Uploaded by Ananya Nair


Put the boxes in the correct order of the
process of hormones
Endocrine system
Pituitary gland
Use the pictures to explain Ditzen's study
Ditzen revision
Use the pictures to
Baumgartner's study
The role of
one gene on
Identify the debate
• You already know that in the introduction you should refer to the
command term. E.g This essay will discuss how genes influence depression
with reference to research by ____________ and _____________.
• In 22 markers, you are required to identify the debate in your introduction
• This only needs be a sentence. For example:
There is debate as to whether genes influence depression or whether it
could be due to environmental factors.
This essay will discuss how genes influence depression with reference to
research by Caspi and Chiao and Blizinsky/Troy
One of the principles of the Biological
Approach is that behaviour can be inherited.
 In early psychology debates, behaviour was seen
as either nature or nurture.
 Today it’s more of an interactionist approach.
 Diathesis stress model: Belief that we often have
a genetic vulnerability to a disorder, and if we
experience the right environmental stressors,
then these genes will be expressed. (think back to
Fill in the gaps
• A gene is a segment of ______ in a particular location on a ________ that
acts by directing the synthesis of proteins. The human genome (the whole of
human DNA) has approximately 20,000‐25,000 genes contained on _____
pairs of chromosomes. Genes have been shown to affect human behaviour,
but not _______: there are no genes ‘for’ any behaviour – no genes for
depression or alcoholism, for example. What there is instead is inheritance of
a particular _________ to stress, maybe, or the effects of a particular
neurotransmitter or group of neurotransmitters, which are in turn affected by
genetically‐inherited ____________ (changes) on neurotransmitter
transporter genes. The theory that will be evaluated in this essay is that
genes and environment interact to affect behaviour.
What is the nature vs
nurture debate?
In Psychology, it’s generally accepted that both sides
must be considered when looking at human
behaviour (even by biological psychologists)
A genetic predisposition
An environmental trigger
Certain characteristic
Genetics: background theory
• Behaviour is the interaction of genetic inheritance and environmental
• We inherit our DNA – from our parents. However, when psychologists
argue that behaviour may be inherited, what exactly does that mean?
• What is inherited is the genes that give rise to the development of specific
physiological processes that contribute to specific traits and behaviour. It
is not probable that a single gene is responsible for such complex
behaviours as intelligence, criminal behaviour, altruism or attachment.
Instead, what is inherited may be the building blocks for such
complex behaviours.
Diathesis stress model
• Psychologists argue that an individual may have a
genetic predisposition towards a certain behaviour; however, without the
appropriate environmental stimuli, the gene is not “turned on” and the
behaviour is not expressed.
• This model argues that depression may be the result of the interaction of a
“genetic predisposition” and environmental stress. The model predicts
that an individual with certain genes, when exposed to a stressful
environment, is more likely to develop depression than someone who does
not have those genes.
Mental health jam jar
Look at the image on the right.
Think about this - what might be
people's mental health vulnerabilities
and stressors?
Do you think that you can have any
biological vulnerabilities?
Genetic inheritance
• Genetic arguments are based on the principle of
inheritance. Genes and their DNA are passed down from
parents to their offspring, with 50% of our genes being
inherited from each parent.
• Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with
approximately 20.000 – 25.000 genes.
• We now know this number as a result of the worldwide
research initiative started in 1990 called
the Human Genome Project.
• The project which was completed in 2004, maps the
sequences of the human genome. While this is an
important step in understanding the complexity of human
behaviour e.g. developing treatments, the exact role of
specific genes in many behaviours remains unknown.
For a 9 marker,
use this study
 Caspi – 5HTT gene
 Chiao and Blizinsky – cultural differences
😕 Troy – individual differences in terms of emotional
Deeper critical thinking
- Cultural dimensions may protect against the genetic vulnerability/ or may lead to stigma
(Chiao and Blizinsky study)
- Emotional regulation is important (Troy study)
- The neurogenesis theory: role of cortisol
- Gender differences in expression of the gene
- Implications: epigenetics and passed onto next generation
- Reductionism: ignores cognitive factors in depression e.g. negative schemas. However,
Caspi’s study is more holistic as it considers the relationship between genes and
5htt gene and depression
• Write down 4 symptoms of depression
• An affective (mood) disorder that negatively
affects how you feel, the way you think and
how you act. Symptoms include:
- Fatigue and decreased energy
- Feelings of worthlessness
- Insomnia
- Over eating and loss of appetite
- Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings
- Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once
Prevalence of depression
• Depression is higher in women than men
- Women are nearly twice as likely as men to
be diagnosed with depression
• Depression is higher in the West than the
- Rates of clinical depression are greater in the
West than in the East. The majority of
easterners do not know the names of mental
Study recap CASPI
• Which country were the participants from?
New Zealand
• Between which ages was their depression monitored?
21 and 26
• The participants with 2 short alleles only reported more depression if they
experienced a…
Family member with depression
Environmental stressor
• This study was quasi.
Poor diet
Fill in the blanks on
Caspi’s study
Linking back to the question
• How are you going to use this study in an essay? Write an explanation
of the findings and link back to the question below:
‘Discuss the role of genes in behaviour’
Participants with 2 alleles of the 5HTT were more likely to experience depression in the presence of an
environmental stressor. This is because the 2 short alleles, increases the reuptake of serotonin from the
synapse before it’s had a chance to attach to receptors on the post-synaptic neuron. There demonstrates
the influence of the 5HTT gene on the behaviour of depression, as this behaviour wasn’t seen in
participants with two long alleles. However it is important to note that the gene only influenced
behaviour when an environmental trigger was present e.g. losing one’s job. This suggests that the
diathesis stress model may be at play here, where the gene provides a vulnerability to depression and the
environment is the trigger. Overall, this shows how genes can influence behaviour.
PEEL one of the evaluation points below for
Caspi’s study
Question to link back to: Discuss the role of genes on
Point – There are weaknesses to this study
Evidence – This is because the research method of Caspi’s study was
Explain – This is bad because
and the results may actually be due to extraneous variable like
Link: Therefore, this study
Question to link back to: Discuss the role of genes on
Point – There are weaknesses to this study
Evidence – This is because the research method of Caspi’s study
was correlational
Explain – This is bad because it becomes difficult to determine
cause and effect, and the results may actually be due to
extraneous variable like, family and friend support at home and in
their social lives.
Link: Therefore, this study may provided limited evidence about
the influence of the 5HTT gene on the likelihood of depression.
1) What does the
5HTT gene do? Use
the picture on the
2) What are 2 short
alleles on the 5HTT
gene thought to
do? Use the picture
Read Chiao and Blizinsky study on page 31
• How are you going to use this study in an essay? Write an explanation and link
back to the question below:
‘Discuss the role of genes in behaviour’
The participants in the East who had a higher prevalence of the 2 short
alleles on the 5HTT gene actually had a lower prevalence of depression. This
counters the idea that the two short alleles increases serotonin reuptake,
which as a result would lead to less serotonin attaching to receptors and
passing on the message to stabilise mood. Therefore, this suggests that the
role of the 5HTT may not play a large role in depression, and instead the
environment may be more influential.
Read Chiao and Blizinsky study on page 31
• However, you want to be critical – you can offer alternative conclusions. See below
However, it is worth nothing that there may be some reasons for this. Firstly collectivist cultures value the group
over the individual, so perhaps the emotional symptoms of depression have been addressed internally by the
group, and the support they receive from the group minimises the effect of the gene on their behaviour. In line
with the diathesis stress model – perhaps the support from the group is a protective factor against the 2 short
alleles, meaning the gene does not sole behaviour , only a genetic vulnerability.
Alternatively, there is a stigma about depression in a lot of Eastern cultures, so perhaps the 2 short alleles on the
5HTT does increasing depressive behaviour but it is being under reported.
To address this, data triangulation should take place where the study is repeated with some other collectivist
countries and more participants to see if the results can be replicated. If they can, then it’s likely these results
are valid.
Or, method triangulation could be conducted where a follow up anonymous questionnaire could be conducted
to gain some richer insight into potential depressive symptoms, without the fear of stigma from the disorder.
2 short alleles was the children’s genetic vulnerability, the high stress environment was the
environmental trigger – BUT there’s a 3rd factor that may prevent the development of the disorder
Troy: read the study on page 33
• How are you going to use this study in an essay? Write an explanation and link
back to the question below:
‘Discuss the role of genes in behaviour’
At-risk children (those who carried 2 short alleles on the 5HTT gene and who lived in high stress environments)
exhibited more depressive symptoms than other groups. Importantly, at-risk children who used effective
emotion regulation did not exhibit increased depressive symptoms.
This suggests that the two short alleles on the 5htt gene provides a genetic vulnerability to depression, as
serotonin is being re-uptaken too soon before it has had the chance to attach to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron. The diathesis stress model is at play here too and it suggests there may be a 3rd variable
involved. If you have the genetic vulnerability for depression and also a stressful environment, emotional
regulation may be an extremely important protective factors against the disorder. Given that emotion
regulation is learnable, these results also have strong public-health implications. This suggests that genetics
may influence depression, but that learnt traits may have a bigger contribution to the onset of the disorder.
• Cortisol is the body’s stress
hormone. The higher your
levels the higher your stress.
• It’s produced by the
hypothalamus, which makes
__________ hormones, which
go to the pituitary gland which
makes ___________ hormones
which target the adrenal gland.
An example of how hormones affect a
response (fight/flight)
HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal).
- Your hypothalamus instructs the pituitary to tell the
adrenals to make hormones such as adrenaline, which is
released during the fight or flight stress response.
Can you apply
any of these
points below to
the research by
Maguire or
For deeper critical
Reductionism – Is it focusing on behaviour being caused by one small factor or one approach?
Individual differences – Not necessarily everyone may behave in the same way. Can you think
of any examples of different behaviour?
Cultural differences – Does it explain the behaviour of people in a different culture? How might
different cultures behave? Give some examples
Triangulation – (data, method, researcher). Use this in response to issues with sample size,
type of sample or research method used. This can attach itself to population/ecological validity
Assumptions – What assumptions are being made? E.g. that the questionnaire collected
natural responses. Could their behaviour be influenced by something else?
• RICTA – reductionist to think genes influence behaviour – depression
could be caused by negative schemas or stressful life events.
• RICTA – individual differences. Some people who 2 short alleles on the
5HTT gene may not develop depression, even in the presence of a
stressful life event
• RICTA – data triangulation and cultural differences: most research is
conducted with young samples in the west. Repeat to see if the
findings are reliable
• RICTA – assumptions: measures of depression usually rely on
questionnaires. This could be subject to social desirability bias,
especially if there’s stigma surrounding mental health. Method
triangulation could follow up with an anonymous questionnaire where
participants might feel more comfortable disclosing information
Deeper critical thinking - Gender differences in
what triggers the gene (Leppert, 2016)
• Boys and girls carrying the short 5-HTTLPR allele react to different kinds of
environmental factors.
- Males affected by: living in public housing rather than in own owned
homes/ living with separated parents
- Females affected by: traumatic conflicts within the family.
• Second, the responses of males and females carrying the short 5-HTTLPR
allele to environmental stress factors go in opposite directions. Whereas
females tend to develop depressive symptoms, males seem to be protected
from depression – is this because there’s stigma??
• Conclusion: both the molecular and the psychosocial mechanisms
underlying depression may differ between boys and girls.
Deeper critical thinking (research support for
diathesis stress model in elderly) (Munin, 2005)
• Short alleles are a predictor of depression in elderly people following a hip
• Prospective, observational study of 23 elderly rehabilitation-hospital patients
during their inpatient stay. Depressive symptoms were assessed by Hamilton
Rating Scale for Depression . Subjects were grouped according to the alleles on
their 5HTT gene.
• Results: Subjects with a short allele on the 5htt gene had significantly higher
depression scores over 14 weeks of follow-up.
• Depressive symptoms and major depressive disorder in elderly persons after a
stressful medical event may be associated with 5-HTTLPR genotype. This finding
requires confirmation in a larger sample.
• But does fit with Caspi’s argument that you need a stressful life event to trigger
the onset of depressive symptoms. Hip fracture could be the stressful life event.
What about epigenetics?
Gene expression
• Not all genes are expressed at all times.
• Genes can be switched on and off. This is gene
regulation, resulting in differential gene expression.
• Regulation of gene expression results in epigenetic
changes which can be attributed to the
environmental influences, and in this sense, it is a
study of how nurture affects nature.
• Therefore, having a gene for a particular behaviour,
does not necessarily mean that an individual will
exhibit that behaviour
Epigenetics: A branch
of genetics that
focuses on "gene
expression" - that is,
how environmental
factors may
"activate" genes.
What causes genes to be switched on or off?
Signals from inside or outside the body can
cause genes to be switched off or on.
• Internal signals: Presence of hormones, other
chemicals and presence of other genes.
• External signals: Environmental events such
as temperature, sunlight, diet, stress and
physical activity
Genes are constantly being switched on and off
in response to internal and external cues.
Real world example
Plastic in the environment is influencing the physiology of
unborn children by influencing their genetic expressions
Essay plan task
• Write an essay plan for the
following question:
Outline the role of one gene in
• Write an essay plan for the
following question:
Discuss the role of one gene in
Outline the role of one gene in behaviour
- Refer to command term (but be explicit to say the one gene you are
focusing on (5HTT gene) and the behaviour you’re focusing on
(depression)/ what are genes/ nature vs nurture debate/ diathesis stress
model/ what is depression/ the 5HTT gene and what it does/ what 2 short
alleles are thought to do
Study: Caspi (for a 9 marker)
- Introducing sentence: There has been research to support the role that
genes have on behaviour
- Aim, procedure
- Findings and conclusion: these need to be detailed (see slide 31).
Discuss the role of one gene in behaviour
- Refer to command term (but be explicit to say the
one gene you are focusing on (5HTT gene) and the
behaviour you’re focusing on (depression)/ what are
genes/ nature vs nurture debate/ diathesis stress
model/ what is depression/ the 5HTT gene and what
it does/ what 2 short alleles are thought to do
Study 1: Caspi
- Introducing sentence: There has been research to
support the role that genes have on behaviour
- Aim, procedure
- Findings and conclusion: these need to be detailed
(see slide 31).
- PEELS e.g. it’s more holistic than reductionist as it
considers environment and genetics by referring to
the diathesis stress model
- PEELS e.g. Depression is not age specific and so data
triangulation should be conducted with an older
sample, or the same sample, to see whether the
vulnerability of the gene for depression lasts later on
into life.
Study 2: Chiao and Blizinsky
- Introducing sentence: However, unlike the
last study just done in one culture, the
following research was conducted crossculturally and found that the gene may not
contribute towards the onset of depression
- Aim, procedure, findings and conclusion (as
detailed as on slide 36)
- Critical thinking: offer the alternative
explanations on slide 37. Could include one
more PEEL if you want
Discussion: Lots of potential points to use
here depending on time
- Could include an additional piece of
research support from slides 38, 44, 45
- The cortisol point on slide 40-41 is a
REALLY good one to make, so I would try to
prioritise this.