Uploaded by Rebecca Hopke

Energy Transfer Worksheet

Lesson 6.1 Energy Transfer Worksheet
Multiple Choice:
Directions: On the line before each question or statement, write the letter of the correct
_________ 1. Most of the energy that reaches Earth from the Sun is
A. visible light
B. ultraviolet light
C. infrared radiation
_________ 2. When the Sun’s energy reaches Earth,
A. most of it is absorbed by clouds
B. more than 90 percent of it is reflected
C. about half of it is absorbed by Earth’s surface.
_________ 3. Which gases are most responsible for the warming that occurs with the
greenhouse effect?
A. nitrogen and oxygen
B. methane and carbon monoxide
C. carbon dioxide and water vapor
_________ 4. The total energy of the particles in an object due to their random motion
is called what?
A. Thermal energy
B. Heat
C. Latent heat
Directions: On the line before each definition, write the letter of the term that matches it
correctly. Each term is only used once.
_______ 5. transfer of thermal energy between objects
A. Conduction
when their atoms or molecules collide.
B. Radiation
C. Convection
_______ 6. transfer of thermal energy by the movement
D. Greenhouse effect
of heated material from one place to another.
______ 7. natural heating of Earth’s surface
______ 8. transfer of thermal energy by electromagnetic waves.
Directions: label each blank with what form of energy transfer is shown between
radiation, convection, and conduction.