Home Schooling Program Guidelines in the Philippines

Marina B. Sanguenza, PhD
Home school Provider
 Refers to a learning center or institution
that provides home school services, it
must be accredited by the DepEd.
Affiliate school or Partner school
 Refers to a public school or DepEd recognized
private school with a home school provider may tie
up to enroll students, share a school i.d. and access
the LIS.
Home Schooling
is the education of children and learners at home by
parents, guardians or tutors
Home School coordinator
Is a teacher or personnel designated to do
coordination and monitoring, and to ensure data
and information management of schools offering
home school program. It may be assigned by the
school principal or by the home school provider.
To provide learners with equal access to quality
basic education in a home-based learning
environment to be facilitated by parents,
guardians or tutors.
Individualized instruction is the usual mode of
education delivery
For socialization, group study sessions and focus
group discussions among learners and other
activities may be organized.
Home schooled learners may be:
1. Enrolled in public school elementary and secondary school
offering home school
2. Enrolled with a home school provider
3. Enrolled in an affiliate or partner school of a home school
4. Taught at home by parents or tutor following the DepEd K to
12 curriculum or the curriculum of the home school provider
based another country.
Home schooling is essentially done in a
home/house. Parent/guardian supervise the
program for his child. It may also be done in
a learning center or affiliate school where
mathematics, sports, arts and technicalvocational tools, equipment and facilities
should be made available when the
curriculum requires it.
Learning materials consistent with the basic
education curriculum will be provided. These
may include text, non-text, supplementary
materials and ICT based materials such as
self-learning instructional materials, learning
activity packages, online or digital modules,
textbooks or blended technology learning
materials from the home or other sources
may be used.
 Can
be parents, guardians, or tutors.
They shall carefully monitor the work and
progress of the learners.
 Home
school teacher must coordinate closely
with the school provider and take part in
relevant trainings and capacity building
especially on delivering curricular content and
instruction to home schoolers.
Home Schooling may be implemented in all public and private
elementary and secondary schools. Implementing schools
shall ensure that the following conditions are met prior to its
1. Available learning resources
2. Assigned adult who will take charge of the academic progress
of the learner.
3. Home school coordinator
4. Partners who can provide laboratories and other services for
the program implementation (i.e. Senior High Schools)
5. Strong community – school partnership
All learners shall be tracked through Learner
Information System (LIS). LRNs shall be issued
in accordance to the existing policies and
The effectiveness of the home school learning option shall be
regularly evaluated through the following indicators:
1. Number of learners enrolled in the program vis-à-vis passing
or promotion rate.
2. Number of homeschooling parents and tutors
Formulates policies relevant to the
implementation of the home schooling
Develops and releases the manual operations
Provides appropriate assessment for smooth
transition to formal school which includes
PEPT and A & E
Provides technical assistance to home school
implementers at the regional level for
effective program delivery.
Recognizes and issues accreditation to home
school providers
Provides technical assistance to division
office on home schooling
 Consolidate reports and manage concerns on the
Learner Information System and the Learner
Reference Number
 Provide technical assistance to school offering
home school program