Uploaded by Jaager Ramirez

Solid Mechanics Test 1: Thermal Expansion & Stress Analysis

MECH230: Introduction to Solid Mechanics
Test 1
Question 1 (20 Points)
For the system shown determine by how much point B moves from its original position if the
body is exposed to a uniform temperature rise of 100 oC. Also, in which direction does point B
move: towards material 1 or 2 (justify your choice)? The properties of the material 1 and 2 are
A = 0.01 m2, E1 = 200 GN/m2, α1 = 25×10-6 / oC, E2 = 50 GN/m2, and α2 = 10×10-6 / oC.
Question 2 (15 Points)
If an 80 mm cube of stainless steel, which has a modulus of elasticity (E) of 200 GPa and a
modulus of rigidity of 80 GPa, is exposed to a compressive pressure (P) of 400 MPa on only two
faces, what would be the change in the separation of the two faces that are not exposed to a
Question 3 (15 Points)
In a planar load situation (i.e. σz = 0), the strain in the x direction was measure to be –40 µm/m,
and the strain in the y direction was measured to be –20 µm/m. If the material has a modulus
of elasticity (E) of 200 GN/m2 and a Poisson ratio (ν) of 0.4, determine the stress in the x and y
directions (i.e. σx and σy), the volumetric strain (ΔV/V), and the materials bulk modulus (K).
Assume the body has a unit volume.