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Kitchen Safety Worksheet: Vocabulary & Scenarios

Chapter 6 Kitchen Safety
Directions: Match each key term to its definition. Write the term in the space provided.
Content Vocabulary
Poison control center
First aid
Heimlich maneuver
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
1. This means easy to catch fire. Flammable
2. A lifesaving technique that is used to help restart someone’s breathing and heartbeat is called
3. A medical facility that gives free advice about handling poison emergencies is a PCC.
4. This substance kills insects or other pests. Pesticide
5. This word is another word for proper. Appropriate
6. This word is another word for very important. Crucial
Fresh aid is immediate care that prevents more injury and relieves pain.
8. This is a substance that works against a poison. antidote
9. If someone is choking, knowing this life-saving technique is essential. Heimlich maneuver
Chapter 6 Kitchen Safety
Directions: Read the scenario about seven common safety errors. Write seven safety errors that
Claire made, the type of accident that could have been caused, and what she should have done
Claire was making tacos for supper. She needed the largest skillet for the taco meat, so
she climbed on a kitchen chair to reach it. While the meat was browning, she covered it.
Then she checked its progress by tipping the cover toward her to look at the meat. Then
Claire drained the grease from the browned meat. She spilled some of the grease on the
floor, but was in too much of a hurry to wipe it up. Claire had spilled the grease because
the skillet handle was loose. She used a utility knife to tighten the loose screw on the
handle. Claire then bent back the lid and removed the olives for slicing. She chopped
the onions and lettuce. Then she preheated the oven to warm the taco shells. As she
reached for the grater for the cheese, the knife started to fall off the counter. Claire tried
to catch it, but it bounced off her shoe. Luckily she was wearing leather shoes. Thinking
the oven wouldn’t be very hot yet, Claire opened the oven door and pulled the rack out
with her right hand.
1. List the safety errors.
She climbed on a chair
2. Type of accident?
3. What should Claire have done?
Chapter 6 Kitchen Safety
Directions: Watch the following video on What Not To Do In A Kitchen Fire and take notes on
what is discussed during the video. Then carefully read and answer the questions below.
1. What is the leading cause of fires? _________________________________________.
2. Stay and _____________________ when you ___________________________.
3. List the three steps to take if a grease fire starts on the stove:
4. DO NOT use _________________________ on a grease fire or ________________________
the pan from the ______________________.
5. You need to have a ______________________ because you just do not know when a fire will
6. Fire officials also say you should have ________________________________ in your home.