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Artificial Intelligence: Origins, Development, and Future

1. Who was the founder of AI?
- AI has been studied for decades and is still one of the most elusive subjects in
Computer Science, and the term artificial intelligence was first coined by John
McCarthy in 1956 in an academic conference.
2. How effective was the invention initially and how is it to date?
- At first, artificial intelligence was ineffective, because it was only a term and concept.
- Now, many improvements have been made, and AI has become one of the most
popular subjects. Yet Artificial intelligence hasn't been completed.
3. What improvements and modifications have been initiated towards its success?
- Man named Alan Mathison Turing wrote paper on computing machinery and
intelligence, which became basis of artificial intelligence
- In the Dartmouth conference, the concept of AI was finalized.
- The scientists believe that inference and exploration in real world can be dealt with
calculation, but it failed(the study on artificial intelligence stopped)
- Artificial intelligence was divided based on their practical purpose. However, as one
field expanded, it became harder to find experts on it.
- Later, the concept of ANN and deep learning was developed, and deep learning was
successfully made.
- Intelligence is now divided into two
- Weak intelligence, intelligence like alphago, and is used to eliminate humans’
- Strong intelligence is not made, and it is the intelligence that can surpass
humans’ ability.
4. What is its future?
- There are many different opinions on this subject. Some believe that AI will never be
completed, and others believe that it will be completed some day.
- If it is completed, it will perform many jobs instead of humans, and will be able to
boost technology and industry.