Uploaded by Kirsty-Lee Pettitt

History skill - Extended writing

How to answer the question
There is no introduction or conclusion needed in your answer, so don’t waste time by
writing one.
Focus only on the question and its sub questions.
Make sure that you answer each sub question chronologically and as thoroughly as
possible- facts only with examples to support your facts. (No argument required).
Best to answer each sub question in a series of paragraphs but make sure that your
answer is balanced and covers all aspects of the question.
You may refer to the stimulus, the cartoon, photo, quote but do not go into much detail
about it.
Remember it’s possible to get full marks so make sure that your answer gives you that
Don’t Count your words as the total is only a guide to help you.
Don’t Write an introduction and conclusion
Don’t Develop an argument (only give a factual answer).
Don’t Write in bullet points (only write in paragraphs).