Uploaded by Daniel Vargas

Group Study vs. Studying Alone: Benefits of Group Learning

Do you prefer to study alone or in a group?
Everyone has their own preference about the study method, and all of them have
specific benefits. I am of the opinion that it is better to study in a group than to study
alone. I feel this way for three principal reasons, which I will explore in the following
First of all, studying in groups helps us a solution to procrastination, because the
groups meet at regular times so attending students cannot procrastinate. Also, if alone,
a student may possibly postpone studying until the last minute. But when in a study
group, students must be present at a specific time, and be prepared to exchange
knowledge with the other students.
Not only is valuable to study in a group so we do not procrastinate but also because it
helps you to learn faster than working alone. For instance, some part of the book that
seems extremely hard to understand could be a lot clearer to another student. For
example, in a study group, you can learn rapidly by just asking a question to a member
of the group, instead of spending a lot of time trying to understand it by your own.
In conclusion to study in a group helps people not to procrastinate, because you will
stay on top of your subject during the semester, it is a real plus when exam is nearby
and also you can help your friends when they have difficulties to understand something
that you do. Therefore, I strongly recommend to study in a group if you want to improve
your knowledge and use better your time.