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Voter's Education Reflection: NSTP Journal Worksheet

ACTIVITY: Reflection Paper Voter’s Education
DATE: September 6, 2021
As Ms. Leslie Medina stated, "People's voices should remain supreme." I really could not
help but feel empowered to foster change within the current system in our country. It is indeed
high time for us Filipinos to practice our rights and let our voices be heard. The May 9, 2022
election and our choices are fast approaching. Participating in this online forum has provided
me insights and information regarding the importance and impact of our decisive votes.
Growing up in the Philippines, I can't help but notice that voting is often based on a
candidate's personality and popularity. Wherein the faces and posters of the candidates
scattered throughout the streets giving little to no indication of what they truly stand for, that
leads to the citizens not knowing any information about them and just continue to rely on their
popularity. Another thing is that people my age do not have education about proper
citizenship, democracy, policy, legislation, and all the things related to elections and voting
before our time to vote comes, aside from the internet that is often full of disinformation.
At present, being a first-time voter, I honestly don't have much knowledge about the
process and steps to take on voting. Fortunately, through this seminar, together with the help
of Mr. Luie Guia, Mr. Telibert Laoc, and Ms. Rowena Pangan, I was able to understand and gain
information on the upcoming election extensively.
Considering our current state, the 2022 election will most likely be one of the crucial
elections in our country's history. As a new set of leaders will emerge and take responsibility
for lifting the Philippines upward and forward after the economic slump caused by the
pandemic. Participating in this forum indeed helped me have a profound understanding
regarding this matter. Thus, it opened my eyes to the various aspects that highly require
Being a voter is not just a mere right for us citizens but also a responsibility, which we should
carry out. Hand in hand, we must amplify each other's voices for us to be heard and let
everyone know who has the true power, and put in mind what Mr. Robi Domingo said that
goes "Ang pagboto ay pagmarka sa kasaysayan ng Pilipinas."