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Shit happens… Jae Simmons

Shit happens… Jae
Naquan O’Brien
Chapter 1: The story of shit happens
Jae Simmons grew up in Kingston, Jamaica. Jae history in Jamaica
isn’t well known by many; however, it’s one worth hearing. Jae came
from a household with both parents, some say his dad and him
looked just alike. Jae had a lot of brothers and sisters. Yes, a family
full of different characters. He had a twin sister they were one of the
youngest of all the siblings. Jae was the so called “bad ass” of the
family, besides his crazy brother Kenneth. Even though, Jae was a
bad ass he excelled in the class room. Being that Kingston was at an
all- time high with violence, it didn’t have much to offer; but, to join
gangs or in general learn how to survive. The survival of the fittest.
Chapter 2: The transformation
fast forward a few years later young Jae has gain some weight and
height. He got a job as a tradesman, he did it for a little while. By this
time Jae had kids of his own, two boys and one girl he loved them all.
But one day, Jae had a little run in with the cops. Which is very
normal in Kingston, no one liked the cops--I mean no one. If it was a
problem then the community would get together to help one another,
or in some cases there would be men in gangs who make the
community that made the people pay for protection. Jae owned a
gun… matter a fact, he owned a lot of guns; also, he loved them. But,
on this particular evening the cops chose the wrong person to mess
with. Shot for shot, clip for clip it was like something out of a wild
west movie. Jae verse the big ugly cops.
Chapter 3: THE GET AWAY
There stood Jae in the middle of a dirt road just him and the ugly
cops. As shots are being fired, all that is going through Jae’s head is
getting away. And not dying!!! But, somehow Jae escapes by the
skin of the teeth. By time Jamaica isn’t looking like home anymore,
cops are everywhere—out for blood with nothing but hate and anger
in their eyes. Jae comes to a tough decision to leave his family and
friends just till the coast is clear. So, Jae goes to the states. No one
really knows how Jae got there, but he got there in one piece.
Chapter 4: A NEW WORLD
Now in a safe place, Jae has to get use to this new and a lot different
world. There are people everywhere –different colors, races, who
speak a lot different compared to the people back home. Good thing
for Jae is he had a few friends and family members in this new world.
Getting a job there was almost like trying to build a space ship with
Jae’s accent. So Jae got together with a few friends. Then, they
started a gang after that they started selling weed. This wasn’t just
any gang these dudes didn’t care who you were, you could die where
you stand. That also included your entire family. Their guns ranged
in size from small to large, strong to knock ya fucking head off ya
shoulders, so they were never messed with.
Chapter5: SOFT SPOT
Jae always been a tough ass to anyone looking from the outside in.
except, to those in the inner circle he was a nice, funny person. Who
love to party, drink, dance and smoke weed... a lot of weed. One day,
Jae met this girl who stopped him in his tracks, made his heart skip a
beat. She was beautiful down to the tee, great smile, funny and very
loving. Jae took her very personal no one I mean no one could talk,
look, touch her without risking their life. Rest in pace to any man
whoever attempted to disrespect either one of them. But of course
there will always be that one fool… one night at a club Honey (Jae’s
girlfriend) was sitting at the bar when a guy tried to talk to her. Jae
didn’t like that at all, so Jae who is bit on the crazy side kicked the
man door down. No knows exactly how he knew where the guy lived.
The man was scared to death after that day everyone got the picture.
Jae and Honey moved in together after that later down the line, they
had twins a boy and a girl. From honey account, they were
conceived on her birthday… the boy was first, but the crazy twist to
the story is his sister was almost born the next day. Which, means
they would not have been twins officially. The baby girl was sick, so
she had to stay a little longer than her big brother. Jae and Honey
traveled and lived everywhere especially Jae. Due to how much
weed was being moved, with all that dangers that could occur if he
were to stay in one spot for too long. Back to the twins, their names
were Sean and Kim. Kim was bigger than Sean from birth, so she
always thought she was older. Sean and Kim used to fight all the
time, argue. Sean always got the short end of the stick.
The day Jae fucked up bad. Jae and his crew had a few different
houses, so you could always catch them chilling in one of them.
Everyone had their own room, however one-day Honey decided to
pay Jae a visit to surprise him—but what she found was a woman
lying in Jae’s bed. Jae and Honey relationship was far from perfect,
they had their moments; but, when things were bad it was bad. At
this point, Honey wasn’t even mad she just told the woman she can
have him, and everything that comes with him. Honey knew how
much work Jae was, so she already knew what the woman was in
Chapter8: STEPMOM?