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Green Building: Objectives, Benefits & Financial Outlook

Green building (also known as green construction or sustainable building)
refers to both a structure and the application of processes that
are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's
life-cycle: from planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance,
renovation, and demolition.
The objective of green buildings is to reduce
the overall impact of the built environment
on human health and the natural
environment by:
Efficiently using energy, water, and other
Protecting occupant health and improving
employee productivity.
Reducing waste, pollution
and environmental degradation
Using renewable energy, recyclable and recycled products is the idea of
green buildings.
The green building utilize renewable resources, such as passive solar, active
solar, photovoltaic equipment, green roofs, rain gardens, and reducing
Why Green Building ?
Conventional structure is responsible for 39% emission according to WGBC
As per Mazria, USA consumes 48% energy in architectures
Five billion square feet goes every year in construction in USA
Better working environment with improved productivity
Low toxic gas emission through better materials used
Less health issue recorded in Green building
Low electricity and water bills
Long term return on investment
Growing population
Demand for housing and
Environmental impact
directly and indirectly
Personal Health
Thinking Money
 Construction and certification
 Financial encouragements from the
 Real Estate or Monetary value
encouragements from
the government
Subsidized purchases on construction
Tax benefits
Environmental effectiveness vs costeffectiveness from a societal
perspective taken from (ÜrgeVorsatz D., 2007)
Hindrances in Green approach
Less awareness about the green building
Misconception about this approach
Higher cost compared to conventional
Low materials demand
Difficulty in finding the contractors
New ways to approach
Focus on the long term effect
Design to get a decent certification for the building
Architects should convince management by cost efficiency
Promoting health benefits
Longer life cycle
climate change is real and it affects people
everyone has the responsibility to open our eyes in the direction of
transforming the way that we perceive the world.
The concept of Green Buildings envision a new approach to save water,
energy and material resources in the construction and maintenance of the
buildings and can reduce or eliminate the adverse impact of buildings on the
environment and occupants.
green buildings not only lead towards a sustainable construction and
environment but it additionally delivers tons of benefits and advantages to
the building owners and the users. It contributes towards lower development
costs, lower operating costs, healthier indoor environment quality, and boost
durability and much less maintenance costs
Leskinen, N., Vimpari, J., & Junnila, S. (2020). A Review of the Impact of Green
Building Certification on the Cash Flows and Values of Commercial Properties. sustainability.
Sun, C.-Y., Chen, Y.-G., Wang, R.-J., Lo, S.-C., Yau, J.-T., & Wu, Y.-W. (2019).
Construction Cost of Green Building Certified Residence: A Case Study in Taiwan.
Ürge-Vorsatz D., K. S. (2007). Appraisal of policy instruments for reducing
buildings' CO 2 emissions. Building Research & Information.
Hawthorne, C. (2019, sep 10). from metropolis archive: Architects pollute .
Retrieved from Metropolis
The objective of green buildings is to reduce the overall impact
of the built environment on human health and the natural
environment by:
Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources
Protecting occupant health and improving employee
Reducing waste, pollution and environmental