Uploaded by Carina Diaz

Day of the Dead Altar Assignment for Spanish 2

Spanish 2- Building an altar in memory/honor of a loved one…
As all of you know, learning a language is much more than just learning to speak. It is also
learning about other cultures, and in this case, learning about Hispanic/Latino Culture.
Therefore, in this class we have several Cultural Diversity projects. Our second cultural project
is for El Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead.
Creating an altar. An altar is an integral part of the Day of the Dead celebration. Your task will
be to create an altar in an area in your home. First do the following:
Decide for whom the altar is. This may be a loved one, a famous person, an animal, etc.
Plan the creation of your altar
Create your altar.
Videotape it. You will video tape and describe your altar. (30 seconds to 1 minute)
Upload the video to the class padlet: Period 4 Period 5
Share the videos will be shared in class on November 2nd and 3rd.
Every altar should follow all the requirements of a traditional altar – remember, it must be
authentic, but personalize it!
1. Papel Picado
2. Vela
3. Cempazuchitl
4. Calaveras de Azúcar
5. Pan de Muerto
6. A photograph of the deceased
7. Something to drink
8. Something to eat
9. Ofrendas (items of particular interest to the deceased)
***None of these items have to be real – feel free to think outside the box and make a cup of
water out of Play-Doh, or make cempazuchitl flowers out of paper, etc. Get creative!
Extra Items (Challenge yourself!)
1. Arch in the back
2. A path leading up to the altar (should be attached to the altar)
3. Calacas
Información y ejemplos de Altares