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Thermal Energy Movement Worksheet

Name: _________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Class: __________________
Use the graphic organizer below to write a paragraph about the movement of thermal energy. Be sure to include all parts of the graphic organizer.
Guiding Question
TTQA - Turn The Question Around
These sentences become your paragraph when you type them in order!
Heat is…
Define heat
What is heat?
Conduction is…
What is conduction?
One example of conduction is… [give an example from your
Explain conduction
What is an example of conduction?
This is an example of conduction because…
Radiation is...
What is radiation?
An example of radiation is… [give an example from your
Explain radiation
What is an example of radiation?
This is an example of radiation because...
Convection is...
What is convection?
An example of convection is...
8 - 10
Explain convection
What is an example of convection?
This is an example of convection because...
Conduction, convection, and radiation are all similar because…
What do conduction, convection,
and radiation have in common?
11 +
What are the differences between
conduction, convection, and
Conduction, convection, and radiation are all different
When you are done, type your paragraph using Google Docs.
Use the formal paragraph checklist to make sure you are using the correct format.
Print your final draft and turn it in on _________________ .
Name: ______________________________​KEY​________________________________ Date: _________________ Class: __________________
Use the graphic organizer below to write a paragraph about the movement of thermal energy. Be sure to include all parts of the graphic organizer.
Guiding Question
TTQA - Turn The Question Around
These sentences become your paragraph when you type them in order!
Heat is…​the movement of thermal energy from hot to cold.
Define heat
What is heat?
What is conduction?
Conduction is… ​the movement of thermal energy through
direct contact or collision of particles.
One example of conduction is… [give an example from your
Explain conduction
Answers vary
What is an example of conduction?
This is an example of conduction because…
Students must explain that thermal energy moved from a
warmer object to a cooler object through direct contact or
collision of particles.
Radiation is… ​the movement of thermal energy through
electromagnetic waves.
What is radiation?
*Depending on the level you may use the phrase “energy
An example of radiation is… [give an example from your
Explain radiation
Answers vary
What is an example of radiation?
This is an example of radiation because...
Students must explain that thermal energy moved from a
warmer object to a cooler object through energy waves.
What is convection?
Convection is… ​the movement of thermal energy within a fluid
because of the movement of particles of the fluid sinking and
An example of convection is… [give an example from your
8 - 10
Answers vary
Explain convection
What is an example of convection?
This is an example of convection because...
Students must explain that thermal energy moved from a
warmer object to a cooler object through a fluid sinking
because it is cold and more dense and parts of the same fluid
floating because it is hot and less dense.
Conduction, convection, and radiation are all similar because…
What do conduction, convection,
and radiation have in common?
11 +
What are the differences between
conduction, convection, and
All three move thermal energy from hot to cold
Conduction and convection are similar because they
both require matter to move thermal energy
Conduction, convection, and radiation are all different
Conduction and convection both require matter to move
thermal energy
○ Conduction = collision or contact
○ Convection = movement of particles of a fluid
Radiation moves thermal energy through energy waves
and does not require matter to move it
When you are done, type your paragraph using Google Docs.
Use the formal paragraph checklist to make sure you are using the correct format.
Print your final draft and turn it in on _________________ .