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Churchill Polar Bear Incident: Stakeholder Analysis

Churchill Incident Graphic Organizer
We are gathering information that will help determine who is responsible for the incident
where the polar bear was hit by the tundra buggy.
What is the problem?
A polar bear has been hit by a tundra buggy, and the driver has been found innocent.
Who is, or are, responsible for this incident?
Who are the
What did they do that helped
Where did you get (or infer)
contribute to the incident?
this information from? (Which
quote AND which paragraph
with the photos after the map
on the handout?)
The tourists are the reason the
“I cannot imagine a more spectacular
tundra buggies are active in the
holiday! I met tourists from all over the
first place because they want to
world and the local people were so
go into a polar bears natural
friendly. The accommodations were
habitat to see them. This being
excellent, and the bears, oh the bears! I
said if there wasn’t any tourists
have waited all my life to see these
invading a polar bears habitat
magnificent creatures in their natural
than there wouldn’t be tundra
habitat! It was an expensive holiday but
buggies either which means the
worth every cent.” Paragraph 1 states
bear wouldn’t have got hit.
“Ecotourism and transportation provide
most of the employment here. Each year
between 10,000 and 12,000 tourists
come to see the polar bears, beluga
whales, and many species of migratory
Ecotourism is a combination of tourism
and conservation in places where
tourists can view exotic, even
threatened species, in their natural
Manager of Tourism
and Economic
The manager of tourism is the
brains behind the whole
operation. He plans everything
with the tundra buggies and
tourists going to the polar bears
habitat. If it were not for him there
wouldn’t be tundra buggies is the
habitat Therefore, He is partially
responsible for this. He is the
reason the buggies go on the
routs they do. The business he
“Jobs, really it's all about the jobs for
me. We need to have a variety of jobs
for our residents. Not everyone can or
wants to work at the port and in the
transportation sector. Tourism allows for
people to create their own businesses,
or work for someone else. Really,
tourism has brought benefits for tourists
and locals alike! We are proud of the
business we have developed here in
Churchill and hope to have more and
more tourists every year.” And
developed is the reason the
tundra buggies are traveling
where they shouldn’t be (in a
polar bears natural habitat)
The naturalists are against the
(ENVIRONMENTAL) tundra buggies and believe that
the polar bears should be left
alone so they can thrive in their
habitat. They believe the buggies
risk the polar bears lives and in
this case it did. They didn’t
contribute to the problem they are
trying to stop the problem, or
come up with a better way that is
safer and more sustainable.
Mayor of Churchill
The mayor is onboard with the
tundra buggies and quite frankly
doesn’t really care about the polar
bears he care about profit
“Tourism feeds our bank accounts! My
citizens come first!” This quote proves
my point. The mayor is also responsible
because he has the authority to shut
down the business because It threatens
an endangered species habitat but he
wont because Churchill makes so much
money from it and its tourists.
Paragraph 3 states “This souped-up bus
was designed specifically for travel
across the delicate tundra. The huge
tires keep passengers safely above the
bears and can travel through difficult
“I came to Churchill 20 years ago to
witness these spectacular animals during
their migration along the coast of
Hudson Bay. Every year since, I have
seen this habitat compromised by
human activity. More hotels,
restaurants, souvenir shops and travel
on the tundra. In the face of climate
change the only hope for the polar bear
is to abandon this particular type of
ecotourism, become good stewards and
leave the animals alone.” And
Paragraph 5
“My job is to maintain and improve the
lives of the people who live here in
Churchill. If we have to expand
opportunities for tourism to create jobs
and quality of life, I'll consider it. If we
have to change bylaws to accommodate
more tourists, I'm on it. Tourism feeds
our bank accounts! My citizens come