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Lord of the Flies: Summary, Characters, and Themes

¿Who was William Golding?
William Golding, in full Sir William Gerald Golding, (born in 1911) was an English
novelist who in 1983 won the Nobel Prize for Literature for his parables of the
human condition.
Lord of the Flies by William Golding is a novel written in 1954 that explores the
theme of savagery versus civilization. Thus, it is easy to see how World War II
influenced the writer's overall message: the evil within human beings and the loss
of their innocence as they become adults. The novel is based on British boys
stranded on an isolated island at the time of an imaginary nuclear war. On the
island we witness the conflict between two main characters, Jack and Ralph, who
respectively represent civilization and savagery. This has repercussions for the
rest of the boys throughout the novel, as they move deeper and deeper into
In conclusion, in general William Golding's Lord of the Flies is a novel in which the theme of
savagery versus civilization is shown. Ralph represents civilization, as he wants to impose rules
and let everyone have an equal voice. While Jack represents savagery, as he rules over the
boys and does not care what they have to say. Through the boys' actions, Golding shows us
that we need rules and that we must consciously impose them to make sure that society
functions properly. But from the extract
What Inspired Golding to write this novel?
The World War II
After joining the navy he saw the horrors of the war
Main Characters
Ralph, timid, Poor leadership skill, no deterrance, a completely 'Loser'
Piggy, Intelligence, Sensible, brave, stong-willed, won't yield under power
Jack, ambition, evil, also poor leadership skill, dominant, bossy and brave
Simon, Also sensible, Religious also brave
The Conch, represents order, district, law and power
A group of child from the age 6-12
Escaping from the nuclear war
Hit by the enemy and land on an island
First everyone was combined together into a large group, but then
separated by the disagreement with Jack and Ralph, everyone's scared
by the monster.
Simon was then killed in the dance, piggy's glasses got taken away by
Jack's people, then Piggy was killed by roger. and eventually everyone
got rescued.
Key message/idea
To show the dark side of humanity
To express the cruelty and brutality of war William Golding saw in the
war into a novel
To show the Actual humanity without any
To show the conficts between humanity, individual interests and
collective interests
Though the novel is fictional, its exploration of the idea of
human evil is at least partly based on Golding’s experience with
the real-life violence and brutality of World War II. William
Golding employs a relatively straightforward writing style in Lord
of the Flies.
He uses a lot of metaphors word
repetition of words
Leadership motivates the people to a higher level of performance through their strong
human relations. It is an important function of management which helps to maximize
efficiency and to achieve organizational goals, With good leadership, you can create a
vision and can motivate people to make it a reality
Migration is bad because it leads to several problems such as overpopulation, consumption of
more resources, pollution, etc. On the other hand, it has its positive side because it increases
competitiveness in employment, sharing of cultures, etc. In conclusion, for a migration to take
place in a good way there must be correct laws on the part of the different governments.
Who is the Lord of the Flies?
Physically, the Lord of the Flies is the pig head that Jack, Roger, and the
hunters mount on a sharpened stick and leave as an offering for the beast. The
head is described as dripping blood, eerily grinning, and attracting a swarm of
buzzing flies. When The Lord of the Flies “speaks” to Simon, we can assume
that his voice is a hallucinatory effect of Simon’s disintegrating mental state.
The Lord of the Flies suggests to Simon that the boys will be their own undoing.
Simon loses consciousness after the episode, and is killed later that night.
Later, when Roger and Jack vow to hunt and kill Ralph, they imply that they will
repeat their offering to the beast, using Ralph’s head this time. Symbolically, the
Lord of the Flies represents the evil inside each one of the boys on the island.
child exploitation is related to social organisation. I also consider it to be a bad action coming
from the state. Because children should study instead of working in order to be able to have a
profession and make positive changes in our society.