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How Laws Are Made: A Step-by-Step Guide

How are laws made?
1. Bill filed in congress
2. Goes thru process which ends by the President signing the bill to become a law
a. A bill is filed in the congress.
b. After filing, the bill goes to three readings.
1st reading - the bill is introduced to the plenary
2nd reading - the bill will be set here if it survives on the first reading and it is where all the members
will vote to approve a bill in its final form
3rd reading - they vote whether or not to approve it
c. A bill that is approved on the third reading shall be transmitted to the senate. If the senate concurs,
the bill is then enrolled and transmitted to the President for his signature.
d. The president can sign the bill as it is or sign it with vetoed items or veto the bill outright.
e. After the President signs the bill, it becomes a law.
f. The law shall then take effect after its publication on the official gazette or in a newspaper of general