A PROJECT REPORT ON "COMPUTER NUMERICAL CONTROL(CNC) MILLING AND TURNING FOR MACHINING PROCESS submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree in Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering submitted by J.Srikanth 19P75A0366 K.Satish 19P75A0353 P.Sai Sharan Chary 19P75A0349 under the guidance of Mr. Abhiman Asst. Professor SVIT SECUNDERABAD Department of Mechanical Engineering SWAMI VIVEKANANDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Patny centre,S.D Road,Secunderabad VISHWA BHARATHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Patny centre,S.D Road,Secunderabad Department of Computer Science and CERTIFICATE Engineering This is to certify that the project isa bonafide work carried Anirudh out by work entitled "SECURITY IN LARGE NETWORKS" Ms. M. Raveena Reddy (097F1A0514), Mr. N. Sai Reddy (097F1A0515) and Mr. K. Sai Reddy (097F1A0516) of CSE, Vishwa Bharathi Institute of (Dist), the The in & Sciences, Technology accordance with the degree academic Bachelor of project report has not Nadergul (V), been requirement Technology submitted to in any Saroor of Il year Computer other Nagar (M), II semester for the award of Science and University or the Department Internal Guide Mr. Anil Kumar, (M.Tech) Mr. V Shiva Asst. Professor Narayana Reddy, (Ph.D) Assoc. Professor Internal Examiner External Examiner KV ITSOLUnONS KVIT SOLUTIONNS Ref kvitlcer/16627 DATE18/1O/2012 Engineering. other Institute. VBal Head of Ranga Reddy CERTIFICATE This is INSTITUTE in to certify that OF "SECURITY sOLUTIONS", the fallowing students"vISHWA BHARATHI TECHNOLOGY IN LARGE From AND SCIENCES" NETWORK" as have completed part of their mini their Project Project at "KV IT 10/08/2012 TO 11/09/2012. 097F1A0514 Mr.RAVEENA.M1 ANIRUDH REDDY.N 097F1A0515 Mr.SAI Mr.SAI REDDY.K 097F1A0516 Conduct during Project Was Satisfactory. uman.T OLTMAN TALLADA HRMANAGER ABAD #404, 4th FLOOR, KONARK TOWERS, DILSUKNAGAR,500060 CONTACT:040-64634266,8885307656 www.kvitsolutions.in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS gratefully acknowledge Mr. V Shiva Narayana Reddy, (Ph.D), Head of the We Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Technology & Sciences for suggesting and Vishwa Bharathi Institute of giving an opportunity to work on this project entitled 'Project Title'. Anil Kumar, Asst. Professor for his valuable guidance (M.Tech), We also thank Mr. and validation of the all rendered in phases including design, implementation, testing valuable of and the project. The inputs support given by Departunent Computer Science and Engineering in the realization of the product and also in documents enable us to complete the project in time. Ms. M. Raveena Reddy Mr. N. Sai Anirudh Reddy IIT. No. 097F1A0514 Mr. K. Sai Reddy HT. No. 097F1A0516 IT. No. 097F1A0515 Anil Kumar, Asst. Professor for his We also thank Mr. (M.Tech), valuable all guidance rendered in phases including design, implementation, testing and validation of the valuable of and the project. The inputs support given by Departunent CONTENTS S.No 1.1 1.2 ParticularsPage No Introduction About the Benefits Implicit Project of Three Party Authentications and Explicit Organization Profile 9 11 System Analysis 3.1 Existing System for key Quantum Cryptography Distributed Protocol using 3.2 Limitations of Existing System 3.3 Proposed System 3.4 Advantages of Proposed Systemn Problem Formulation 14 4.1 Objectives 4.2 Software Requirement Specifications 4.3 Software Description 24 System Design 5.1 Design Overview 5.2 Context Diagram 5.3 Data Flow Diagram 5.4 Architectural Design 5.5 Sequence Diagram 5.6 Usecase Diagram 4 6 System Testing 6.1 Unit Testing 6.2 Integration Testing 6.3 Acceptance Testing Literature survey 32 35 45 Implementation Conclusion 10 Screen Shots 11 Bibliography 5 47 48 54 ABSTRACT Three Party Authentications for key Distributed Protocol using Implicit and Explicit Quantum Cryptography 3AQKDPMA (cxplicit) quantum Abstraet: The combination of 3AQKDP (implieit) cryptography is used to and provide authenticated secure communication between sender and receiver. quantum In quantum cryptography, mechanisms to distribute session key and distribution discussions to keys public and verify the correctness of a session key. However, public quantum discussions require protocols (QKDPs) cmploy check for eavesdroppers additional communication rounds between a sender and receiver. The advantage of quantum cryptography casily user authentication, uscrs and start. resists replay and passive attacks. which ensures that confidentiality mutual authentication is achieved only A 3AQKDP is with only possible after secure communication using implicit for legitimate the session key In implicit quantum key distribution protocol(3AQKDP) have two phases such as setup phase and distribution phase to provide thrce party authentication with secure session key distribution. In this system there is no mutual understanding between sender and receiver. Both sender and receiver should communicalc over trusted center. In explicit quantum key distribution protocol (3AQKDPMA) have two phascs such as setup phase and distribution phase to provide three party authentications with secure session key distribution. I have mutual understanding between sender and receiver. Both sender and receiver should communicate directly with authentication of trusted center. Disadvantage of separate process 3AQKDP and 3AQKDPMA were provide the authentication identily the only for message, to identily threads in the session seeurity the security threads in the message. Not key. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1ABOUT THE PROJECT KEY distribution between users on protocols are communication communication is possible problems a exist in used to facilitate networks. on insecure legitimate participant session session By using these shared public poorly designed key malicious attacker may derive the session sharing secret networks. However, distribution key from the cannot ensure that the received keys keys, secure various protocols; for security example, key distribution process. A session key is correct or fresh and a legitimate participant cannot confirm the identity of the other participant. Designing sccure key distribution protocols in communication security is a top priority. In some key distribution protocols, two users obtain a shared session key via a trusted center (TC). Since three parties (tw users and one TC) are involved in session key negotiations, these protocols are called three-party key distribution protocols, as in contrast with two-party protocols where only the sender and receiver are involved in session key negotiations. In classical eryptography, three-party key distribution protocols utilize challengeresponse mechanisms or timestamps. However, challengeresponse mechanisms require at least two communication rounds between the TC and participants, and the timestamp approach needs the assumption of clock synchronization which is not practical in distributed systems (due to the unpredictable nature of network delays and potential hostile attacks). Furthermore, classical cryptography cannot detect the existence of passive attacks such as cavesdropping. On the contrary, a quantum channel eliminates eavesdropping, and, therefore, replay attacks. This fact can then be used to mechanisms to a other based on reduce the number of rounds of protocols challenge-response trusted center (and not only three-party authenticated key distribution protocols). In quantum cryptography, quantum key listributionprotocols (QKDPs) employ mechanisms to distribute session discussions to check for and cavesdroppers quantunm keys public additional discussions and the correctness ol a session require verily key. However, public communication rounds between a sender and receiver and cost