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2D Animation Instructions: The Face in the Mountain

2d sketch animation- instructions for scenery
Ist Scene- Page 9 – Vompercreek scenery with birds flying around, and water has waves in the
lake but without boma or his dad
Narration- This is Vompercreek a beehive of natural activity. Not the same type of activity we
see in our busy towns and cities. Even if you look closely, most times, you don’t see the nature
beings responsible for this activity … the reason why is another story for another day
2nd scene- Wilma scene- Page 32 mermaid and fish net with fish( Wilma should move her
hands as if she;s teaching the fish
Narration- and this is Wilma the water sprite. She is showing a school of fish how to avoid the
fishermen’s net
3rd scene- The mermaid getting out of the way- a big splash in the water ( page 33
Ooh, whats that splash? The mermaids are getting out of the way… Ooh, look, its Boma, the
young giant. HE loves the water beings and likes watching the waves wash away the clutter the
humans put into the lake, but today, he seems in a hurry see, he doesn’t look where he is going
Narration: Look its Boma the young giant! - He loves the water beings and likes to watch how
the big waves sweep away the clutter the humans put in the lake but wait, he seems to be in a
Stop frame and focus on Boma’s legs splashing into the lake and the mermaid getting out of
the way ( Page 33)
This scene should have two camera points- one with just a splash and the mermaid jumping out
of the way and the other should show Boma walking into the lake and splashing !
4th Scene scenery ( page 30 behind the words below) ( without Boma and fairy)- write out the
words below over the scenery
Magnifying children’s horizons presents – The Face in the MountainA fun and inspirational book that helps your child discover the inner workings of nature
and that everything in nature is connected and impacted by each other
5th scene- Quickly move on to the next frame Wilma speaking to Boma while he
bends over - page- 37
Narration: Oh oh! It seems Wilma needs Boma’s help Wilma speaking to Boma
while he bends over
Narration, Hello Boma, , Will you help us dam the river down stream so the little
fish don’t get through
6th scene- Close up of Boma’s face- worried ( page 46/47- without the fire being
and mountains) make the expressions worried like the rabbit in this trailer -The
Someone New – Picture Book Trailer - YouTube BE sure his eyes blink fast and his
shoulders move and water comes out of his eyes etc. Give him a worried look!
Narration Oh dear, Boma knows it’s hard work helping the small nature beings
manage the natural world they all live in and he does not like to be in charge .
How will he remember all what he has been taught? !
7th scene- Include a Review page ( with the lake scene on page 8 as a background)
LIVE IN Ruby Blotzer - professional reviewer
8th scene- Back to illustration on page 8/9 only this time include Boma waving at the
top of the mountain, ( no dad) , one bird flying, the elf, a water being in the lake
splashing, and and two tree elves around the tree, some wind sylphs in the air and a
fire being around the second mountain ( you can zoom in on some of these characters
so they can see them playing in the scene) (just like the sample )
Narration- But with help from his friends and some creativity Boma will realize that he
doesn’t have to do everything by himself and that all nature beings help each other .
That’s the secret to everything running smoothly in nature!
End scene- 3d front cover of the book
Written by- Tolulope Okudolo
Illustrated by- Eric Scott Fisher
Animated by- …………..
Nature Teaches Teamwork! !
Put the magnifying childrens horizons logo ( I will send the jpeg)
Please remember to use the colors from the book for writing. You can also use some of
the water color images ( eg mermaids, squirrels ,etc in different parts of the video