Uploaded by Valentina Dimitrova

Lesson Plan Template for Teachers

Lesson Title Here
Subject Here
Year Group Here
Lesson # of #
Learning Objective
*Avoid overcomplicating your
learning objectives.
*You could mention any prior
learning here – what you are
building upon.
*Ensure they are measurable.
*Try to have no more than three.
*Try to include a variety of
*Consider different learning styles
and how these will be met with your
*Target skills, such as ‘To
understand...’ ‘To identify...’.
Teaching Input & Lesson Overview
• Make sure this is set out clearly and in line with your objectives.
• Avoid including timings unless necessary.
• Pinpoint opportunities to extend/support children and to utilise any classroom assistance that might be available.
• Try to reference children’s prior learning if this is available to you.
• Try to encourage pupils to think more widely around the subject.
• Try to include children in creating a success criteria so that they can judge their own progress.
• Where possible, try to use peer support/discussion/feedback/assessment to show that you encourage both
collaborative and independent work.
• Ensure you have a balance of activities - avoid all independent/written.
• If the lesson is practical, ensure you have mentioned any elements that might need health and safety consideration
– check with school’s policy.
Main Activity
Lower Ability
Middle Ability
Higher Ability
* Ensure you have to hand scaffolding
material or word banks/visual stimuli
to support LA/EAL.
*Try to include some open-ended
tasks which encourage HA pupils
to work more independently.
*Try to subtly recognise children who
might need individual attention.
*Always ensure you have more
tasks/ work than you think is
necessary – just in case.
*Some schools may give you this
information in advance if asked.
Assessment Questions
*Try to include a plenary activity that
explicitly shows that the learning
objectives have been met and success
criteria used.
• Ensure that these help to focus children, encourage deeper thinking and help
Curriculum Links:
children to pinpoint where they are in relation to the lesson objectives.
• Explain how this is relevant to the curriculum and future work.