NAME: DATE: 9 HUWHEUDWHV : RUNVKHHW 1. What do you think of when you hear the work vertebrate? 2. These jawless fish were known as an entire phylum of the animal kingdom which is 3. Where does the name Chordata come from? 4. All chordates have a back. cord that runs down their 5. What happens to the throat pouches in fish? 6. The backbone is formed by a bunch of smaller bones known as the . 7. How is the backbone flexible? 8. The backbone of a vertebrate is part of its internal skeleton or . 9. Explain the differences between ectotherms and endotherms. NAME: DATE: 9 HUWHEUDWHRU,QYHUWHEUDWH" $ FWLYLW\3DJH ,QWKLVDFWLYLW\\RXDUHJLYHQDQRUJDQLVP DQG\RXP XVWGHFLGHLILWLVD YHUWHEUDWHRUDQLQYHUWHEUDWH,ILWLVDYHUWHEUDWHWKHQ\RXP XVW GHFLGHLILWLVDQHFWRWKHUP RUHQGRWKHUP /DEHOWKHYHUWHEUDWHVZ LWK DQÀ9 ÁDQGODEHOWKHLQYHUWHEUDWHVZ LWKDQÀ,Á/DEHOÀHFWRÁIRU HFWRWKHUP DQGÀHQGRÁIRUHQGRWKHUP /HDYHWKHVHFRQGFROXP QEODQN LILWLVDQLQYHUWHEUDWH 1. Turtle 2. Trout 3. Rabbit 4. Worm 5. Human 6. Crab 7. Bulldog 8. Gerbil 9. Shrimp 10. Cow 11. Clam 12. Spider 13. Goat 14. Snake 15. Bee 16. Frog 17. Locust 18. Kitten 19. T-Rex 20. Rhino 21. Gecko 22. Lobster 23. Starfish 24. Octopus Answer Key NAME: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. DATE: Worksheet Answers will vary Chordates It comes from the name notochord Nerve They become gills Vertebrae Small disks or joints between the vertebrae Endoskeleton Ectotherms do not produce a lot of body heat, while endotherms do, ectotherms rely on their environment to help them keep a stable body temperature Activity Page 1. V, ecto 2. V, ecto 3. V, endo 4. i 5. V, endo 6. i 7. V, endo 8. V, endo 9. i 10. V, endo 11. i 12. i 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. V, endo V, ecto i V, ecto i v, endo v, (unknown) V, endo V, ecto i 23. 24. i i