Uploaded by Jason Tigoue

Descriptive Writing: Desert Dwellers Conflict

Jason Tigoue
Descriptive writing by Jason
The sand rumbled. The ripples in the stingily hot sand began to
break. From beneath, the fine-grained yellow powder emerged THE
DESERT DWELLERS. Their body covered in yellow markings helps
them get closer to their prey. Their faces scared with previous battles
with animals trying to protect their vulnerable and valuable children.
Their feet ached with splinter upon splinter cutting through their
muscle tissue. The burning bright sun blazed them with no mercy. As
they strolled along the suntanned dunes, the slithering snakes and
flat-footed lizards scurried away in the hope of finding somewhere to
hide. Nevertheless, the desert dwellers were not in search of food,
they were marching to war. With their long-drawn pointy spears and
backbreaking and sharp-ended stones, they were determined to take
back their territory. Neither the sun nor the sand could stop them;
they were like an unstoppable force. The humans were unlawfully
taking over the land wiping away the trees and the grassland.
Little did they know that the so-called "weird people" were going to
torture and kill them all. They were coming to reclaim what was
theirs. The bush people set an ambush. However, the humans had all
the weapons they needed to wipe out the whole population of
desert dwellers. The humans were walking right into their trap then
suddenly a yellow-faced child ran out of hiding. They opened fire no
compassion. The child inside out shot into pieces. Suddenly, one of
the unforgiving adults took a spear and threw it through the man's
unprotected chest without warning. The war was on. Bullet and
spears being fired in all direction. As the war drew to a closing only
the desert dwellers were left standing. On their way back to the
village, they saw bright beaming lights like the Angel Gabriel
appearing to them. The object got closer and closer. The roaring of
the engine from a faint hum to a deafening sound. The lorry which
carried eight soldiers with eight rifles pulled up in front of them. The
soldiers had no pity. They did what they were instructed to do.
Everyone DEAD. They cheered and patted each other on the back for
Jason Tigoue
their simple task. As the sun woke from it 12hour sleep, the bloodstained sand lay there restlessly burying the dead, cloth less and
mighty desert dwellers who only wanted what they had claimed.
Until this day, the humans continue to purposely cut down innocent,
towering trees.