Uploaded by Deanna Jordan

Día de los Muertos – Tribute Project 2022

Día de los Muertos – Tribute Project
• To analyze celebrations from Latin America and their value to culture.
• To create a collective tribute to the important people in our lives to build a community of mutual support and respect.
• To create a creative, artistic, and thoughtful tribute to a deceased person (or animal) who made an important impact on our lives.
*To learn to cope with grief in a tangible way
Final Product:
• A Día de los Muertos display honoring a deceased person or animal who has made an impact in our lives.
You may choose to complete this assignment 1 of the 2 ways listed below
A. as part of a class display (follow instructions 1 and 2)
B. individually(follow instructions 1,2, and 3) (extra points awarded)
Due date: Monday, Oct 31, 2022 (brought to class)
1. Collect photos of the person/animal you wish to honor. Please make a copy of any 1 of a kind photos of family members- we don’t
want to take the chance of them getting lost or destroyed.
2. Collect or make at least 3 items from the list below that can be used to memorialize the person you have chosen to honor.
(supplies available upon request)
Collect or make 3 items from
list below***
***None of these items have to be real – feel free to think outside the box
and make a cup of water out of Play-Doh, or make cempazuchitl flowers out
of tissue paper, etc. Get creative
1. Papel Picado
5. items of particular interest to
the deceased
2. Velas
6. Pan de Muerto
3. Cempazuchitl
7. Something to drink
For example, if the person played the
guitar you could add a picture or a
miniature toy guitar
If the person had a favorite NON
ALCOHOLIC beverage you can add it or
a picture
4. Calaveras de
8. Food the person/animal
enjoyed/Obviously we don’t
want flies or spoiled food in the
display so a picture or
clay/playdough model of this will
be fine
of it.
3. If you choose to complete this assignment individually your final product should look something like these examples below:
Cover a small box with wrapping or tissue paper then create your display. You will receive bonus points for completing the
assignment individually.
The display must have
1. The 3 (or more) items collected or made in the previous list by pasting them to the inside of your box in an artful
2. The photo/s
3. Label your project with your name on an index card on the back
An arch and/or parth
leading to the display
at the back of the
display should be
included in the
Due Date: Monday, October 31, 2022
Grade: 40 points
24 puntos
30 puntos
40 puntos
Altar has a photo but less than 3 elements of
an authentic Mexican altar and/or is displayed
with minimal care.
Altar has a photo and at least three elements
of an authentic Mexican altar but is displayed
with a lack of color or without adequate
attention to the artistic display.
Altar has the photo plus three or more
elements of an authentic Mexican altar and
they are all displayed artfully and colorfully with