Classifying Numbers

Classifying Numbers
You are going to make a flip book to help you classify numbers. You will refer to this book often, so
take your time creating it! You will use this tool for the rest of the school year.
Each student will use 6 pieces of paper to create the book. Each page will focus on a number
classification (i.e. natural numbers, wholes numbers, etc.) Each page should have the definition, the set
of numbers that fall into that classification and a number line showing the different types of numbers.
The first page is a cover page. It is up to you on how you want to include the information of the page,
but remember it needs to be easy to read and follow since this will be a reference tool for you to use!
Please refer to the diagram below for reference:
Classifying Numbers
You are going to make a flip book to help you classify numbers. You will refer to this book often, so
take your time creating it! You will use this tool for the rest of the school year.
Each student will use 6 pieces of paper to create the book. Each page will focus on a number
classification (i.e. natural numbers, wholes numbers, etc.) Each page should have the definition, the set
of numbers that fall into that classification and a number line showing the different types of numbers.
The first page is a cover page. It is up to you on how you want to include the information of the page,
but remember it needs to be easy to read and follow since this will be a reference tool for you to use!
Please refer to the diagram below for reference: