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On Walking With God (Rvs. 5)

On Walking With God
I am writing this as a way to express, remember, and pass forward (teach) what I have been
taught (by pastors, and preachers and the like) and learned in the walk with God. All is being
written with the best intentions, meant only to help not harm. If anything is wrong please know
the truth from another and better source. Aside from the intentions of what is written, contents
may be changed or added over time, however nothing is written with harmful means.
Above anything else let it be known that God exists and He loves all of us to a great degree.
It is because of his love that He desires all of us to repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Before anything is said let it be known that nothing is being said to hurt anyone or to shame
anyone. This is all said to help, not hurt, and all is being written from only love for all.
With that being said sadly Christianity now has changed from how it was in the past. Many
Christans have made compromises to the world and unknowingly to the Devil on subjects and
behavior that real followers of God should not budge on if they want to be in full agreement with
God. The sad truth is many Christians and many people who have not come to God do not want
to hear the full truth of following God and agreeing with God. The truth that if you do no repent
of your sins you will be unable to spend eternity in peace with God, no one wants to hear that
God is against abortions and homosexuality, no one wants to hear that God will judge. In fact
even in the Bible it talks of how in the past the people of Judah did not want to hear the truth
from God and even now many people do not want to hear the truth from God (Isaiah 30:9-11).
This is so because either they simply do not fully believe or that they think they already know it
all, or because it is not all the good stuff they just want to hear. This is one reason why people
either have misconceptions about God and the Bible or just do not want to believe the full truth.
However the truth is that God is against sin, but He loves the sinner. Hating sin and hating the
sinner are not synonymous.
God asks us all to love, not just family and friends, but also strangers, people that have wronged
us and others, and ourselves along with Him. We love because He loved and loves us and has
made sacrifices for us. We are to love others because God also loves them and He wishes we live
together in harmony with others, we love others because it is yet another way for us to be like
God which He also asks us to try to be (1 Peter 1:16, Leviticus 11:44). While the world is full of
sin and not peace, it may make it hard to love but it is possible to do so. As a Christian it is not
only possible but mandatory if one wants to be in full agreement with God and also know God.
1 John 4:7-8; “Beloved let us love one another, for love is of God, he that loveth knoweth God
and is born of God, he that loveth not knoweth not God for God is love”.
While many Christians know to love and claim that they do, sometimes they do not and even I
am not excluded from this in the past. However the more you do love the easier it gets. So as
Christians we know to love it is then important to ask, or to figure out how to love.
In order to love as God would want us to it is constant and unending. There are three parts to
loving as He would want us to and that is loving God, loving others, and loving yourself.
We show our love to God by obeying what He asks of us. God asks multiple things of us, all to
help our lives and the lives of those around us. One way to show love to God is through praise.
Psalm 22:3; “God inhabits the praises of His people”
To inhabit means to live in or occupy, so essentially God lives in our praises. In fact God is
currently being praised all the time in heaven. That is how much He delights in praises of His
people and is also how much He is deserving of it. Forms of praise include prayer, fasting and
making joyful noises to him. Not all may realize that fasting is a form of praise however multiple
times in the Bible is fasting conveyed as a way to humble the soul and to show that one cares
more for God and what God would desire than themselves and their desires. So praying a prayer
of thanks and praise, fasting, and making a joyful noise (Psalm 100) are all forms of praise to
God, but also you do show favor to God and bless Him when you show love to others.
A great man of God, Apostle Ron C. Hill has said multiple times that people are not your
problem, and they are not your answer. He and his wife Lady Osie Hill of Love and Unity
Christian Fellowship have really lived out that statement in living holy towards people, and have
reinforced that people are an opportunity to be an example of God, and to bless and love them.
So how do you show love to others? You show love to others when you allow yourself to be a
blessing to them.
Proverbs 19:17; “Anyone who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, God will reward him for
what he has done”
Hebrews 10:24; “Let us consider how we can stir up one another to love. Let us help one another
to do good works”
A great way to show love is in how you choose to be a blessing to someone. Not just to those
you know but also those you do not know. There is also another great way to show love.
Proverbs 10:12; “Hate stirs up fights, but love erases all sins through forgiveness”
This means that if you love someone you should forgive them even if they have done something
wrong to you or someone else. If you never forgive someone and allow yourself to be taken over
by hate and anger then you will never truly be set free from what happened. Forgiving someone
is one of the greatest ways to show love. So I urge anyone if they have anger or unrest to
someone that they forgive them.
Remember that we should be trying to obey God’s word and trying to help others.
1 Peter 4:10; “God’s gifts of grace come in many forms. Each of you has received a gift from
God to serve others. You should use it faithfully”
Here God tells us that He has blessed us each with gifts suited uniquely for us. When you know
what that is in you, you can then use that to help serve others and also glorify God even. Many
times people do not know what they are to do or want to do with their lives. To them I would
urge them, especially younger people, to ask God what it is you should do, and to figure out in
you what gift that God has blessed you with. After you know what it is you can do and are
blessed with expressing that gift to others and show your love to them. Remember that these gifts
vary per person. Some may be blessed to sing, others to teach, and others to lead, whatever the
case all are of great importance when it comes to helping and showing love to others.
Although you may love God and love others it is still essential to love yourself. Sadly there are
still many people, both non believing and Christian alike that do not love themselves. As a
Christian it is just as important to love yourself as it is to love others and God. God would want
you to love yourself, remember how you are described as the salt of the earth and the light of the
world (Matthew 5:13).
Psalm 139:14; “How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for what you have
done is wonderful. I know that very well”
Song of Songs 4:7; “Every part of you is beautiful my love. There is no flaw in you”
God wants you to know that you have no reason to not completely love yourself as God loves
you and wants you to love yourself. Do you not know that you are described like royalty through
Christ (Revelations 5:10). You should be loved by yourself and you show that by taking care of
yourself (Ephesians 5:18; Be not drunk with wine which leads to debauchery but be filled with
the Spirit), this is just one example of how to take care of yourselves. You show love to yourself
when you enact self control against evil longings (1 Peter 4:1-3). You show love to yourself
when you do not think or speak negatively about yourself and to yourself. In living like this to
yourself you show respect to the Lord and yourself as one of God’s beautiful works. Not all
Christains believe this sadly. Many Christians though they believe in God allow the Devil and
demons to invade their minds to believe that they are no good or that they just cannot love
themselves, and that is false. Not only can you love yourself, but God wants you too, and you
should for yourself as much as you should to show respect to God.
1 Corinthians 3:17; “If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy that person; for God's
temple is sacred, and you together are that temple”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20; “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is
in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.
Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
On this note I want to point out that your bodies are a temple of which the Holy Spirit dwells in.
It is important to take care of your body as you are upkeeping the temple for the Holy Spirit.
Furthermore God says that you should not destroy the temple, this is as much a warning to
suicide as it is to general upkeep. It is one of the most least desirable things in the world to God
to watch someone take their life before it is time, and God has stated to punish the act. Please
care for yourselves, and others. Do not be immoral with yourselves, and please do not let the
enemy make a fool out of you by making you think to do something that God would dislike.
Many Christians today say they love but do not completely live it out. Sometimes they may love
in one aspect but not the other 2 or vise versa. It is very important you live out love in all three
areas. See if you are loving the best you could, and if not then ask God to help you to love more
and better. Also remember though that if you make a mistake it is ok and you can always ask
God for forgiveness and to try to not make the mistake again in the future.
While more could be said on the topic of love in general or love for God, love for others, and
love for yourself, it is best said that love is of the highest quality in being a Christian (1
Corinthians 13:13; “And now these three remain faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these)
is love”). So please I urge you to love. Love God, love others, and love yourselves.
Living Holy and Good
Commonly it is said amongst Christians to live and be holy because God is holy. Just as loving is
a process and an unending act as is living holy. As you strive to “be holy” it is important to
remember that it is not an overnight process. It is important to know that living holy is a process
and you will make mistakes along the way, but that is okay because God tells us that if we make
mistakes we can still confess them and ask for help to do better in the future.
So now what does living holy entrail?
To live holy is to live out the fruits of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, forbearance, and self control (Galatians 5:22).
It is important to say that in order to live holy it is highly important to be filled with the Holy
John 14:28; “I will not leave you comfortless”
John 16:23; “However, when He, The Spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into truth”
As Jesus was making preparations to leave to be with The Father he needed his disciples to know
that they will not be alone. The purpose of the Spirit is to help us in times of need either through
guidance or through comfort in stressful times. You will need the Spirit’s help because as a
Christian eventually you will face some obstacle, challenge, or issue that may seem impossible to
get through without God, and in fact many have already experienced situations like this where
they can say ‘yes, that was God that helped me through’. Do not minimize the importance of the
Holy Spirit.
Luke 18:27; “What is impossible with man is possible with God”
Acts 1:8; “But you shall receive power when the Spirit is upon you”
Know this; there are multiple situations in life where you just can not do something unless it is
with the help of God. Either it is going to be something you are trying to achieve or something
you are trying to overcome. Regardless of the situation we know that the Spirit is a part of the
Holy Trinity, so it stands to reason that if we have God in us, then we will have power through
Him. Power that can overcome dim situations that seem like there is no way to win. Please
please I sincerely hope you can believe this and not minimize any of what this and the bible is
Also as it happens, living holy is synonymous with how you decide to treat others.
Philippians 2:3; “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more
significant than yourselves”
As you live holy it is highly important that you value others with great respect and love. Some
time ago I do feel it was God that told me that respect should not be earned. I understand many
have already come to this conclusion but many others still have not. Understand that respect
should just be given. So now as one tries to live holy they are to love people and as they are
loving people one of the first steps you can take is to learn to control your mouth.
Ecclesiastes 3:7; “There is a time to tear and a time to mend, there is a time to speak and a time
to be silent”.
Not all the time should you speak, in fact the Bible tells us in the book of Ecclisiastes and
Proverbs that foolish people do not know when to stop talking. However when you can discern
when and when not to speak you are starting to enact self control, and when you do have
something to say do not speak in efforts to put someone down or to speak curses and profanity,
but rather to help someone or to be honest.
As you strive to control your mouth, control also your thoughts.
Proverbs 15:26; “The Lord hates the thoughts of sinful people, but the thoughts of pure people
are pleasing to him”.
God does not like the thoughts of sinful people because they are thinking in a way that is
displeasing to God because they will think more about their desires and more about doing stuff
that God would not want them to do. Even in Christians, many may not want to do or may not
think as sinful people do but a Christian can be just as capable of an impure thought just as sinful
people are. With this in mind it is important for Christians and people in general to control what
you think.
Romans 12:2; “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your
mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and
Philipians 4:8; “Finally my brothers and sisters think of what is true. Think about what is noble,
right, and pure. Think about what is lovely and worthy of respect. If any of these things are
excellent and worthy of praise think of these things”.
As you attempt to control what you think the Devil will try to invade your mind in efforts to get
you to think negatively and wrongfully against other people. Remember the Devil wants to
destroy your relationship with others. When you detect that you are thinking negatively about
someone, start praying for them. Pray favor upon them, and if you do that soon enough it does 2
things. It puts you in a mode of praying more which is always good, and it helps you to think less
and less negatively about others.
Suppose you think something that is wrong and you detect it and it has nothing to do with
people, in such a scenario it is best to ask God to help you not to allow intrusive thoughts into
your mind. If possible at the moment read your Bible to fill yourself with only good thoughts. I
would advise that everyone remember Philipians 4:8, so that the next time you catch yourself
thinking something you have no business thinking you may be able to recite that verse to
yourself to help yourself get back in agreement with how one ought to think as they walk to live
After controlling your thoughts, and mouths it is best to control your actions. The good news
here is, if you can get a strong grasp on your thoughts then you can get a grasp on how to control
your actions, since after all you will do what you are thinking rather you believe that or not.
One of the primary ways you can control your actions is by controlling your anger. Anger is easy
to fall into and there are multiple reasons why. People get angry from built up resentment
towards something or someone, or they do not feel their anger rising until it is already high,
depression with limited range of emotion (this means they can only express their depression in
anger), or hypervigilance. Psychologists describe hypervigilance as being in a state of increased
alertness, and they feel this commonly happens in kids who go through chaotic upbringings in
order to make them feel safer. Interestingly four out of five of these have to deal with people and
that is all but depression. While depression has the possibility of being brought on through
trauma inflicted by someone or something depression can be dealt with similarly and with
another part of what God says.
Here is what the bible has to say about anger.
Proverbs 29:11; “A foolish person lets his anger run wild. But a wise person keeps himself under
Plainly God tells us that you are foolish not to control your anger. No one wants to be a fool, and
in fact the book of Proverbs speaks often about how anger is foolish. Many times people let their
anger control them for reasons that are later and previously stated in the Bible and it is important
to not act in anger.
Act in a way that is a blessing to someone and not in foolishness. God in fact tells use to drive
away foolishness from us (Proverbs 22:15).
Now understand to get over anger to those four of five causes mentioned earlier you must forgive
the situation and the person. Remember to forgive because you also were forgiven.
Colossians 3:13-14; “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance
against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which
binds them all together in perfect unity”.
Remember The Lord’s prayer “forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven others”. In the prayer
Jesus has us not only ask for forgiveness but also to forgive others. This is so because if you do
not forgive then the anger inside you can have a negative impact on you and others.
A huge part of living holy is being able to resist lust and sexual immorality. In the 1970’s
pornpgraphy was hard to come by, and now (2020) pornography is as easy as a few taps away on
a phone. It is so prominent now that people are getting, and have been, not only addicted to it,
but also addicted to sex more and more. This happens so much so that it can affect people’s lives
on a daily basis.
So now let us understand why people keep immersing themselves in it. Pornography and sex are
so enjoyable because they activate pleasure centers in the brain and when these centers are
released they release dopamine. Dopamine is a drug released by the brain during sex and
pornography as a way to make the body feel good, and to do this too much one risks becoming
addicted. People are becoming addicted to these because they want to feel something and they
get a temporary fix from participating in these activities. Now having sex under the right
conditions is not wrong. If a man takes a woman to be his wife and they have sex as a means to
express love to one another and become one that is ok in the eyes of the Lord. It is however
wrong to have loose sex with multiple people and in homosexuality (Leviticus 18:22).
So this is how we should treat sexual immorality.
1 Corinthians 6:18; “Flee from sin. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but
whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body”.
1 Thessalonians 4:4-5; “That each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is
holy and honorable, not in passionate lust like the pagans, who do not know God”
The Word says to flee from sin. Flee as in to run away from it. Do not get caught up in sexual
immorality and any debauchery (-impure or excessive indulgence). In order to flee from it you
must exercise self control over your body. Do not live in lust or sexual immorality, but keep your
bodies under control and in this way God says that you will show respect to your body.
Remember also you are a creation of God, if you take care of your body you are taking care of
what God has made and in this way you show respect to God. If someone makes you a gift from
hand and they put time and effort into it, then it would be disrespectful for you to mistreat it and
damage it on purpose. This same principle applies to God and you. If you feel tempted by these
things you have the ability to pray and ask for help and to cast out impure spirits from you.
Remember that you cannot fill a void in your life with sex, it is only a temporary fix of feeling
good, but with God comes peace and grace.
While trying to live holy do not get caught up in selfishness and jealousness. Everyone has been
affected by these two before. Selfishness is bad because it puts us in a mode to not think about
others and to not be willing to bless others. As followers of God we know we are to be seeking to
help someone in need.
Philippians 2:3; “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value
others above yourselves”.
Valuing others greatly is a part of following God, and if you would care about someone enough
to help them in any situation they should be in then God will surely take notice of it (Proverbs
19:17). Just remember to really help someone from a part that genuinely wants to be good to
someone. As for jealousy, remember that we all have our own lives and God knows what is
meant for it to be.
Isaiah 43:19; “God has something great for you future”
God knows you better than you know yourself, and as such he knows what would truly bless
you, so do not get caught up in what someone else has because God has something specifically
for you.
Of course more could be said on each subject and in the future more may be added to this
document. Just remember it is not impossible to live holy. When God said “be holy for I am
holy” He did not ask us to do something that is impossible, that would be wrong, and we know
God to be a fair and just God. So please spend time with the Word of God and learn more and
more on how to live holy.
Time with God and Prayer
For anyone walking with God it is highly important they spend time with God. There are enough
distractions in the world as is, it is important to remember not to worship idol gods (1
Corinthians 10:14 and 21). While you may not worship, for example; a golden statue, be sure not
to love other things a dangerous amount or close to your love for God. Other things like sports,
or media, and especially money. Is it a sin to watch a sports game or 2? No, it is not, however it
is a problem to let sports or media and money affect your relationship with God. Understand that
the world does not promote reading your Bible or prayer as much as God would like it, and some
pastors and preachers do not do so either. The world is full of things that will rob you of your
time. Time you could, or should, spend with God. As I have continued to walk with God I have
come to realize the importance of spending time with God. Water filters are an appliance used
commonly to clean water for drinking purposes or other. Typically tap and other water sources
will have some sort of filter either store bought or implemented by the city. Sometimes when
drinking water becomes contaminated and there is no filter the drinking water can become
harmful or not as thirst quenching over time. In the walk with God, it is important to filter your
minds so that your faith does not lose its potency. As crazy as that may sound, if you do not
spend time with God commonly then you risk your faith becoming weak.
In fact it would make no sense to not spend time with God now since eventually you believe you
will go to heaven and there you will spend time with God every single day. So as that is true
would it not be nice to start spending time with Him more now while on earth?
Matthew 6:13; “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall
be added to you”.
2 Timothy 3:16; “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof,
for correction, and for training in righteousness”.
The Bible tells us to seek out God and to know that after we seek God all things will be supplied.
God takes care of His children, so if you chase after God, He will take note and add to you what
you need. If one is faithful to God, they pay tithes and offerings, obey His Scripture, and loves
others then God will not forget to build them up. Then also see how the Bible is described as
good for correction, righteousness, and reproof. Understand that the Bible is important to teach
Christians and followers of God how to live.
As you spend time with The Word know that the more you spend time the closer you will get to
God and when you get closer to God the more you will discern His teaching from the rest of the
world and yourself. Trust that the more you talk to Him, He will talk to you.
Now praying is another key part to spending time with God. Prayer is a direct way to talk with
God, and you can do so whenever you need and want to. Keep in mind that when you pray you
should believe in what you pray for and in.
Ephesians 6:18; “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people”.
Here we are to pray for God’s people, and all other types of prayers rather it be for yourself (but
with a good heart and intentions) or for others (also with good intentions). Here also I want to
point out how this verse mentions to pray “in the Spirit”. Here God is also talking about praying
in tongues. Despite many different beliefs on praying in tongues I want to say it is possible and if
any follower of God has the Holy Spirit in them they can reach the potential, through God, to
pray in tongues, also through the Spirit.
Now here is a good way to spend time with God: first pray then read your Bible, then pray then
read, and do that until your time with God at that time is fulfilled to your content. When you start
praying for the first time do not ask God for anything, but rather pray a prayer of thanks and
praise, then read what you feel led to. Then when you pray again either pray another prayer of
praise, in tongues, or casting out of unwanted spirits. Afterward continue to read then pray and
on your final prayer (whenever it may be or when you feel ready). If you keep this up constantly
then you will get closer to God in greater ways than before.
Note that going to Bible study is great, but it is just as ,if not more, important for you to seek
God for yourself and to know Him with your own personal relationship with Him.
Suffering and Using Your Faith
As you walk with God, it is important to know that you will suffer. In fact the Bible teaches that
we suffer because Christ suffered (1 Peter 2:21). So just because you walk with God, that does
not mean your life will be without any hardships. Take Paul for example, He was a great man of
faith in God yet even he faced hardships. He faced hardships as bad as being on trial and having
to survive a shipwrecked boat. In today’s climate there are many people that talk about coming to
God so you can just get blessed, or so that you can live a carefree life. The truth is although God
can bless you, that is not why you should go to Him, and that should not be your reasoning for
believing in Him.
At this very moment there is someone who does not believe in God and is vastly wealthy with no
financial troubles, a big house, and nice cars. Now if a sinner and nonbeliever who does not
believe in God can achieve all that without the help of God then this is one reason as to why
getting blessed should not be your primary focus on walking with God. When all you want to do
is get blessed from God and nothing else then you suffer from selfish ambition. We come to God
for our faith in Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior, and we know/believe that sin in our lives can
destroy us and is destroying the world, and we do not want to be taken by the second death as a
result of it, but rather be with God in peace, and want others to be with God in peace too.
So now that the truth of why we should go to God has been said, next it is important to know that
you still can and will suffer while following God. Suffering comes to by three causes; the evil
one, people or the world, or God.
Satan can bring suffering on you, and he does it commonly through temptation, just as he did
with Eve, or through just bringing on hardships to your life just as he did with Job.
John 10:10; “The thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy”
The thief here is Satan and he comes to destroy. Know that he is coming to destroy your life. As
the thief tries to destroy you tell me if this sounds familiar, you have been tempted by sin and/or
the Devil to do something then after you give into it shame falls upon you and you hear in your
head how bad you are, or shameful or etc. This has happened to multiple people multiple times.
Although the Devil comes to destroy us remember we have God given tools to help us withstand
the devil.
Ephesians 6:10-17; “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor
of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not
against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this
dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the
full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground,
and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled
around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with
the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of
faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of
salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God”.
The weapons against the Devil are given to you by God to fight against his woes. As a side note,
remember that one of your biggest weapons is prayer to God, so long as you keep your faith and
belief in what you ask for and in God, with good intentions and good heart, God will grant and
help you. .
Now just as the Devil is able to bring temptation and hardships to someone’s life, people are also
able to bring on those hardships.
Proverbs 6:12-14; “A worthless person, a wicked man, goes about with crooked speech, winks
with his eyes, signals with his feet, points with his finger, with perverted heart devises evil,
continually sowing discord”
People can and will bring hardships upon your life. It is just something that happens as a result of
humans being born into a sinful nature from the downfall into sin by Adam and Eve (Genesis 3).
Remember that although people may be difficult they are not the problem. People are not your
Ephesians 6:12; “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the
authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of
evil in the heavenly places”.
Remember that you are not on this earth to fight against people but instead to fight against sin
and the devil and his woes. On your treatment to people they ought to be loved and helped.
Another reason you may suffer is due to God wanting to test you.
Proverbs 17:3; “The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the Lord tests hearts”.
Remember that even Abraham who was a man of great faith in God was tested. Why does God
test us? He tests us to make sure our faith is real, and that we are ready for what He has next for
us, but also that it may help our faith.
James 1:2-4; “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know
that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that
you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing”.
1 Peter 5:10; “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you
have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast”.
God will test you in order to make you strong. Other times we suffer so that we shine brightly
even after the hardships.
John 9:3; “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the
works of God might be displayed in him”
Sometimes we go through hardships, and although they seem unfair or unending when we come
out of it, we can say we came out through God and because of that we can help shine our light to
others because God has helped us to overcome.
Finally on suffering I personally want to say keep your faith and hold on through it. In the book
of Joshua it talks about how Israel was doing great when it came to being blessed and winning
battles against other armies because God was on their side. In Joshua 6 God told Israel not to
take anything from Jericho for it was all to be for God, but Achan stole some precious metals
from the battle after they had won, essentially robbing God. When Israel came to fight their next
battle they had lost, and it was a great shock to them. So Joshua turned to God and asked Him to
reveal why they lost, however God responded that Israel has sinned by taking what was not
supposed to be taken. Joshua began to question tribe by tribe if anyone has taken from the battle
at Jericho. Achan came to be questioned and he gave up that it was him who sinned, and as a
result he and his family were killed. After they made amends with God, He was back on Israel’s
side and they began to win their next battle. Not only did they win their next battle which was
against Ai, but God also gave them permission to keep what they wanted within the city.
I want to say that whatever battle you are going through, whatever temptation is upon you keep
holding on to your faith in God. Although you may be going through whatever sort of hardships,
if you just hold on you may be one battle away from a breakthrough from God, but you need to
keep your faith. Then also if you have sinned against God confess it and ask God to help you to
do better in the future and do not let the devil or anyone else make you feel bad for being human
and making a mistake.
Now know also that as you suffer God has given you the measure of faith and Jesus tells us we
can use our faith to dispel hardships from our lives.
Mark 11:23; “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,'
and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for
Here Jesus talks about the importance of using your faith and 2 things are important here. 1, that
we can say to a ‘mountain’ to be moved. Meaning we can say to situations or problems in our
life to be moved or speak it out. 2, the next thing Jesus tells us is to believe in what we are
speaking over. It would make no sense to ask something for someone but not believe that it can
Remember that we can ask God of something and with good intentions and He will respond.
Matthew 7:7-8; “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will
be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who
knocks, the door will be opened”.
From this verse Jesus tells us we are able to ask of God and He will deliver. We ask through
faith, and we also can get together in accordance and we can ask anything of God (Matthew
Another way to use your faith is to watch your mouth. If you reexamine the first chapter of
Genesis and look at how God formed the universe repeatedly it says “He spoke” or “He said”.
God formed the universe not by grabbing things with His hands, but just by speaking.
Proverbs 18:21; “The tongue has the power of life and death”
Here this means that you should watch what you say. What you speak and how you talk can
determine your life. If you are constantly talking bad and death over what you are currently
going through, then you may continue to go through it, however if you talk life over your
situation, eventually it will get better.
Remember that as you use your faith, all your answers will not come instantly. As Jesus walked
the earth very commonly in the Bible it said “He walked”. God is not always in a hurry, you
cannot rush Him, so if you are to call on God you must have patience and wait on His answer.
Yet when God does answer your prayer do not doubt the answer.
Zephaniah 1:7; “Be silent before the Sovereign LORD, for the day of the LORD is near. The
LORD has prepared a sacrifice; he has consecrated those he has invited”.
John 6:63-64; “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to
you—they are full of the Spirit and life. Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus
had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him”.
Here we find that a prophet (Zephaniah) is foretelling the coming of Jesus but in John 6 many of
Jesus’ disciples leave him because they do not believe that he is who he says he is. So Zephania
tells of Jesus coming, then when he gets there people doubted he was who he was, and the same
goes for us commonly. As followers of God we may pray and ask God for an answer and when
the answer arises many do not believe in it. It is imperative to believe in what you ask of God.
In using your faith, prayer is one of the most important tools available as followers of God.
Before you pray, understand who you are talking to. You are talking to the God of all creation
(Psalm 46:10).
1 Thessalonians 5:17; “Pray without ceasing”
Ephesians 6:18; “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people”.
Here God tells us to always pray, but not just that but also to pray in the Spirit, otherwise known
as praying in tongues. Know that everyone born of God and filled with the Holy Spirit has the
capability to be able to speak in the Spirit. Speaking in the Spirit is a gift from God.
So know this also to be persistent to be God when you pray. Remember the story of the woman
and the Judge (Luke 18:1-8). A woman made a request to a judge multiple times, and multiple
times she was rejected, but on one occasion her request was granted. This is but another way of
saying pray without ceasing. Keep praying to God until you request is fulfilled by God. It may be
answered in a month or even a year, there is no telling, but trust in God that he knows when, and
trust that he hears the cries of his people.
Know also that when you make a request to God, sometimes it may not be answered or it may
not turn out the way you expect it to. I personally have prayed to God and experienced differing
results from when I prayed, however it is important to keep your faith no matter the outcome.
This does not mean that God is not faithful; it means that there is either something else in store, a
test, or you failed to hold up your end of something. If a student does not study at all for a test
they know nothing about and pray to God that they receive an A and get an F does that mean
God is unfaithful? No, it means the student failed to do what was right. In the book of Ezekiel
God tells the people of Israel that they will experience hard times because they have been
disrespectful to Him and not help up their end of the covenant He made with them. God is not
unfaithful, He is just treating them fairly in accordance to how they have acted.
Remember also to pray on all occasions and for the Lord’s people (Ephesians 6:18). Pray for
others. Pray for those you love and care about, and pray for those you do not know and for those
who speak ill of you. If you could learn to love and forgive those who speak ill of you, then you
will only grow in love for all.
As you pray remember that you should always keep your faith in God.
Luke 18:27; “Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible with man is possible with God’”
Remember to believe God when you ask of Him. Know that if your request is not always
answered or if it is answered late this is no reason to lose faith in God. You are to always keep
your faith in God and remember that all is possible through Him.
Fear and Worry
Know that God wishes for no one to live in fear. Yet still one of the most common feelings
people experience on a day to day basis is fear. So where does it come from?
Genesis 3:10; “‘I heard you in the garden,’ the man answered. ‘I was afraid. I was naked, so I
This is happening just after Adam disobeyed God and ate the fruit he was told not to eat after
Eve led him to. Here is the first mention of fear in all the bible. So after sin entered the world
Adam felt fear. Essentially a byproduct of a sinful nature is experiencing fear. God never
intended us to feel fear, it is not how he intended creation to live.
1 Timothy 1:7; “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a
sound mind”.
So here we see God does not want you living in fear, He wants you living in the spirit that is of
love and gives you power, and that spirit is the Holy Spirit. So remember what God has to say to
you as a follower of God.
Isaiah 8:12; “Do not be afraid of what others fear. Do not be afraid”.
God tells us plainly not to fear. Do not fear what others fear, and why should we? If someone
believes in the Bible they know that no weapon formed against you can prosper. Remember that
whatever you go through, no matter how dark it is God is always with you (Psalm 23:4). If
anyone suffers from anxiety remember Psalms 94:14 which says you can always turn to God for
joy even in anxiety.
Another great affliction closely related to fear is worry. It is estimated that 38% of people worry
a day, and most of them do not suffer from anxiety. If you have anxiety or not, if you will learn
to trust in God as He would want you to, you will come to find out that you have absolutely
nothing to worry about.
Matthew 6:25-27; “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink;
or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than
clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your
heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by
worrying add a single hour to your life”?
Here Jesus begins to question the mentality of worrying. When Jesus, rhetorically, asks if you
can add an hour to your life by worrying he is saying that worrying will do nothing for you. If
and when a problem arises in someone’s life, if they were to sit down and do nothing but worry
about it that problem would not go away. If your house catches fire it will not be put out by you
standing there worrying if it is going to go out or not.
Matthew 6:28-33; “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow.
They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed
like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and
tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do
not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For
the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But
seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”.
Jesus continues on to say that we are not to worry about life and what it contains for us. Do not
worry about what you will eat, wear, etc. All God asks is that we seek God first, because in doing
so God is not going to leave you uncared for. If you are faithful to God, He will be faithful to
you. So do not worry, the birds do not worry yet they are cared for, and your life means more to
God than a bird so trust in God, and do not worry.
Sin, The Enemy, and Not Accepting Christ
On the topic of sin, it is very very important to know that God does not hate sinners. God hates
sin, and the continuation of sin. God hates sin because He knows how sin can ruin our lives and
He knows that sin perverts and poisons the purity of what He built as it relates to humanity from
the beginning before the fall into sin (Genesis 3).
So what is sin? Sin is the act (or acts) that defy, offend, or go against God. Not always is a sin
physically represented, many times sin can be internal through thoughts and feelings. This is so
because sin is a nature. When we are born we are born into a sinful nature, then after we accept
Christ we are no longer slaves to sin but slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18). Although in a
sinful nature when you get into sinful thoughts you are more likely to express it.
This is why it is important not to get into sin in your mind and to control your thoughts and
feelings. An example of sin in your heart or mind is hatred. Hatred is commonly talked down
upon by God as it relates to person to person. Yet you can hate someone within your heart and
mind, and that is wrong. The Bible tells us that when we have hate in our hearts we murder (1
John 3:15), while you may not physically murder someone you do so to that person within you.
Now let us understand more the expression of sin. To do so examine the original sin. The
original sin was not when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit, that was just the sin
that plunged all of humanity into sin. In fact the original sin was when Lucifer rebelled against
God because he had suffered from pride.
Ezekiel 28:12-17; “Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him,
Thus saith the Lord God; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou
hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz,
and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the
carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the
day that thou wast created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so:
thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the
stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was
found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with
violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God:
and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.Thine heart was
lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I
will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee”.
Isaiah 14:14; “I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High”
Here God is talking about the fall of Lucifer. Lucifer was described as being in a high position
but because of pride he fell. The same thing happens even to us. So often are people in great
positions then they believe they are so great and so amazing, they get into pride then express it
and they fall and lose their status and oftentimes much more. After Lucifer was afflicted with
pride he expressed it. Pride led him to believe that he could achieve the impossible. In his belief
he deceived ⅓ of all God’s angels and rebelled against God.
Many people know this story, yet it is important to know for 2 reasons. The first is that Lucifer,
now Satan, was powerful enough to lie and deceive many many angels, and in the Bible it
describes angels as being stronger than humans, so if he, the Devil, was able to cause them to
follow him in sin then he could cause humans to do the same. The second is that sin is internal
and external. When you get into sinful thinking and belief, you increase the chances of sinful
Now what are sinful expressions? They are commonly and accurately summarized to be fruits of
the flesh.
Galatians 5:19-21; “The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and
debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition,
dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that
those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God”.
These are sinful expressions, that are seen daily, and heard of commonly on a day to day basis.
Most of these are easy to recognize, however not all are, and in today’s climate some of these are
even accepted. These being debauchery, sexual immorality, orgies, drunkenness, and factions.
Debauchery is defined as impure or excessive indulgence. This parallels drunkenness and orgies
since debauchery is about impure and great indulgence, and in drunkenness and orgies this is
where commonly it is released physically. The problem with drunkenness is that it clouds the
mind and causes one to chase after a temporary fix to what they may truly be needing. Although
scripture tells us “be not drunk with wine” (Ephesians 5:18) still many people both believers and
non believers alike still follow into drunkenness because it feels good, or because it helps to have
a good time. Now let it be known it is not a sin to drink alcohol, however it is wrong to drink to
an extent of drunkenness. It is talked down upon because although you may drink to get drunk in
the comfort of your home or a friend’s party alcohol still can lead you to a point where you will
lack wisdom (Proverbs 20:1), and if the book of proverbs has taught anything, it is that fools lack
wisdom, and fools get into trouble with other people and inevitable can get in trouble with God.
Sexual immorality, aside from drunkenness, has been vastly more potent in the modern day
culture and society. At least with drunkenness it is not accepted everywhere, however with
sexual immorality it is more accepted to a wider scope. Sexual immorality now is seen in the
form of the homosexual community. Before this is addressed let it be known that God hates
homosexuality, but he still loves the sinner. God loves all people, but he does not love
homosexuality or the likes of it. If anyone follows God and is unable to love someone else
because they are a homosexual or apart of that community then the love of God is not truly in
them. There are many misconceptions that Christians hate homosexuals and that is just not true
or if any Christian does hate someone for being gay then that is not how it should be too.
Remember, God hates the sin, but loves the sinner.
Now sexual immorality and homosexuality is against God because it goes against how God
originally created and planned for us to live. Furthermore the transexual community is also under
sexual immorality because they make a statement (either knowingly or unknowingly) to God
when they go through whatever physical changes or mental conclusion for/about themselves.
The statement they make to God is that He was wrong. They make a statement that God is wrong
because when God makes someone, they are described as wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), but
when you say you were born in the wrong body or that you basically feel as something other than
what you were born as you it sends a statement to God that he made you the wrong way, and that
is just not true. In the Bible sometimes (but not all) when it says ‘unclean’ spirits, it is talking
about homosexual spirits and or sexually immoral spirits that would lead one to beleive against
the agreement of God. The truth is God carefully crafts all and He would not make anyone
falsely. Many claim that they were born gay or whatever the case and the truth is that is not the
case. If we know and believe God to be all good (which He is) then it would be evil of Him to
make you in such a way that directly contradicts what He stands for then to punish you for it.
Homosexuality comes on someone through an uncleanliness of which can be prayed about with
adequate time and spending with God and His word. However now it is more acceptable to be
homosexual than it is to be a Christian. I am not saying one can not be a Christian, that is very
possible and encouraged, but what I mean is a person of the LGBT community can make a mean
or false statement about God and not many would look at it, however if a Christian were to make
a comment about the LGBT community that is offensive to them, then likely there is more of an
uproar. As sad as that truth may be, know that will not be the case forever. No sexual immorality
is also the chasing after the desires of the flesh. God frowns upon this because orgies, and
chasing the flesh is not a clean lifestyle to live, and in fact God tells us to not please the flesh.
Imagine if one gave into the flesh everytime their body desired something no matter what it was.
That is a lifestyle for the ungodly. The lifestyle of drug use, constant drinking, and constant
premarital sex is all designed to please the flesh but in doing so it would be disappointing to
God. You cannot walk in the Spirit of God and in the flesh at the same time (Galatians 5:16).
A faction is defined as a small dissenting group of individuals from a larger group. This is more
inconspicuous, yet the important term here is dissenting. Dissenting comes from another word;
dissent which is related to dissensions meaning disagreement that leads to discord. In effect a
faction is in disagreement with others or the greater majority. This is harmful as it leads to
discord and not being in one accordance.
Another topic worth addressing is abortions. Knowingly it is hard to be a mom, and sometimes
young women become mothers through unexpected circumstances or prematurely. Whatever the
situation may be please know that the child inside a mother's womb is crafted by God, and a
creation of God. That child much like every other did not ask to be born, so it is unfair to treat it
as other than what it is. We all started and went through the same stages and it regardless what
you think you know, God is against abortions and the killings of innocent unborn babies.
All these and more are a part of the fruits of the flesh, all of which are sinful expressions, but can
also take place internally.
Do understand that the sins of the flesh, and the things the enemy brings to one’s mind that
would feel good are what the flesh would enjoy. Would it feel pleasing to the flesh to have sex
with women after woman, or man after man, and to fill the system with all sorts of drugs to get
high? Yes it would, but that is a part of the flesh that one must deny in order to live the holiness
you have received by your faith in Christ. Do not partake of the fruits of the flesh, but rather the
fruits if the Spirit.
While these are the sins that man commits do not forget the Devil is very active in the world. If
Lucifer was able to tempt and deceive ⅓ of God’s angels, believe that he can, will, and has done
the same to people. The good news is as a follower of God “greater is He that is in you than he
that is in the world” (1 John 4:4). While this is true do not forget the goal of the devil.
John 10:10; “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have
life, and have it to the full”.
Satan comes to destroy three things. He wants to destroy your relationship with God, other
people, and yourself. He does so because he knows he is damned to hell and he wants to take as
many down with him as he can. Know that he is going to Hell. When it comes to Christianity not
everyone wants to talk about the full truth. Not everyone wants to say that the penalty for not
accepting Christ is death and Hell.
Revelation 20:15; “Anyone whose name was not written in the Book of Life was thrown into the
lake of fire”
Understand that the purpose of Christianity is not to walk the earth telling people they are going
to Hell. Christians are here to be examples of God and to walk the narrow path. However it is the
truth as it is written in the Bible that Hell exists and that if you do not repent of your sins and
accept Christ as Lord and Savior you will perish. Many would argue that if this is true then that
is not love, but they fail to completely understand that God is all holy and people in their own
nature are sinful. So holiness and sin cannot mix, just the same as water and oil cannot mix.
Furthermore you can be the nicest and most generous person on earth, but if you have not
accepted Christ then you cannot be with God in eternal peace.
John 3:16; “For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever
believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. ... For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life”.
John 14:6; “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through
Ephesians 2:8; “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift
of God”
Here it says plainly that you must have faith in Christ in order to be able to be with the Father.
Commonly people say “I’m saved by grace” and that is it, but they fail to remember that the only
way you are saved by grace is through your faith in Christ. If you have no faith in Jesus and do
not believe He is the Lord and Savior then you are not saved.
Revelation 21:8; “But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the
sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns
with fire and sulfur, which is the second death”.
Although if you do not accept Christ and are not saved then you will perish to the second death
which is Hell. Keep in mind that just as God is faithful to loving you so is the Devil faithful to
hating you. In regards to sin, do not use “saved by the grace of God” as an excuse to to justify or
to keep sinning. Galatians 5:13 says that although you were chosen to be free, that is not a reason
to live in sin. If you love God keep His word. Try to live holy, and not sinful. Although you may
make mistakes here and there, understand it's not an overnight process and it is possible. If it
were not possible to live holy God would not have asked you to do something you are incapable
of doing.
To the unbeliever remember Hosea 7:2; “but they do not realize that I remember all their evil
deeds. Their sins engulf them; they are always before me”
Jesus Will Not Leave You The Same and Honoring Faith
It is important to come to God, and when you do understand that you will not be the same. When
you come to God you in fact become a new creature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). When Jesus
encountered people He never left whom he encountered the same when they sought his help.
Matthew 8:1-4; “This story talks about a man with leprosy who came to Jesus”.
First understand that this man was a leper. In these times, a leper was as low as you could be in
society at the time. In Leviticus (13:45) it talks about how if someone had leprosy they were
outcast from a city, or camp, or just general society. So this man was in the worst condition both
physically, and in social status. Next understand that nowhere in the story does it specify where
he came from. This is important to know because God does not care where you come from. He
does not care if you come from poverty, sickness or what have you, God’s more concerned with
that you come to Him because He cares about you. God is always willing to help you, (Matthew
8:3, 1 Peter 5:7). Finally understand that this leper had the faith that no one else could help him,
but Jesus. He had the faith that the only one that could help him was Jesus and for that faith he
was rewarded. He made it to Jesus and Jesus said he was willing to cleanse him, but if it were not
for that man’s faith in Jesus he may not have been healed.
Matthew 8:5-13; “This story talks about a faithful centurion who seeked the help of Jesus
because his servant was ill”.
Here is a man who knew Jesus was who Jesus was and for it he knew that Jesus was able to heal
his servant. Yet in Matthew 8:8 he had enough faith in God to know that all Jesus had to do was
just to speak healing over his servant and it would be so. Jesus was amazed by this man’s faith
saying he never encountered anyone else with such faith. The man furthermore acknowledges
that he is under authority as well which is important to know as you go to God because the
kingdom of heaven is not a democracy. So from this man’s faith his servant was healed.
It is important to know that God honors faith. He did so with the centurion, the leper, and more.
The truth is if God would honor their faith, He will honor yours too.
John 9:1-9; “Here Jesus is passing by and a man is blind and Jesus’s disciples as if this man or
his parents”.
What is interesting about this story is the man was able to see only after he washed his eyes from
the mud that was in his eyes. God wants to move in people's lives however He is waiting for
them to remove the mud from their lives. I don’t know what anyone is going through but if you
are going to God continuously and nothing is happening make sure you are not also going to the
world as well. Why get saved from the life you were living just to go back to it? In fact to do so
is worse. 2 Peter 2:20-22 says that if someone does not know God in the beginning then they are
to go to the second death, however then it says if they come to God then leaves God that they are
no better off than if they did not come to God at all. So as a quick side note, know that after you
come to God you must live it as well, because if you say you belong to God but act as if you
belong to the world then you are no better than any other sinner. So after the mud has been
washed from your eyes only then are you able to see what God has in store for you. Remember
that the ‘mud’ can take any form in your life. Either it can be a person that is dragging you down
who into sin, or something like a job preventing you from reaching your full potential, or
whatever the case may be, take the leap of faith and wash the mud from your eyes.
As this section comes to conclusion may I state just how important it is to pay tithes and
offerings to God. In the Bible it says you cannot serve money and God (Matthew 6:24). Believe
it or not, your money follows your interest.
Leviticus 27:30; “A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from
the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord”.
Malachi 3:8-12; “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me.
“But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’
“In tithes and offerings. You are under a curse—your whole nation—because you are robbing
me. Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in
this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and
pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. I will prevent pests from
devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe,” says
the Lord Almighty. “Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful
land,” says the Lord Almighty”.
Proverbs 11:24; “One person gives freely, yet gains even more another withholds unduly, but
comes to poverty”
Luke 6:38; “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together
and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured
to you”.
Here are just a small portion of how much God mentions the importance of giving. Here we
understand that a tenth of what we earn belongs to God. Now someone may not be harvesting
crops however they make other earnings in the form of money in which a tenth belongs to God.
If someone earns $1000 then a tenth of that ($100) belongs to God. It is very important to pay
tithes and also important to give offerings. Not only that, but to do so with a joyful heart. When
you do so you are showing your faith and devotion to God, and just as Proverbs and Luke says if
you give freely you shall be honored in your faith by God, but remember this you cannot buy a
blessing from God. By this I mean do not give because you want to get something out of it or
because you may have interior motives inside your heart, give because you love God and love
being faithful to Him.
End of Times
Many people have said that they wish they wish they could have been around during ‘Biblical
times’. As this is written, know that these are still Biblical times. Jesus may not be walking the
earth with us yet again, but these are still Biblical times. We are still in Biblical times because the
times of the Bible have not yet ended. Before the return of Jesus there are events that must take
place, and these events many to most we(humanity) have lived through. Now it is important to
understand what these signs are as they are an indication of the second coming and show how we
still are in Biblical times.
Jeremiah 23:7-8; “So then, the days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when people will no longer
say, ‘As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt,’ but they will say,
‘As surely as the Lord lives, who brought the descendants of Israel up out of the land of the north
and out of all the countries where he had banished them.’ Then they will live in their own land.”
Revelation 7:4-8; “Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the
tribes of Israel. From the tribe of Judah 12,000 were sealed, from the tribe of Reuben 12,000,
from the tribe of Gad 12,000, from the tribe of Asher 12,000, from the tribe of Naphtali 12,000,
from the tribe of Manasseh 12,000, from the tribe of Simeon 12,000, from the tribe of Levi
12,000, from the tribe of Issachar 12,000, from the tribe of Zebulun 12,000, from the tribe of
Joseph 12,000, from the tribe of Benjamin 12,000”.
Before the return of Jesus, God speaks of His people and the return of the Jews. In the year 2015
over 8,000 Israelis returned to the land of Israel keeping up with the return of Jews. Then in
March 2020 it was reported that 250,000 Israelis returned to Israel, albeit due to concerns of the
coronavirus still it helps to keep in line with what God says is to happen with the return of the
Daniel 12:4; “But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end.
Many will go here and there to increase knowledge”.
In the book of Daniel, God talks more of how people will increase in knowledge before the day
of the Lord. Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit
doubles about every two years. This means that every time this happens there becomes new
technological advancements that can help lead to this phenomenon. Technological advancements
that can be represented as an exponential growth function of which grow vastly quicker than
other types of functions. Anytime Moore’s Law happens our knowledge expands as well as our
capabilities, not only in relation to microchips but fields as well. An example being in 1926 the
longest flight distance was over 5,000km, then 60 years later (1986) the longest flight distance
became 40,000km. In 1970 the number of transistors on integrated circuit chips was about one to
five thousand, then in 2018 the number was approximately around ten billion
(ourworldindata.gov). These few examples display the growth of knowledge God talked about to
Matthew 25:31-35; “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he
will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate
the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the
sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come,
you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the
creation of the world”
Matthew 25:41-43; “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed,
into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me
nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not
invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not
look after me’”
God is preparing to separate the sheep (those who follow God) from the goats (those who did not
come and turned their backs to God). As a quick side note see how God says what our
inheritance is. God loves you so much that he has given you an inheritance greater than anything
imaginable. Not even the angels that serve Him are written to receive His inheritance.
Revelation 6:1-8: “I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of
the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a
white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent
on conquest. When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say,
“Come!” Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace
from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword. When the
Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there
before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. Then I heard what
sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds] of wheat for a day’s
wages, and six pounds] of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”
When the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say,
“Come!” I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades
was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by
sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth”
Commonly people have heard of the four horsemen but not all completely know what they are
authorized or said to do. The horsemen are War, Death, Famine, and Pestilence. All of these are
happening and have happened on the earth today. This year alone in 2020 more Americans have
died from the coronavirus compared to all in the Vietnam War, proving death and pestilence
being active in the world. Pestilence has also been around in the bubonic plague and the spanish
flu as well. Earth also has been no stranger to war as well. War is said to take peace from the
land, in doing so causing war and murders. According to fbi.gov there has been an increase in
murders by 21 percent from the years 1996 to the year 2000. The United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization estimated 815 million people were suffering from undernourishment in
the year 2016. Undernourishment happens when one experiences the effects of not receiving
enough food for their bodies to be as healthy as they should be for a given age. In other words
this is how one experiences a famine.
Revelation 6:12; “ I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun
turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red”
Now these are the natural signs to happen before the day of the Lord. All of these have happened
as well. There was a solar eclipse most recently on June 21, 2020 and a recent blood moon on
January 20-21, 2019 which was in fact a super moon and wolf blood moon. When it speaks of a
great earthquake, I am unsure if a greater earthquake is to come or not but as far as history has
shown the largest earthquake to happen was a magnitude of 9.5 in Valvidea in southern Chile.
While more is said to happen before the day of the Lord’s return not all of it has been written
down here. Just know that God is being patient to the return because He wants all to come to
Christ before judgement comes on all. Remember that what is happening, and arguably, has
happened is all that is to pass, although it is shocking to witness and even go through remember
that God is larger than all that is to happen and as scary as it may seem to most, do not lose hope
or faith.
As I come to conclude this may I leave you with one other important message. It is necessary for
followers of God to tell someone about Christ. I personally have prayed with people to receive
God and it is a wonderful thing, although there are times I know I can do better I am still
learning, but I urge anyone to share the gospel. God wants for none of us to be lost to the second
death, although He knows many will go He still wants as many as He can get to come to Him
before the second coming of Christ. In fact the last thing Jesus told his disciples before he
ascended was “go and spread the good news” (Mark 16:15) and the good news is the gospel. The
gospel is this; in the beginning God made everything perfect and beautiful, then Eve was
deceived and she led Adam to disobey God which plunged humanity into sin, but God still had
great love for us, and He loved us so much that God sent Jesus into the world so that he may save
the world and die on the cross for us as a sacrifice. Then on the third day God raised Jesus Christ
from the dead and through faith in Christ we can receive salvation from the Father in heaven, and
not be bound by sin on earth, and not suffer the second death after someone passes from earth.
Remember God loves us all and it is the enemy that would lead anyone to believe otherwise.
Now if any of what was written would speak to you and make you realize that it is better to walk
with God than the Devil and the world, or make you realize you may not be save then please
pray this prayer:
Father God in heaven I know I am a born sinner. I know and believe Jesus Christ died on the
cross for my sins, and that he rose again on the third day. I now repent of my sins, and I accept
Jesus into my heart. Fill me with the Holy Spirit, and help me to walk a life of faith, hope and
love. In Jesus name I pray amen.
Post Message
Please forgive any misspellings or typos. Special thank you to God and all that have helped me
to grow in my faith and walk with God. If anything here is false or not of God and the Bible
please let me know in efforts to help me grow as well as yourself.
“Beloved let us love one another, anyone that love is born of God and knoweth God for God is
love, but he that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is love” (1 John 4:7-8).
Notable Verses/Chapters
Song of Songs 4:7- You are Beautiful
1 John 4:7-8- Love Each Other
Galatians 5:22-23- Fruits of The Spirit
Hosea 3:1- God still loves in spite of recognizing faithlessness in others
Proverbs 10:12- Love Forgives Sin
Proverbs 19:11- Honor in Giving
Proverbs 11:23-26- Give Freely
Proverbs 19:29- Foolish are Punished
Proverbs 17:3- Lord will Test You
Proverbs 14:29- Anger is from Foolishness
Proverbs 28:20- God Honors Faith
Ecclesiastes 11:9- Young people should get determined and not waste their time
Ecclesiastes 11:10- Do Not Worry
1 Corinthians 13:13- Faith, Hope, and Love
3 John 1:2- Prosper
Ephesians 6:10-18- Armor of God
Isaiah 8:12- Do Not Fear
1 Peter 4:10- God’s Gifts
1 Peter 5:7- Worries on God
2 Peter 1:3-8- Be Holy Like God
2 Peter 3:18- Get to Know God Better
Isaiah 57
Luke 18: 27- Possible With God
Philipians 4:8- Think of Good Things
Ezekiel 33
Ezekiel 38 and 39- One leader brought fire upon his whole army and nation, because he was
acting evil (careful who is in charge of a nation, because they could cause their nation to be
plunged into a terrible situation just as Gog did with his army and his nation)
1 Timothy 4:1- In the end of days some will fall away from Christ and follow after the fruits of
1 Peter 1:3-5 - Hope is in the believers of Christ, and also we are kept by the power of God
Titus 2:11
Leviticus 18:22- Homosexuality is a sin
Lamentations 3
Daniel 12:10 - During hard times believers will be strong, but sinful people will keep sinning
1 John 5:5
Jeremiah 10, 11, 17
Revelation 12:7-9 - Satan and demons are in the earth
Mentions of Jesus in Old Testament
In the old testament there are over 300 mentionings of Jesus Christ. Here are just some verses of
which I have noticed, and recorded:
Hosea 3:4
Zephaniah 1:7
Zechariah 2:13
Zechariah 9:9
Zechariah 13:1
Malachi 3:1-3
Jeremiah 23:5-6
More Lessons/Notes
Much of “religion” in the world as it relates to Christianity is not as filled out as the Bible says it
is. Many leaders and religious people who claim to be Christian do not fully believe the Bible
and do not believe ALL of what it says. Although Christianity is about having power and faith
through and from God. Many religious people act like we are not to be spreading the gospel, or
thinking that we can be filled with the Holy Spirit, or that we are able to hear the voice of God.
Many of what religious people will do is tell you that you are to come toGod to get a blessing or
that they just talk about all the stuff that paints Christianity as something that is all happy and all
easy and carefree, and suffer free. The truth is we are to be spreading the gospel, praying for
others, casting out demons, and would want us to be hearing His voice, filled with the Spirit, and
to know that within Christianity there is suffering.
Keep up Your Prayer Life
Jeremiah 29:13
You can find God, but you must call on God. In the natural world you have an appetite for food,
but in the spiritual you must form an appetite for God. A good way to do so isto get a regiment
where you set time aside every day to pray and read the Bible whether you feel like it or not, and
do so by faith. You cannot see God and know God until He reveals himself to you, and He does
so when you have started to seek him. Do not allow anyone or anything to come in between you
and God.
Isaiah 5:6-7
Luke 11:5-13
Luke 18:21
Keep praying. If you do not keep up your prayer life, you will faint in the spirit and will start to
be more and more consumed by the world and or its philosophy.
Isaiah 40:27-31
Wait on God, and he will strengthen you. If you deal with God you must have patience as you
live with God.
Something interesting to know is that experiencing church does not have to be in a building with
a cross on the front of it. Church can happen in the living room of one’s house. In the Word it
says if 2 or more comes together in agreement to God they can ask anything of Him. The very
minimum you need is one other person and if you two (or more) will get together and pray, and
read the Bible together then there is church right there.
John 1:1and 14
John 15:3
Let the Word of God dwell(live) in you.
Colossians 3:16
Married couples ought to both be involved with the Word of God.
Joshua 1:8
Matthew 24:35
God’s words will last forever, therefore why not get something that is going to last longer than
the earth in your spirit and in your body.
Hebrews 4:12
When you start your prayer life (if it is new or being recontinued) it is important to know that
there will not be overnight progress. There will be rough times, and you must keep faith through
those times as you are reaping by faith what you will reap in the later years and/or when you pass
on to heaven.
Matthew 17:15-21
Know What You Are Saying
Jude 1:8-10
Here in Jude, he talks about how evil people speak evil things about what they do not
understand. In verse 8-9 Jude talks about how even Michael, the archangel, does not speak evil
against heavenly beings, nor the devil. Remember, Satan was Lucifer, an angel before he became
Satan. So Michael knowing of this, leaves judgement of Satan to God alone. So in these verses
Michael is aware of what he says and also to whom, and why. However in verse 10 it goes on to
say that there are godless people in the church who do not understand who they are talking to
when they speak evil things. Someone could be the leader of a large church denomination,
however if they do not fully understand that they are to be casting out devils and demons, then
those devils and demons will tear down that person, because of his, or her lack of understanding.
Devils and demons are nothing to play with. Jesus approached them seriously, and even He knew
what he was dealing with when He would encounter a demon. So should you. Understand that if
you cast out demons and devils you should do so in the name of Jesus. Understand that if you
fight these devils and demons you are fighting against something that only wants your
destruction. Remember also that life and death are in the power of the tongue, so you should be
very careful with what and how you say things.
Pride Ruins the Self (Book of Ezekiel)
In the book of Ezekiel in the 28th chapter, it is often seen as describing what happened with the
fall of Lucifer who became Satan. It is also mentioning the first sin, which was pride. Lucifer
rebelled because of pride, and that caused him and all the angels he deceived to be cast out and
into darkness. Now in the 31st chapter of Ezekiel, God shows another example of pride. He
describes the nation of Assyria as a tree in doing so. God said Assyria was once like a great tree
that grew taller and stronger than all the other nations. God helped Assyria to become stronger
and to look beautiful. But then, Assyria made the same mistake as Lucifer did.
Ezekiel 31:10-11; “So the Lord and King says, ‘The cedar tree grew very high. Its top was above
all of the leaves. It was proud of how tall it was. So I handed it over to the Babylonian ruler of
the nations. I wanted him to punish it because it was so evil. I decided to get rid of it’”
Here it is seen that pride caused Assyria to fall. God went as far as to say that when it was in
pride it was evil. Do not be evil. Let go of pride in life. Do not let pride afflict your heart to
believe you can talk bad about anyone, or thing, or to believe that you are better than anyone or
anything. If you do so, know that in the chapter Assyria was described as being strong, mighty,
beautiful, and majestic, and not even they could stop the punishment of God on them for their
pride. So it does not matter who you are, who you think you are, how high in life you may be,
you can not withstand God.
Abortion and Homosexuality
Leviticus 18:22
Psalm 139:13
Jeremiah 1:1
Here it is made known that within the womb you were and others have been made by God. This
is why God is against abortion. God forms us within the womb and when someone gets an
abortion and others suppport it and others perform the operation for it, all are committing an act
to kill God’s creation that is with a soul.
Genesis 19:3-9
When the Bible says know, it does not mean to meet them but rather to have intimate relations
with them. Here Lot tried to get the homosexual men to not have sex with other men but rather to
get them to be intimate with his daughters because he knew it was wrong for men to be intimate
with each other. As the Bible went on the men prepared to take Lot since they could not have the
other men. It was only by the angels that Lot was saved. Later on God passed judgment on
Sodom because of the sexual perversion within the city.
Romans 1:21-27
Sadly there are many that hate the Bible but think they are wise. They do not know the truth, and
this is that they will have to reap the type of hate they are sowing now against the Bible. Soon
they will know that they are wrong and God is alive and Jesus is returning. Also see note how
God calls it shameful for men to ‘perform acts’ with other men.
Just remember that all of what is being said is from the Bible. This is not what I have come up
with, or what anyone else has come up with. Someone once said that the Bible is not a friendly
book to the world, meaning the Bible is against the philosophy of the world. This book can and
will help anyone if they allow it to, but know that the Bible is not in agreement with the world
and the demonic power within the world.
Small History Lesson
Daniel 8
These chapters talk about the inevitable coming of Christ. Gabriel explains to Daniel that before
the second coming of Christ the king of Greece would fall and from his kingdom four smaller
kingdoms would arise which would not be as strong. I believe this to be Alexander the Great.
Alexander the Great was king of Greece, then when he died his empire was divided amongst his
generals who were: Cassander, Ptolemy, Antigonus, and Seleucus (according to
www.ancient.eu). Then the Bible goes on to mention how after those four kingdoms came
another king. I believe this king was Caesar Augustus.
Daniel 11
In Daniel 11, Daniel is informed of events to happen before the end of times. One of which being
the rising of kings in the Persian empire, and then one of the kings attacking the kingdom of
Greece. This has already happened during the Archimedean empire. During this empire the king
Darius the Great attacked Greece which led to the Greeco-Persian wars (www.britanica.com).
Then later in the chapter it talks about a mighty king appearing then his kingdom being divided.
This I believe to be Alexander the Great, who was famous for defeating Persia and later he did
have his kingdom divided as mentioned earlier. While more history could be explained from the
Bible, I point this out to explain that yet another prophecy has happened already before the end
of times, and reinforce the fact that the Bible and what it has to say is real.
Small Messages from Hosea
Hosea 6:3
In chapter 6 of Hosea, Hosea encourages to keep chasing after God. God is self revealing,
meaning the more one seeks Him, the more God reveals his nature to us. In fact the verse goes
on to say God renews us. This is the importance of reading and praying on a daily basis. We
learn more about God through the studying of the Word. Some people do not fully grasp the
importance of often reading your Bible, which is why some believers are not as fully successful
in their faith as they could be. Sad to say some believers only pick up the Bible when going to
group studies or church on Sunday, never minding the rest of the days in the week in which they
should read the Bible.
Hosea 4:4-9
God recognizes that just because may be a spiritual leader, that does not make them any more
holier. God will get as upset with an unfaithful preacher as He would an unfaithful church goer,
because God in general would be upset when someone says they love God, but does not live as
they say. There is an interesting effect that can happen when disobeying God though.
Hosea 4:2-3
When Israel got into disobedience to God, their land was corrupted and not even the environment
was ok afterwards. Even in the modern day, America, and many other nations around the world
have been disobedient to God, and as a result the world is in a rotten place all around for it. God
is not one to see disobedience and to let it go unrectified. In fact the Bible says that the earth we
live on will soon perish.
Hosea 7:14
In this verse God recognizes that there were many people in pain in Israel, but would not cry out
to Him. The same happens today. All over the world there are people that are in pain, but would
not cry out to God, instead they go home and feel bad in whatever situation as if they have no
one higher to turn to, when all along God is desiring you to come to Him. Furthermore God
makes note that many are causing self harm due to their pain they are experiencing. All of which
happens all over the world now. It is God's desire that you come to Him so that he may help you
in life. This is why we have faith, so that we may have life more abundantly. I know not all
people will understand this, but it is true. God can't force you to make a decision, but he sees the
pain someone is in, and it does Him no joy.
Hebrew, Regret and its Meaning (Genesis 6)
A while ago a friend of mine said he wondered what the Bible meant by God regretting the
creation of man, notably from Genesis 6:6. Commonly the word ‘regret’ is understood to be the
opposite of rejoicing. In the old testament it was originally written in Hebrew and in the Hebrew
language, as many other languages, the use of certain words is based on semantics and context.
The Hebrew word for regret is nacham (naw-kham’) meaning also contrition and repentance.
The word regret is tied to human actions and feelings of guilt to doing something wrong. When
Adam and Eve disobeyed God, that was a very sinful act in the Garden and for that God now had
to change the way He dealt with humans because He is holy, and humans had now attained a
sinful nature. The word ‘regret’ is still used in response to human action, and not of God’s
actions. So the word ‘regret’ is not used as God having done something wrong, but rather God
acknowledging that He now must change the dynamic interaction of humanity and Himself
because of humanity having been evil and disobedient. Remember God’s works and Himself are
perfect as described in the Bible (Deuteronomy 32:4).
Genesis 6:7
After Genesis 6:6 in the next verse we are informed that God made the decision to start over and
to flood the earth. Had things stayed perfect as they were God would never have done this. Had
Adam and Eve never disobeyed God, man would not have attained a sinful nature and God
would not have wiped out the earth as He did on account of man being sinful. It is only because
He had to wipe out the earth from all the sinful and mean acts that had polluted it (Genesis 6:11)
that God felt the pain in His heart in Genesis 6:6. Remember when God first created everything it
was good and perfect. It was never His intention for sin to infect humanity and the earth, and it
certainly does God no pleasure to have to wipe people out in order to restore things to how they
ought to be.
The Day of The Lord and Judgment
Currently this is being written in January 2021, and it is in great belief that the day of The Lord
is very close. On that day much will happen. It will be, in opinion, one of the most important
days ever. The others being the day humanity was created, the day humanity fell into sin, and the
day Christ paid for our sins. While many are looking forward to the day of The Lord, in the Bible
it describes the day as being a day of suffering for those who are not walking with The Lord.
Zephaniah 1:15
God tells us that on that day there will be great suffering, and why is that? There will be
suffering because God will pour out his anger on those that have been sinful and unrighteous to
God and in the earth. Many people, in fact, most people on earth will experience this because
most of the world do not know or believe the truth about God and his Word.
Now God also says on that day, after all the torment, books shall be opened. The Book of Life
and the other books. In the Book of Life will hold all the names of those that are saved. All the
other books held the acts that people had done in the world (Revelation 20:12). In the Bible it is
repeated that God is seeing and keeping track of what we do, not just sinners, but also believers
in Christ. Then the book of Revelation says that anyone whose name is NOT written in the Book
of Life shall be cast into the lake of fire which is the second death (Revelation 20:14-15). Some
people, believers and sinners alike do not believe in Hell or the fact that there exists a place
where there will be unending torment for eternity. Such a place exists because this is the
punishment for sinners. This is the repercussions of living sinful. For God is holy, but he cannot
mix with those who are unholy. This is why Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden of
Eden, because they attained a sinful nature through disobedience and eating of the forbidden
fruit. God was, and is holy, and they became sinful in nature. To some they may say, a place such
as Hell does not sound like a place that God would send those he says he loves. To that one must
understand that God wishes for all to be with him in heaven, however since heaven is God’s holy
kingdom, if a sinner were to enter it then it would taint the holiness within it. And it would not
make sense if God should reward sin. Heaven and Hell exist and that is the truth. Now God
informs us on how one can live in order to not have to spend eternity in Hell. As sad as it may
sound it is the truth to know that there are those who will go to Hell because of their
disobedience and refusal to believe the Gospel. Now this is the importance of telling sinners
about the gospel. One of the last things Jesus said to his disciples was to go and preach the
gospel. This is important because God wants as many people to enter his kingdom before it is too
late. If anyone other than the original writer is reading this now, please please do yourself and
God a favor and tell sinners about God.
Malachi 4:1
Isaiah 13:6-9
So here it says God is coming to set punish the sinners who’ve been disobedient and unaccepting
of God. In the book of Jeremiah chapter 10, Jeremiah said to God to please correct me and to be
fair about it (NIV Jeremiah 10:24). When God comes to punish he is not being spiteful or evil
hearted. He is doing what is fair. It is fair and good for a God loving man or woman who seeks
God to be able to spend eternity with him after death in the physical body, just as it would be fair
for someone who has turned on God or rejects him to not be able to spend eternity with him.
2 Peter 3:10
Now here we learn about multiple things. The first which is most important in this verse is that
the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night. This means that when it comes it will catch
some people off guard. There are those right now that believe they have all the time in the world
to get their lives right with God. Now this is a personal story right here; when I was in school
one of my Bible teachers mentioned how he once talked with a young kid on his relationship
with God. The kid said that he plans to do all that he wants to do then when he’s old he will
commit himself to God. At the time I was only in middle school but I knew that was not right,
and my Bible teacher told us that was wrong. Someone needs to know that tomorrow is not
promised to you. Someone needs to know that the day of the Lord could be the next day you
wake up in the morning. Once the day of the Lord comes to pass or once you die and you are not
right with God then it is too late. Get right with God now, do not wait until tomorrow, because as
it says in The Word, “the day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night”.
The next important thing is what is going to happen in heaven. Yes even heaven is going to be
dealt with. Heaven is going to pass away and there shall be a new heaven. Now it is important to
know that the people in heaven will be fine, they will not die again or be eviscerated or anything
like that. Those souls are enjoying the promise of salvation and that is something that cannot be
taken from them. The salvation of God is so beautiful to know that there is nothing you need to
do because Jesus already did it, and there is nothing you or anyone else can do to take it away.
Then the last important thing is to know that there will be a new earth. Things will be beautiful
on earth as God intended them to be before the entry of sin and disobedience. These things are
all to happen in the day of the Lord.
Now the day of the Lord is said to have all these things to happen and more. If I were to go into
all the verses that talk about the day of the Lord this section would be a lot longer. For now I
urge you to not let the day of the Lord sneak up on you. Get right with God now and help
someone else to get right with God.
Heaven in the Bible is one of the most beautifully described places. In heaven there is nothing
but perfect peace, and joy with The Lord God Almighty.
Revelation 22:3-5
One of the best things about heaven is said in the first sentence which is that there are no
illnesses or diseases. Down on Earth there are all sorts of diseases and all sorts of illnesses.
Currently in the year 2021, as this is being written there is a pandemic, but thank God to know
no one will have to deal with that in the kingdom of God.
Now the verse goes on to mention that God and the Lamb will be there and his servants to be
with Him. So know that in heaven we are not always just going to be sitting around stargazing, in
fact there is work in heaven. In the Bible God mentions how He has appointed positions in
heaven meaning there are jobs designed for people to be worked. This is not a torture job or
anything of the sort by the way.
Matthew 22:29-30
In heaven there is no marriage. In heaven there is enjoyment of fellowship amongst all. There is
no need to be married to one another because we will be married to Christ. In the Bible it says
the church will be the bride of Christ. Some may ask why there is no marriage between us in
heaven. This is answered by Christ.
Luke 20:34-36
We do not marry in heaven because we cannot die anymore and we are like the angels. In
marriage vows, commonly you say ‘until death do us part’. This is talking about a physical death
not spiritual death of the soul. This is why it is ok for a widow to remarry. In the Bible it says a
widow can remarry if her husband dies (Romans 7:3), so this again all in physical death.
Understand that when you die your body returns to the dust of the earth, but your soul lives on
with Christ, so in that respect you are forever with Christ as a part of the church which is to be
the bride of Christ.
Matthew 6:19-20
This means that there are treasures in heaven for those who follow God. This is one of the
reasons why God does not want us chasing after the world, because after all of judgment there
will be a new earth and heaven. This means the old earth will burn up and be destroyed as well
as the things in it. However when you live right and well after God, He takes notice and you will
earn rewards that are meant specifically for you.
Revelation 21:21-27
The beautiful parts to this passage is how it describes what heaven will look like visually when
one sees it. The passage describes heaven as having streets of pure gold. Then goes on to say that
the sun is not needed because the glory of God will be enough light. That is amazing to think
about. Another key point is the description of splendor being brought into the city. This means
that in addition to there being no sickness in heaven there will also be no depression or sadness
too. There will only be joy and peace in heaven. Finally the passage mentions no sin is allowed
into the city. Then elaborates to say that no sinful people will be allowed in as well. So there will
be no one mean, rude, full of anger or jealousy. No people who are plotting against you or others.
There will be no need to keep watch for that as we do on earth, because there just will not be any
of it in heaven.
Matthew 25:46
Aside from the mentioning of where those who have not accepted Christ will go, this verse also
mentions the destination of those who have followed God. It describes it as eternal life which is
another great beauty of heaven. The fact that when you are there no one can take it away from
you but that it is eternal. You will NEVER die.
While this is only a glimpse into what is waiting on the other side, know that there are only good
things waiting in heaven, and that if you give your life to Christ you too can enjoy all that God
has to offer not just on the earth, but also with him in paradise.
Luke 23:43
Importance of Fasting
Today many believers in Christ and non believers alike do not completely understand the
importance of fasting nor the need to. Jesus said that when he will not be here then it shall be the
time to fast, and since Jesus is not currently walking the earth it is not the time to be fasting.
What is a fast?
A fast is an abstinence from food, typically done for religious purposes but from time to time
nonreligious people have adopted the practice to personal needs or desires.
Why fast?
In the Bible a big application to a fast has been to honor God through fasting and prayer so says
Luke 2:37
Now in The Word it Jesus asked if there was more to life than just what one will eat. In the Bible
it also states multiple times that God is life. So, personally, I believe as we fast we show God or
communicate to Him that he is greater than just our next meal.
From the book of Joel chapter 2 verse 12 to 13 we see that fasting is also used as a form of
repentance. This point is reemphasized in the book of Jonah.
Jonah 3:4-10
Nineveh was the capital of Assyria, and the Assyrians were hard punishers at the time. So
Nineveh being the capital was the center of it many times. A pastor taught me some of what
happened in Nineveh and on my own I researched the rest. Come to find out that Nineveh’s
punishments and torure tactics included, but not limited to: flaying (skinning someone alive),
cutting off body parts on live victims, hanging decapitated heads on trees and pikes, burning of
adolescent boys and girls, and feeding people to dogs. Nineveh was not a loving place to be in.
However when they heard the message out of Jonah from God that God was preparing to destroy
them they got into fasting and it worked. God took pity in them as the Bible says and did not
destroy them. Do remember that in Joel it states God to be a loving God to forgive, so do not
think that you are so bad as to not be unforgiven.
We can fast also for when trouble comes to our lives.
Matthew 17:21 (KJV)
Sometimes trouble will arise in our lives, trouble that seems near impossible to overcome yet
God says fasting and prayer is an effective tool to use in those situations. Temptation will arise,
devils and demons will attack us, and it can be so great until the only way out is through prayer
and fasting.
Fasting can also be done for guidance and divine intervention.
Act 13:2-4
The Holy Spirit did not talk to the disciples before the fast, but only after they began to fast. It is
a great belief that God can and will talk to someone if they are in a mode of praying and fasting.
If one could learn to get into fasting and prayer and the Word of God, it can amplify one’s ability
to detect the voice of God.
While there are many more applications to fasting stated and observed in the Bible these are just
a few that can majorly help. Before ending this section I will say that fasting is not easy. It is a
rough experience to go through especially if you have not done it before or are not used to doing
it. It will get extremely uncomfortable and the flesh will want to give up early. However it is
important, a pastor pointed out that Jesus did not start his ministry until after fasting. Abraham
the father of faith went through fasting. A you fast you must resist temptation and maintain self
control, and the best way to do so is to get yourself in the mental state of fasting. Before you fast
think about what you are fasting for and make up in your mind to hold that goal up above
breaking the fast. When I was taught that it made one particular fasting experience for me that
much greater than some of my past experiences. Be blessed and hang in there.
Matthew 9:15