JOANN PEREZ CASE STUDY PATIENT: JANE DOE PATIENT DESCRIPTION: Patient is a 23 year old female full time student who is completing her bachelors degree in Business Analysis. She is experiencing symptoms of mild to severe dysmenorrhea. During menstruation, patient experiences painful cramps as well as lower back pain, abdominal pain, fatigue and diarrhea. Patient also experiences heavy menstrual periods and light intermenstrual bleeding. CASE HISTORY: Patient started her period at the age of 8 and started to experience painful menstruation about a year ago. Patient’s aunt was diagnosed with Endometriosis. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Physical examination shows no signs of abnormalities. RESULTS OF TESTS AND INVESTIGATIONS: patient underwent an ultrasound and found little lesions on ovaries as well as endometrial tissue growing on ovaries. FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Patient is diagnosed with stage 1 Endometriosis. TREATMENT AND MANAGEMENT: Patient is recommended to take warm baths, using a heating pad on abdomen, and getting regular exercise to ease the menstrual pain. Patient will be treated with hormonal therapy in order to regulate hormone changes, prevent progression of tissue growth, as well as relieve menstrual pain. Patient is scheduled after 6 months for a follow up and surgical treatment will be put to consideration if necessary. REFERENCES: