Lab Safety Agreement-Read, commit, sign and submit to teacher. Must do Behavior Prohibited Behavior Notify Teacher Wear Goggles.-State Law Food, drink and cosmetics at lab stations. When you do NOT understand directions. Follow directions both verbal and written. Horseplay, practical jokes, distractive and boisterous behavior. Inhaling chemical fumes. When are injured at lab in anyway. (i.e. cuts, burns, bruises, spills on skin, splashes to face/eyes) Looking down a heating test tube, beaker or flask. Backpacks, bags, purses and personal electronic devices at lab stations. When there is an accident, spill, breakage, or malfunctioning equipment Heating chemicals in cracked/chipped glassware. When containers are empty and need to be refilled. When you have a change in health condition such as pregnancy and allergies and diagnosis. Only labs with permission of your teacher. Dispose of waste properly. Matches in ashtrays. Fluids in sink or special container. Solids in trash. Inspect glassware for cracks and chips. Stay at your lab station unless collecting equipment-send one person. Return equipment and chemicals to dispensing areas immediately. Leaving a heating container. Walk carefully in the room. Wash your hands with soap after lab. Massing a substance without a “holding container” for the pan balance. Sitting on lab tables. Taking Chemicals, Equipment or Devices from the room. Know Location and How To Use Fire Extinguisher, Fire Blanket and Eye Wash. Add Acid to Water (A&W) Resetting/Respecting/Returning equipment to its original organized state. Improper behavior will result in dismissal from the lab. You are responsible for yourself and others in lab. Student Signature ________________________________Printed Name _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________________Date _____________