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What Is Classification?
 Classification means breaking down a general subject
into several categories according to one principle of
People use classification when they prepare their
shopping lists classifying or grouping the items to avoid
walking back and forth in the market.
Classification = Division
 Writing a classification essay means dividing members of a
 The members in a class must share similar characteristics
 When classifying, you need a principle of classification.
Examples of classification:
 A grocery shopping list has been classified into
three major groups.
 Dairy Products
Milk, butter, cheese, cream
 Produce
 Onions, Potatoes, oranges, bananas
 Canned goods
 Tomato sauce, tuna, chicken broth
 Wallets
 Leather
 Plastic
 cloth
 Professors
 Serious
 Caring
 Indifferent
Don’t Mix Principles!
It’s confusing to have overlapping bases for
For example, if you’re characterizing cell
phones by size, don’t include classes such
as “expensive” or “nice looking.”
Stay within the three categories you are
Find the out-of-place item
Autos: classical, economic, sport
Transport: land, train, air, water
Rivers: dangerous, short, wide
Drugs: uppers, illegal, downers
Colleges: private, famous, public
Courses: year-long, half-term, math
Housing: rooms, cheap, apartments
Types of Classification
Two of the most common types of classification are
By degree, from lower to higher
By chronology, in time periods
Classifying by Degree
 To classify on the basis of degree means
to judge value.
 Good
(C grades are good)
 Better (B grades are better)
 Best (A grades are best)
Classifying by Degree
 Another way to classify on the basis of
degree would be as follows:
 Small
(small size cars)
 Medium (medium size cars)
 Large (large size cars)
Dividing by Chronology
You also can write classifications by
time periods
For example, history can be divided
1. Ancient
2. Middle Ages
3. Modern
 Another example of classification
by time period:
Past (past forms of travel)
2. Present (present forms of
3. Future (future forms of travel)
 breaks down a general subject into
classes (categories or groups.)
 You can classify either things or ideas.
 You decide how you will classify your
topic, but always go from general to
Outlining your essay
 I. Introduction
 1. Lead-in: Introducing the topic in an
interesting way.
 2. Transition: Make transition to thesis
 3. Thesis: Classify the subject into three
All Body paragraphs follow the same format
 Body Paragraph
Topic Sentence: Present the first
 2. Supporting Details: Define this
category/Give examples.
 3. Closing Remarks: Wrap up this
 1.
 1. Wrap up the major points.
 2. State the importance of the
above classification.
 3. To close, make some humorous
remarks or enlightening remarks.
* Using Parallel Construction
 Organize your thesis statement with parallelism:
 “Most people respond in one of three ways:
eagerly, indifferently, or reluctantly.”
 Notice that each categorical word is in the same
grammar form: adverbs.
 Don’t mix and match the terminology!
"I've been here for ten minutes and my server hasn't taken my order
yet!" This is a direct quote from me before I worked at a restaurant. I never
looked to see how many tables my server actually had. The sad truth is
most people do not notice these details either, which may affect the tip their
server will receive. By looking at the attitude and maintenance of restaurant
customers, you can classify them into three categories according to their
tipping patterns: the "hmm, … how good were they? tippers," "the "stickto-the-fifteen-percent tippers," and the "I-am-or-once-was-a-server
The "hmm, … how good were they? tippers" stick out as a sore thumb
would. They have the attitude of "They are working for me," and "The
whole world revolves around me." They also say things such as, "Is my food
suppose to look like that?" and "Where is my refill?" They are the
customers who always have a disgusted face and are not satisfied with
anything. The "hmm, … how good were they? Tippers" are not only high
maintenance but also the worst tippers. When the bill comes, they feel they
can justify giving a small tip because of their "lack of service". Many can
guess the server likes these customers least. These customers not only put
the server in an angry mood but also the rest of the employees that must
hear from that server.
The average customers in a restaurant are probably the "Stick-to-the-fifteenpercent, tippers." They have the attitude of "I'm just here for the food." These average
customers can be heard saying, "Looks good, I just need ketchup." and "When you get a
chance, may I please have a refill?" The "Stick-to-the-fifteen- percent tippers" have a
more serious, laid-back face and stay quiet. These customers are average maintenance
and average tippers. Their server is mild and polite because he is thankful for the
expected tip. A server walks away from the table cool, calm and collected with no need to
The best customers of all three categories are the "I-am-or-once-was-a-server
tippers". These wonderful customers have the attitude of "I know how hard they are
working." and "Wow, our server is busy." They are the customers who don't say anything
at all except for their order. They are also the happiest with what they receive. They do
not complain or ask for anything extra. They are the best tippers because they can put
themselves in the server's shoes, for they have been there before. When a server walks
away from their table, they are glowing. The server feels the need to tell every employee
about her excellent tip and makes sure to give these customers a special smile or "thank
you" in hopes they will be back soon.
"Thank you, the food looks great!" This is my quote when I go to a restaurant. To
see what servers go through everyday, I now understand what type of "tipper" I should
have been a long time ago. If the "hmm, … how good were they? tippers" and the "stickto-fifteen-percent tippers" could see what the "I-am-or-once-was-a-waiter tipper" sees,
maybe their attitude, maintenance level and tipping patterns would change. I made a
change for the good and more people should.
No matter what kind of music you listen to, it makes your mood
better. I believe this statement is true because of personal experiences.
For example, when I'm feeling lazy or when I'm feeling sleepy, I start
listening to a remix of Techno and Pop. This helps bring out a positive
energy and mood in me. In this world we are surrounded by different
kinds of music that set different moods for everybody. There is music
that is relaxing, music that you are used to and listen to everyday, and
then there is also music that can be very annoying.
With relaxing music you can concentrate on your work. Many
people have different moods, therefore a song that relaxes you may not
be quite the same for someone else. A relaxing song may be one that
clams you down, soothes you, and comforts you. When you find this to
be true in one song, someone else can think that it is totally annoying.
Listening to Pop, Beethoven, and maybe some acoustic guitar can be
calming and relaxing for some people, whereas others, like
myself, might find Rock, Techno, and Metal to be soothing and
calming. Everyone tries to be independent and they have their own
taste of music and preference.
Music that you listen to everyday, or music you choose to listen to
as your personal favorite is your everyday music. This can be music on
your ipod or your portable music device. This would be the music that
you enjoy listening to and that makes you happy, it’s the music you are
used to, and the music that you know. Music that you also listen to
everyday can also be music that you constantly listen to on the radio.
The most annoying music is the one that is constantly played on
the radio, music everyone is singing, or just simply music that sucks.
Many people enjoy listening to the same songs over and over again.
While at the same time there are others who cannot stand the same
songs like a melody in my head.... Na, Na, Na, Na everyday”, playing on
the radio every five minutes. Another way of thinking that music is
annoying is hearing a disturbing beat throughout the whole song, or
that the song itself is hard to understand, or it can be too loud for some
people. Are you ever driving on the road and you pull up to a stop
light, and right next to you pulls up a car with blasting music? This is
also another way of finding music to be annoying. Or, have you noticed
someone singing the same music you listen to on the radio everyday?
Some, if not most, songs can be very catchy.
Even though some kinds of music help to
motivate me, it is not the same for everyone. So no
matter what kind of music you may be listening to, it
will help make your mood better. The time and place
where you decide to listen to music might also
influence your mood, for example if you are at a
coffee shop you may enjoy some jazz music, or if you
are at a club something more up beat will soothe you.
These are just some of the factors that divide the
music into mentioned-above three categories.