Quran Preservation & Islamic Law: Exam Q&A

Q: Write about the
preservation of Quran in
the form of mushaf held by
During the Caliphate of
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique
Muslims fought the battle
of Yamama against a false
prophet Musailma in which
many Huffaz were
martyred those who had
the Quran in their memory.
After the battle, Hazrat
Umer suggested the caliph
to preserve the Quran in
one book. Hazrat Abu Bakr
at first hesitated and
said that "he will not do the
job left undone by the Holy
Prophet N' but he soon
realized that it is the
necessity of time to
compile the Quran in a
book. This honorable
job was given to Hazrat
Zaid bin Thabit O, the
principal scribe along with
others. It was
such an honorable and a
responsible job that Hazrat
Zaid said that "By God if
the Caliph had asked me to
move the mountain from
its place it would have been
far easier
for me then the
compilation of Holy
Hazrat Abu Bakr asked that
those companions who
have the written verses of
the Quran must bring to
the office to compile in one
book so all the companions
took this job very seriously
and submitted all that they
wrote in the presence of
the Holy Prophet and
checked by him. The whole
of the Holy Quran was
prepared by Hazrat Zaid
Thabit. He used a very
strict criterion to check the
authenticity of the verses
to avoid
any mistake. This first and
original copy was kept with
the first Khalifa Hazrat Abu
then handed over to Hazrat
Umer lastly it was
transferred to Hazrat Hafsa
safe custody and thus it
came to be known as
Mus'haf-e-Hafsa, Hazrat
Hafsa's copy of
Q: 'Memorising the Qur'an
is no longer important
because the Qur'an is
preserved as a book.'
Discuss whether you agree
or disagree with statement,
giving reasons for your
I strongly disagree with
this statement, the printed
Quran is used only for
reference at
any time. It is memorized
by large number of
Muslims to be recited every
time in the
lives and especially to be
recited in the month of
Ramadan. It is Muslims
traditional to memorize
Quran, Hazrat Umer made
it compulsory to recite it by
heart in Taraweeh
prayers in month of
Ramadan. Those who recite
Quran in month of
Ramadan are highly
rewarded. The meaning of
the word Quran is also a
book which is constantly
recited in Muslims lives. It
is necessary to memorize
Quran or its Surahs to
recite in daily prayers
because these stand void
without recitation of
Quran. Holy Prophet said
"Prayer is incomplete
without Fatiha" Reciting
Quran from memory is the
best way to remember
Allah. Reciting Quran from
memory by large group of
Muslims ensure no chances
of inaccuracies.
q: Do you think that both
ijma' and qiyas are equally
important for solving
present day issues? Give
reasons for your answer{
Yes both Ijma and Qiyas are
equally important to solve
present day issues, the
Sources such as Quran and
Hadith strongly encourage
to use them to solve every
Verse says "take council
with them in the conduct of
affairs" it teaches that if
face any problem which
has no guidance in either
Quran or Hadith then they
solve that with mutual
consultation. Ijma is
important source because
it is democratic
way to find solution to
everyday problems and it
keeps the Muslim
community united.
These sources have been
being used right from the
time of the four pious
caliphs. Qiyas
is important because in this
the actual teachings of
Quran and Hadith are used
to a new
shariah problem if it has
common reasons. Quran
supports its use as says
"There are
signs in this (Quran) for
man of understanding".
Qiyas is important because
it allows Muslims to use
their reasoning to find
solutions of their problems
by applying primary
Q: what do you know about
the tafseer of the quran{
The tafseer gives the
perfect explanation of the
Holy quran .the tafseer of
the companion is
extremely important
because the directly learnt
it from the holy prophet}
the tafseer of the followers
of the companion is also
important because the took
it from the companion who
heard and memorized from
holy prophet himself{