interrupt and tell them you are outlining.
2. Epic… So, after that… I want to know what’s happening right now? What’s working,
what’s not, what’s stopping you, what’s slowing you down… And anything which is
preventing you from ____________
[ie: from reaching your goal weight or from finally getting a grip on your finances or preventing
you from finding your forever love]​.
3. Great. Then, finally… Once I know where you are right now… And once I fully
understand exactly where it is that you want to get to… I will be able to see exactly what
the gap is between those things and I will be able to identify how you can get from here
to there… Now, if __________ ​[your program] i​ s the bridge to make that happen… We can
discuss how you can get started today and become one of the people I work extremely
closely with to ensure you have success. How does that sound?
Great… So, (name), I guess my first question is… Why do you want to ___________​ ​[get
the outcome your provide with your offer]​?
Amazing. So you want (something they said) and (something else they said). Is there
anything else?
Brilliant. So, how long have you been trying to achieve _____________ [their goals]?
mmm. So, name, what have you done so far to try and ________ [their burning
Ahh, so you’ve tried _____ and _____, but…. It didn’t work out for you and instead you
wasted ________ [years/months]?
[ie: it didn’t work out from you and instead cost you 7 years of your life? Or 5 months, 7,589
hours -- whatever time they told you above]
Mmm…. Are you satisfied with that?
Summarize their situation [this is where the notes you’ve taken come in play​:
Mmmm exactly. So, all in all, your goals are _____________ but _______________
is holding you back from ________________? Is that right?
[ie: “Your goals are to lose 10 pounds of body fat, build some lean muscles but fad diets and a
general lack of fitness knowledge is what’s holding you back from being able to finally feel
confident? Is that right?” or “you want to be debt free and save 10 grand by the end of the
year, but you’re telling me your current job doesn’t pay you enough and you don’t even know
where to start. And, really, this is what’s holding you back from finally being debt and stress
free? Is that right?” or perhaps, “your goal is to find everlasting love, but you literally have no
idea where to start or how to attract them and that’s holding you back from being happy?”]
How much longer can you keep doing this?
Mmm… So why is right now a good time for you to get started?
That’s great. And you’re right. There will never be a better time than now, huh?
Anything else I need to know?
Where the sale actually begins:
Amazing, so are you, [name], open to some honest, genuine feedback on where you are
right now?
Build Credibility:
Amazing… and look, [name], this isn’t coming from theory, but from
______________________ [your credibility]...
[ie: “working with dozens of clients in the gym for years who reached their weight loss goals and
were able to finally feel confident in their skin.” or “from the years of experience I have in
working towards my own health and fitness goals - from losing 20 pounds, to competeing in
several bodybuilding competitions…” or “from being able to pull myself out of 40 grand in
financial debt and finally be truly financially free.” or “from working with dozens of women who
are now married with children.”]
and I’m not telling you this to impress you, but rather to impress on you that I know
what’s working and it’s not just some random theory.
Does that make sense?
Position yourself as the expert:
I totally get that you believe your problem is [____________________] and that’s why you
can’t _____________. But what I want to challenge you on is that your real problem is
really your ___________.
***Note: 90% of your ideal clients have very similar reasons why they think they can’t reach their
goals and their real problem is typically the same too. So, this is something you can pre-plan
[and write out] so that you’re prepared.***
[ie: “I totally get that you believe your problem is ​eating too many carbohydrates ​and that’s why
you can’t ​lose those 10 pounds.​ But what I want to challenge you on is that your real problem is
really your ​current health and fitness routine.”
or “I totally get that you believe your problem is ​your metabolism ​and that’s why you’ve
plateaued and can’t lose that extra 5 pounds of fat. ​But what I want to challenge you on is that
your real problem is really ​your consistency and lack of knowledge.​”
or “I totally get that you believe your problem is your ​salary ​and that’s why ​you can’t pay off your
debt and be financially free.​ But what I want to challenge you on is that your real problem is
really ​your financial plan.​”
or “I totally get that you believe your problem is the ​models you work with ​and that’s why you
can’t ​snap beautiful photos and charge higher rates​. But what I want to challenge you on is that
your real problem is really ​your camera angles and location choices​”
Or “I totally get that you believe your problem is ​not knowing how to find love​ and that’s why
you’re going to end up being alone forever​… But what I want to challenge you on is that your
real problem is ​really your lack of self love.​”]
The biggest challenge with _________​ ​[outcome goal or industry]​, ​despite _______
[resources, low barrier entry, amount of experts, etc]​, ​is there’s no __________ ​[what do other
people in your industry lack or what does your industry in general lack?]​.
[ie: “the biggest challenge with​ losing weight​, despite ​the amount of resources out there​, is
there’s no ​government regulation on what companies and trainers can tell you​.”
Or “the biggest challenge with ​building muscle​, despite ​the amount of ‘professionals’ in the
industry​, is there is no ​required training or education for trainers to work with you​.”
Or “the biggest challenge with ​becoming debt free​, despite the ​amount of resources out there​, is
the ​lack of financial education for consumers​.”
Or, “the biggest challenge with ​photography​, despite the​ opportunity​, is there is ​no barrier to
Or, “the biggest challenge with ​finding everlasting love​ is, despite the ​sea of people to choose
from​… is how easy it is to ​attract the wrong kind of person​.”]
What that means for you is two fold:
1] If you don’t ________​ ​[root problem]​, ​you will not and can not _____________ ​[​achieve
2] and if you don’t ________​ ​[fix root problem]​, ​you’re never going to __________​ ​[stop
doing what they’re doing]​. A
​ nd if you can’t ___________​ ​[repeat end of last line], ​it means
you won’t be able to _________​ ​[reach end goal]​.
And… if that’s your strategy…. To ____________​ ​[continue what they’re doing]​... ​it’s going
to prevent you from __________ ​[the long term goal]​. ​And that’s your end goal, right? To
_________________​ ​[repeat long term end goal].
[ie: “if you don’t start eating more food and building your muscle to fat ratio, you will not and can
not heal your metabolism.
And if you don’t heal your metabolism, you won’t be able to come out of your plateau. And if you
can’t come out of your plateau, it means you won’t be able to build lean muscle and tone up.
And… if that’s your strategy.. To continue eating too little calories…. It’s going to prevent you
from ever being able to leave the diet stage and move into maintenance later on… and that’s
your end goal, right? To get to a point where you have reached your goal weight and can live a
lifestyle instead of constantly dieting?”
“If you don’t learn how to work with your budget, you will not and can not become debt free.
And if you don’t become debt free, you won’t be able to be financially free. And if you’re never
able to reach financial freedom -- it means you won’t be able to get on top of your finances and
you’re going to continue doing what you’re doing for the rest of you life.
And… if that’s your strategy… to continue blaming your salary and paying the minimum on your
loans… it’s going to prevent you from ever being able to live a stress free and comfortable life
with 0 debt… and that’s your end goal, right? To live stress and financially free?”
Does that make sense?
Insight / Proof:
So what I would do if I were you….. Based on the ___________​ ​[your credibility - ex: dozens
of clients I’ve worked with who successfully lost 20 pounds]​…. ​Is focus on __________ ​[root
problem]​. ​Making sure you’re working on _____________________ which ultimately allows
you to ________________​ ​[short term goal and long term goal]. ​Which is what you want,
[ie: “based on the ​years I spent competing in bodybuilding competitions​… is focus on ​healing
your metabolism​. Making sure you’re working on ​raising your calories and building a foundation
that will allow you to shred the body fat for good​, which ultimately allows you to ​reach your goal
weight and never have to diet again​, which is what you want, right?”
Or “based on the ​dozens of clients I’ve helped become financially free​… is focus on ​building
your financial knowledge​… Making sure you’re working on ​creating a comfortable budget plan
that allows you to continue enjoying life while paying off your debt faste​r… which ultimately
allows you to ​finally be debt free and never worry about financial problems again​.. Which is what
you want, isn’t it?”
Makes sense?
So, at this point, what questions do you have for me? I can walk you through our process
of exactly how we would make that happen A - Z if you would like? But you let me know
where you wanna go.
Usually - they’re going to tell you to walk them through the A - Z. If they start asking Q’s instead,
that’s okay - answer them, then loop and, again, ask if they would like to know the exact steps
of your program.
Outline your program and the benefits:
First we will Next Then Finally Note: after you fill the above section in with the benefits and layout of your program - submit a
ticket so one of the coaches can audit it to ensure it’s compelling to your ideal client.
Don’t make this too long. It should be short and sweet.
[Ie: First we will work on healing your metabolism so you can eat more food while losing weight.
This process will take 2 - 4 weeks of the program as we work on reverse dieting, which I will
help you understand and achieve. During this process, it's common to still see weight loss even
though you’re eating more calories.
Next, we will begin your cut. This is the phase where you should start seeing the weight shed off
Then - while you’re in your cut - I’m going to educate you on exercise and nutrition so that you
can achieve long term goals once the program is over.
Finally - You’ll also receive weekly check in calls with me, a private FB group for support from
women doing the same thing as you, and unlimited text message support through WhatsApp.]
How does this sound?
The Impact Scale:
Great, name. So, on a scale from 1 - 10, how do you feel about this program? With 1
being “this won’t help me at all,” and 10 being, “this is exactly what I need to _______
[achieve goal].
If they’re an 8 - 10 - continue to the next part of the conversation. If they’re not, you need to loop
back and find out why. If it turns out they’re not a good fit, thank them for their time and hang up.
Ask Permission to invite to program:
Amazing! So, after speaking with you today, I’m confident I can help you go from
________ to ________…. And I can officially invite you to join my program and fill my last
beta tester position!
So usually at this point most people want me to go over the investment with them. But I’ll
leave that up to you. Where do you want to take this conversation?
[they’ll almost always ask you to go over the investment]
Amazing name. I have two options, okay?
The first is my launch price. This is for individuals who aren’t quite ready to take the leap
and ______________________ [achieve end goal] and want to let another year go by still
struggling with _____________ [their struggles].
The investment for these people is _________ [add 3 - 5 grand to your beta investment
And then, I have an impact investment. This one is for individuals, such as yourself, who
I know are ready to stop struggling with _________ [their struggles] and finally take the
steps necessary to achieve ___________ [end goal].
Now, because I know you’re ready to ____________ [their personal goal] - I have knocked
_________ grand off the top. The investment for you to get started today is __________
[997 / 1,500 / 1,800 / 2,000 / etc].
Note: if your program is 12 weeks long, the investment you’re asking for [even for beta testers]
should not be under 1,000. PERIOD.
Is this feasible for you?
Note: do ​not​ bring up payment plan or deposit options unless:
They ask for a payment plan option [payment plan should not be longer than the length of your
Or they tell you they need to look into how they can get the money.
If they’re interested but don’t have the funds [even for the first payment] tell them “​ Ahh okay, name no problem. Just to clarify… you’re saying this is something you really
want, right?
Exactly! Now…. I only have one spot left at this investment. And…. I’m not just saying
that because I want your investment. I mean, I have 10 more calls lined up this week and
I’m not worried about filling that spot. Really - this is all about you and what you want to
do…. Now, if you’re serious about this…. I can hold your spot for a small deposit. How
does that sound?
Small deposit = 25% of total investment.
If you’re taking a deposit:
1. Schedule a follow up call while you are still on the phone [for no more than 1 week out].
2. Give them homework [this can be 1 week’s worth of workouts, or a PDF journal type thing for
them to clearly outline their financial situation and goals, etc..]
Giving homework is insurance. If they decide to backout of the follow up call and want
their deposit back - you w
​ ill not t​ ry to talk them out of this through messages/email.
You’ll send them this:
“ahhh I totally understand, name. This kind of thing comes up all the time. Tell you what let’s go ahead and hold our call for __________. This way we can still talk about the
homework I gave you and how it can help you move towards your goals. And listen, if
you don’t want to proceed forward - that’s totally fine man. Whatever you want - no
Then on the call you’ll have a chance to loop back to their problems and re close