1. World Statistics Of the globally produced food each year, 17% is wasted. This amounts to 931 million metric tons of food. To put this into context, it is over one-sixth (1/6) of all food available for consumption, enough to fill 23 million 40-ton trucks which would circle the Earth seven times. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), it is also more than enough to feed all the 815 million hungry people in the world four times over. It isn’t just an abstract number – it represents valuable food that is being squandered and not fulfilling the purpose for which it was grown. UNEP estimates that the food wasted costs $990 billion ($680 billion in industrialized countries and $310 billion in developing countries). However, FAO’s Full Cost Accounting (FCA) gives an indication that the true magnitude of food wastage soars up to $2.6 trillion annually taking into consideration its economic, environmental, and social impacts. When edible items are discarded, it’s not just food that is wasted. All the resources required to bring food from the farm to the table: water for irrigation, land for planting, fuel for powering harvest and transport vehicles; all these resources are essentially wasted right along with the food. Seventy percent (70%) of Earth’s freshwater is used for agricultural purposes, including crop irrigation and drinking water for livestock while 28% of the world's agricultural area is used to produce food that is ultimately lost or wasted each year. Source of food waste Consumer Retail Total Households Food services 2019 Food Waste (million metric tons) 569 244 118 931 Proportion in global food waste 61% 26% 13% 100% Proportion in global food produced 11% 5% 2% 17% Global average food waste (per capita/year) 74 kg 32 kg 15 kg Household per capita food waste generation is found to be broadly similar across country income groups, suggesting that action on food waste is equally relevant in high, upper-middle, and lower-middle income countries. This contradicts earlier narratives which stated that consumer food waste is higher in developed countries while food production, storage and transportation losses are still higher in developing countries. Inger Andersen, UNEP’s Executive Director, stated in the report that if food loss and waste were a country, it would be the third biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions next to China and the United States. Eight to ten per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with unconsumed food. Reducing food waste would cut greenhouse gas emissions, slow the destruction of nature through land conversion and pollution, enhance the availability of food and thus reduce hunger and save money at a time of global recession. Food produced Cereals (wheat, oats, rice, maize, millet, etc) Root crops, fruits, vegetables Oilseeds, meat, and dairy Fish and marine products % of the total produce wasted annually 30% 40-50% 20% 30% World Stat Breakdown Household No. of Regions Countries 6 Northern Africa 49 Sub-Saharan Africa 42 Latin America and the Ave. food waste Food waste (kg/per capita/year) (in tons) Food Service Proportion Average food waste Food waste (kg/per capita/year) (in tons) Retail Proportion Average food waste Food waste (kg/per capita/year) (in tons) Proportion 89.5 22,114,943 3.89% 28 6,666,719 2.74% 16 3,772,048 3.19% 101.65 121,812,974 21.41% 27.41 29,620,990 12.16% 15.45 16,407,559 13.87% 73.57 47,216,868 8.30% 27.19 17,815,009 7.31% 14.71 10,026,541 8.47% Caribbean 4 Northern America 71.5 22,307,056 3.92% 35.5 21,894,102 8.99% 13.75 5,814,952 4.92% 5 Central Asia 86.2 6,346,507 1.12% 28 2,023,579 0.83% 16 1,144,947 0.97% 7 Eastern Asia 71.43 106,361,583 18.69% 27.86 69,562,749 28.55% 12.29 24,729,386 20.90% 11 South-eastern Asia 83 53,339,841 9.37% 33.27 20,263,461 8.32% 21.18 12,353,948 10.44% (including Timor-Leste) 9 Southern Asia 71.89 108,284,874 19.03% 25.22 49,057,161 20.13% 16 29,998,472 25.36% 18 Western Asia 101.06 27,899,838 4.90% 27.17 7,485,754 3.07% 17.17 4,678,425 3.95% 10 Eastern Europe 68.1 15,155,306 2.66% 27 7,938,009 3.26% 14.3 4,073,863 3.44% 12 Northern Europe 89.6 8,029,345 1.41% 24.17 2,022,231 0.83% 12.83 832,556 0.70% 15 Southern Europe 85.6 11,970,224 2.10% 24.8 3,731,673 1.53% 12.6 1,377,001 1.16% 9 Western Europe 67.22 14,242,957 2.50% 25.78 4,590,069 1.88% 12 2,658,763 2.25% 2 Australia and New 81.5 2,854,879 0.50% 24 668,596 0.27% 6 253,171 0.21% 81.47 1,071,998 0.19% 27.29 333,019 0.14% 14.94 187,078 0.16% 569,009,193 100% 243,673,121 100% 118,308,710 100.00% Zealand 17 216 Oceania 2. ASEAN and PH Statistics ASEAN Data Source of food waste Consumer 2019 Data (tons) Proportion 53,228,198 20,227,720 12,333,726 85,789,644 62.04% 23.58% 14.38% 100% Households Food services Retail Total Country Brunei Darussalam Cambodia Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam Average Total Households kg/per capita/year tons/year 80 34,742 86 1,423,397 77 20,938,252 86 618,994 91 2,921,577 86 4,666,125 86 9,334,477 80 465,385 79 5,478,532 76 7,346,717 82.7 53,228,198 World Statistics per capita/per year Food waste (tons) per capita/per year Food service Food waste (tons) per capita/per year Retail Food waste (tons) Total food waste Household 74 kg 569 million 32 kg 244 million 15 kg 118 million 931 million 82.7 kg 53,228,198 33.8 kg 20,227,720 21.7 12,333,726 85,789,644 Philippine Data Ave. food waste (per capita/year) 82.7 kg 33.8 kg 21.7 kg 2019 Data (tons) Proportion 9,334,477 2,988,340 1,690,811 14,013,628 66.61% 21.32% 12.07% 100% Food Service kg/per capita/year tons/year 26 11,075 28 455,686 28 7,480,085 28 198,165 90 2,861,537 28 1,493,814 28 2,988,340 26 148,358 28 1,924,450 28 2,666,210 33.8 20,227,720 ASEAN Relative to world statistics Higher by 11.76% 86 kg Accounts for 9.35% 9,334,477 Higher by 5.63% 28 kg Accounts for 8.29% 2,988,340 Higher by 44.67% 16 kg Accounts for 10.45% 1,690,811 Accounts for 9.21% 14,013,628 Ave. food waste (per capita/year) 86 28 16 Retail kg/per capita/year 13 16 16 16 79 16 16 13 16 16 21.7 Philippines Relative to world statistics Higher by 16.22% Accounts for 1.64% Lower by 12.5% Accounts for Higher by 6.67% Accounts for 1.43% Accounts for 1.51% tons/year 5,550 257,829 4,232,252 112,122 2,518,199 845,204 1,690,811 74,351 1,088,859 1,508,549 12,333,726 Relative to ASEAN Higher by 3.99% Accounts for 17.54% Lower by 17.16% Accounts for Lower by 26.27% Accounts for 13.71% Accounts for 16.33% Reference: Forbes, H., Quested, T., and O’Connor, C. (2021). UNEP Food Waste Report 2021. https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/35280/FoodWaste.pdf Retrieved September 8, 2021. UNEP Food Waste Appendix. https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/35356/FWA.pdf Retrieved September 8, 2021. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (2014). Food Wastage Footprint: Full Cost Accounting. http://www.fao.org/3/i3991e/i3991e.pdf. Retrieved September 8, 2021.