KEY THEME: INTRO: title, author, setting, context statement of contention define keyword (eg loyal) three key ideas to discuss Para 1 - TEEL Topic sentence – main idea using key word from question Explain - characters or scenes that explain this idea Evidence - 3 examples or quotes from text © Link back to question (words like therefore, due to this, thus) Para 2 – TEEL Topic sentence – main idea using key word from question Explain - characters or scenes that explain this idea Evidence - 3 examples or quotes from text Link back to question (words like therefore, due to this, thus) © Para 3 - TEEL Topic sentence – main idea using key word from question Explain - characters or scenes that explain this idea Evidence - 3 examples or quotes from text Link back to question (words like therefore, due to this, thus) Conclusion Bring together key themes discussed in paragraphs statement of contention (worded differently) ©