American Dream Essay and Mini-Project (100 points) A Raisin in the Sun was our last major work, so it’s time to look at the overarching theme from this year: dreams. Every one of the novels we read dealt with the American Dream. But what are they saying about it? What do you think all these complementing and conflicting dreams amount to? What do all these different dreams say about the American Dream as a whole? You will create a final project exploring these questions. You will choose one character and their dream from each of the texts we’ve read – you should have 4 characters total. You are required to, at a MINIMUM, have one quote per text as support in each of your body paragraphs. The possible characters in each text are listed below. This essay and associated project are due at the end of the semester and will count for 100 points – 40 points for the project, 60 points for the essay. There is no minimum page length for this assignment, but you will be graded for the depth of your responses. Nonspecific, plot summary-heavy body paragraphs will lose you points. You will have several class periods to work on this project, including a peer review day. There is no FINAL EXAM this semester. Our ELA 11 texts – choose ONE character from EACH of the following 4 texts (4 characters total): 1. The Crucible John Proctor Abigail Williams The Puritans (as a group) other? 2. Into the Wild Chris McCandless Jon Krakauer his parents other? 3. The Great Gatsby Jay Gatsby Daisy Buchanan Nick Carraway George Wilson other? 4. A Raisin in the Sun Mama Beneatha Younger Walter Younger Ruth Younger other? The second part of this assignment is to do a mini-project. This project will be a visual representation of the characters and their dreams. You should find or draw 3 pictures that are representative of each character’s dream(s) -- 12 pictures minimum, 3 for each of your 4 chosen characters. Then, fill their heads with their dreams! You should CUSTOMIZE each of the heads to better match the character and put their NAME near their head and the BOOK they came from. You will need to EXPLAIN these pictures and how they represent the character’s dream(s) in your ESSAY in addition to exploring and analyzing their dream(s). You will PRESENT your heads and your essay findings to the class :o) Here is a suggested outline for your essay: Intro: Should include: o your view/definition of the American Dream o a topic sentence letting readers know which characters you chose and the very basics of their dream(s) o a thesis (with argument) about what all this says about the American Dream o Define the American Dream (your own definition, NOT one from the internet) o 5 sentences minimum Body Paragraph 1: Needs to include: o 2 sentence quick summary of The Crucible o Crucible character dream summary and analysis (including 1 quote) o head abstract pictures explanation Body Paragraph 2: Needs to include: o 2 sentence quick summary of Into the Wild o Into the Wild character dream summary and analysis (including 1 quote) o head abstract pictures explanation Body Paragraph 3: Needs to include: o 2 sentence quick summary of The Great Gatsby o Gatsby character dream summary and analysis (including 1 quote) o head abstract pictures explanation Body Paragraph 4: Needs to include: o 2 sentence quick summary of A Raisin in the Sun o Raisin character dream summary and analysis (including 1 quote) o head abstract pictures explanation Body Paragraph 5: Needs to include: o support for the argument presented in your thesis o what does all this say about the American Dream? Conclusion: Needs to include: o 5 sentences minimum summarizing your findings o Restate your thesis in different words o Mention the books and characters you used in the essay Essay Planning Sheet (10 points) Name: _________________________ Thesis Draft: _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Finalized Thesis: ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Topic Sentence: ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Character for Body Paragraph 1: ____________________________________ Character for Body Paragraph 2: ____________________________________ Character for Body Paragraph 3: ____________________________________ Character for Body Paragraph 4: ____________________________________ Essay Quotes Body Paragraph 1 Quote: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph 2 Quote: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph 3 Quote: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph 4 Quote: _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Space for Additional Quotes: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Essay Rubric (60 points) Name: ___________________________ Intro: topic sentence and thesis (with argument), your view on American Dream Conclusion: 5 sentences minimum, restated thesis, books and characters mentioned _____/5 Body Paragraph 1: 2 sentence book summary, character dream summary and analysis (1 quote) and head pictures explanation _____/10 Body Paragraph 2: 2 sentence book summary, character dream summary and analysis (1 quote) and head pictures explanation _____/10 Body Paragraph 3: 2 sentence book summary, character dream summary and analysis (1 quote) and head pictures explanation _____/10 Body Paragraph 4: 2 sentence book summary, character dream summary and analysis (1 quote) and head pictures explanation _____/10 Body Paragraph 5: What does all this say about the American Dream? Is the thesis argument supported? _____/10 Format and Grammar: double spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, header, thoughtful title, page numbers _____/5 Essay Total: (see back for Mini Project Grade and Final Grade) ______/60 Mini Project Rubric (40 points) Head #1 Are there 3 pictures in the head? Are the picture relevant to the character and their dream? Is the head personalized for the character? Is the character’s name and book title near the head? Is the project polished? Is it evident that effort was put into it? _____/10 Head #2 Are there 3 pictures in the head? Are the picture relevant to the character and their dream? Is the head personalized for the character? Is the character’s name and book title near the head? Is the project polished? Is it evident that effort was put into it? _____/10 Head #3 Are there 3 pictures in the head? Are the picture relevant to the character and their dream? Is the head personalized for the character? Is the character’s name and book title near the head? Is the project polished? Is it evident that effort was put into it? _____/10 Head #4 Are there 3 pictures in the head? Are the picture relevant to the character and their dream? Is the head personalized for the character? Is the character’s name and book title near the head? Is the project polished? Is it evident that effort was put into it? _____/10 Additional Comments: Project Total: _____/40 Final Grade: _____/100