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Reading Comprehension Lesson Plan (B2)

Assignment A - Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Type:
Level of Class:
Upperintermediate (B2)
Length of Lesson:
60 mins
Lesson Aims:
Lesson Objectives:
Number of Students:
Establish the topic for the 1 min T-C
lesson. Allow for students 2 min groups
to become comfortable
with what is being done
in the lesson and
stimulate their minds to
become interested in the
days lesson.
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At the end of the lesson , students should feel confident with the concept of skimming
and scanning along with intensive reading. Their reading skills should improve and
their understanding of new vocabulary with regards to a given context should also
improve. Students need to comprehend what is being asked of them.
1- Students will complete the questions that require the skill of skimming,
scanning and intensive reading.
2- Students will talk amongst themselves during the completion of the activities to
gain confidence with understanding and to practise speaking to stem their
growth towards the English language and personal growth.
3- Students who have doubts will speak to the teacher to alleviate any doubts that
may arise during the course of the lesson.
1- Multiple printouts of an article that has been composed by Summer Avery.
2- Definitions and pictures that coincide with the pre-teach vocabulary.
3- Activities for class to complete.
Teacher Activity
 Greet class. Divide the class into groups of three
at random( total number of groups are six)
 Speak to the class about what the days lesson will
be about (I will not be reading the text, a very
brief understanding about the text and the writers’
history will be mentioned) , ask two students to
hand out the papers with the text. Instruct students
not to read the text beforehand.
 Provide instructions for the group work, activity1.
 State the objectives for the lesson.
Student Activity
 Students sit down and
listen to introduction ,
once divided into
Warmer continued
3 min T-C
1) From your understanding of what I have said ,
what will the article be about ?
2) Who is Lucy in the text ?
 Students have 3 minutes
to discuss the two
questions that have been
given to them.
 Watch over the class and prepare the prevocabulary task whilst they are discussing
amongst their groups.
 Provide minor guidance , if necessary.
4 min T-C/
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 Question one , feedback.
 Question two , feedback.
 After answering , ask another group/s if they
agree with the group who has answered , answer.
If not , ask them if they have anything to add.
 Students respond to the
 Students from other
groups , if they have
anything to add to other
groups answer , to come
forward with their
2- Pre-teach
Introduction, and
Help students become
familiar of the words
that are presented in the
reading text.
To explain the
definitions of the words
that students will require
in the activities that are
to follow.
Put into practice the
definitions that were
explained to them.
9 min
5 min
1 min
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Teacher Activity
 The article has already been handed out ,
provide the students with the vocabulary list
and first activity , word matching. Ask them
to repeat after the word has been spoken ,
practice pronunciation.
 Explain and elicit the definitions and
reiterate key points in the definition to help
them remember. Display images that
correlate to the word that is being explained.
 Emphasize and ensure the students
understand before moving on , clear any
doubts that they have.
 Give instructions on how to complete the
vocabulary matching activity , do an
example on the board that does not relate to
the topic.
Student Activity
 Listen attentively and.
 Understand the words and
their definitions , if help is
required , ask.
 Students to make additional
notes in their vocabulary book.
 Repeat the word to build their
understanding. (pronunciation)
 Students work in the groups
they have been divided into.
 Watch over the class , aid any student/group
that has a problem. (if necessary)
 Complete the activity.
3- First
To motivate students to
read at a good pace and
obtain a brief
understanding of the
text written by Summer
Questions to be written on the board :
 At the beginning of the lesson , I asked “
what will the article be about ? “ from your
understanding after reading the text , were
you correct in what you had written in the
beginning ?
7 min
 Does Lucy come from a rich family ?
 What job did Lucy’s father have and what
Tjob did Dave plan to have in his future ?
C/Ss Who is the writer of this text ?
 Students to answer the questions and ask if
they need assistance.
 Feedback
 Students to pay attention to the
given instructions.
 Students to read the text on
their own.
 Students answer the questions
on the board and make side
notes if need be.
 Give a set of instructions of the activity and
how it will be done.
 Students will read and listen to
 Questions will be printed out on activity
 Students to read through the
text intensively, discuss ideas
and answer the questions that
1 min
4- Second
A detailed set of
12 min
questions is compiled,
and students will read
through the text in depth
to gain a greater overall
understanding of the
text in order to answer
the questions given.
 Commence reading activity.
 Watch over the class.
Questions –
1: What was the circus called and why was it
2 : How did Summer Avery’s parents meet?
3 : Why was she called Summer?
4 : What did the travellers do when the police broke
T-S/S4 min
up the festival?
5 : Why was the 1980s a time of great change in the
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 Q1-Q8 to be answered.
 One member from each group
to give the groups answer
except for question 7 and 8.
6 : Why was Lucy called a rebellious girl?
7 : Did Summer Avery’s family history the
influence her career choices in life , if yes/no , why
do you think so? ( based on personal opinion)
8 : What moral lesson can you learn from this
article? (based on personal opinion)
9 : What has been the subject of all Summer’s
 Feedback on questions.
 Identify problems or issues with
understanding and provide guidance.
 Answer any question that arises.
2 min
5- Follow up
To present an
6 min groups
opportunity for the class
to reinforce their
speaking capabilities.
To enable the class to
give responses and
expand their knowledge
on what they have
3 min
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 Instruct students that they will be working
in larger groups, 6 per group.
 Assign the class in their groups of 6 to
speak about their person experience on ‘
what made me the way you are? ’ . one
member will record the main points of their
individual members thoughts and will
represent their group to let the rest of the
class know of what their members have
 Observe and listen to the class , help
identify individual errors in the group and
the class as a unit but encourage them to
practice whilst boosting their self-esteem
and confidence with speaking and their way
of completing the task , to help them think
 Students to listen to the
instruction and join the closest
group to create a group of 6.
 Amongst themselves in the
group to discuss their thoughts
and ideas openly.
 A single student to represent
the group and present their
more openly and creatively.
 Commend the class on the days lesson and
doing well , elicit points on where they can
improve and inspire them to want to try
harder in the next class.
 Set a questionnaire for homework for
additional practice.
In the space below, describe and explain the rationale for the standard 5-stage procedure for reading or listening comprehension lessons.
Write 250-300 words.
Write this in your own words. Do not copy and paste any of the text from our course materials or elsewhere.
The content area is social exclusion and how society treats minority groups. The content is used for an upper-intermediate (B2) English class.
The text is lengthy, and students may struggle with the information being given to them and how to interpret it due to the English level being
used. I have implemented the use of background knowledge and group interactive activities to help the students manage and tackle the task
ahead of them. I have chosen to begin the lesson by grouping the students and presenting them with a set of questions which will help them
engage and use their own background knowledge to answer the questions. With the help of students having to engage with others and listen to
what someone else is saying, it would help them understand better what they read in the text. With the warmup activity, students need to think,
share, and learn when working in groups which would help them feel comfortable with the work and engage in an academic conversation. For
the vocabulary activity, students will be working in groups once again. They will engage in their groups and help build a good foundation of
understanding together. The 1st reading, students will work alone after gaining confidence upon completion of groupwork and this presents an
opportunity to increase their literacy level. The activity includes five simple questions which one can sieve out from their initial reading. For the
2nd reading activity, students will be in groups once again as this allows any gaps or misunderstandings that an individual may have to be filled in
by another student. Students have a better opportunity to learn from their peers on how to approach a text with an above average level of
difficulty. The final stage is a speaking activity, for students, conversing is often a problem due to their shyness. By working in groups, their
comfort levels would be better and engaging in academic conversation boosts their English skills.
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© 2020 The TEFL Academy. All rights reserved.