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Business Statistics Syllabus - Centenary University

Syllabus –Spring Semester 2021
Course ID:
Course Name:
Business - Undergraduate
4 Credits
Professor Dana M. Benbow, MBA
(H) 973-347-8657 (C) 973-945-1006
Brotherton 113
Office Hours:
All office hours will be virtual conducted on Teams until further notice.
4:00 – 5:00 PM
8:30 – 9:30 AM
2:00 – 3:00 PM
8:30 – 9:30 AM
Other times by appointment
Class Meetings:
Monday 12:00 to 1:40 AM in TBD
Wednesday 12:00 to 1:40 AM synchronously online
Course Description:
This course builds upon MTH-1501 (or equivalent statistics course) to develop skills
in the use of quantitative tools and techniques used in the analysis and formulation
of business management decisions. The course covers hypothesis test, ANOVA
analysis, and Chi-Square analysis in addition to a thorough exploration of
regression, modeling, forecasting, and the use of business analytics. Students are
exposed to advanced analyses and the communication of analysis in the
management context.
Levine, David M., Stephan, David F., & Szabat, Kathryn A. (2017). Statistics for
Managers Using Microsoft ® Excel (8th ed.).Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson ISBN: 9780134465975. (Note: MyStatLab is NOT required and
there are options to the hard copy text.)
The Wall Street Journal (online or paper copy) and associated business/industry
periodicals with statistical reports and analyses.
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, D.C.
Optional Text: You may find this online text helpful if you are still learning Excel.
Just click on the “Go to the Material” button and you can download the online, free
text. https://www.merlot.org/merlot/viewMaterial.htm?id=773403896
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BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Spring Semester 2021
Supplemental course materials as indicated by the instructor or within this syllabus.
You will also need a calculator and we will utilize Excel (PC or Mac; Google
Sheets will not work for you) to solve problems in class and for quizzes
and exams.
University Syllabus
Statement on Moodle
Business Department
Learning Outcomes
Honor Code
In addition to any terms and conditions outlined in this syllabus, please also review the
University Syllabus Statement posted in Moodle.
Learners graduating from Centenary University's business programs are expected to
perform the following activities as a business practitioner:
a. Construct coherent written business communications. (Mapped to CGE
b. Deliver coherent oral business communications. (Mapped to CGE 1)
BDLO 2. Analyze quantitative data in support of business decisions. (Mapped to CGE 2,
3, 4)
BDLO 3. Collaborate as team members on group assignments. (Mapped to CGE 5)
BDLO 4. Apply the ethical requirements and obligations of organizations in a
business environment. (Mapped to CGE 6)
BDLO 5. Apply theory and practice across business disciplines to identify, analyze,
and solve business problems and leverage business opportunities.
Each student bears a fundamental responsibility for maintaining academic integrity
and intellectual honesty in his or her work. For example, all students are expected to
submit their own rather than another's work, to refrain from falsifying data, and to
refrain from receiving and/or giving aid on examinations or other assigned work
requiring independent effort.
In submitting written material, the writer takes full responsibility for the work as a
whole, and implies that, except as properly noted by use of quotation marks, footnotes,
etc., both the ideas and the works used are his or her own.
In addition to maintaining personal academic integrity, each student is expected to
contribute to the academic integrity of the school community by not facilitating
inappropriate use of her/his own work by others and by reporting acts of academic
dishonesty by others to an appropriate school authority. It should be clearly
understood that plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty will not
be tolerated and can lead to sanctions up to and including separation from Centenary
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BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Spring Semester 2021
Course Information
Instructional Techniques:
This course uses a combination of teaching methods including lecture, class discussion,
case study, exam, and individual projects. Class and online discussions are an integral
part of the course. All students are expected to contribute to course dialogue and be
active participants in discussions.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
 Demonstrate the use of statistical data in business problem solving and apply
statistical tools to analyze basic business situations. (CGE 2,3,4 and BDLO2)
 Make basic interpretations of quantitative data using statistical techniques. (CGE
2, 3, 4 and BDLO’s 1 and 2)
 Utilize the application of probability to decision-making in business risk scenarios.
(CGE 2,3,4 and BDLO2)
 Demonstrate the ability to properly present quantitative findings. (CGE 1 and
Student Evaluation:
Students will be evaluated based on participation in class discussions, demonstration
of critical thinking skills, and on the quality of their work on problems, quizzes, short
papers, and exams. Skills of planning, organization, critical review of related
literature, and actual execution and presentation of work are part of the evaluation.
Grades will be assigned in the following manner:
Quizzes and discussion forums
Exams (3)
Personal Paper
Course grades are based upon a student’s work throughout the entire semester. No
extra credit is available, and assignments may not be resubmitted, so be sure to put
forth your best effort on every assignment. Grades are based strictly on individual
performance, not on any environmental factors (e.g., tuition reimbursement policies
at your corporation or requirements for graduation). All grade questions and requests
must be made in writing. In order to retain professionalism among the student(s) and
not create a counterproductive classroom atmosphere, grade questions should remain
between the instructor and the student.
Grade Scale:
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Quantitative Qualitative
93 to 100
90 to 92
88 to 89
83 to 87
80 to 82
78 to 79
73 to 77
70 to 72
Superior quality in the mastery of content
and method of the course, demonstrated
ability to perceive relationships, initiative
in doing work in which quality consistently
surpasses that required.
Good understanding of the content and
method of the course, demonstrated ability
to recognize relationships, better than
average achievement of course objectives
and fulfillment of course requirements.
Sufficient understanding of the content and
method of the course, demonstrated ability
to recognize obvious relationships,
adequate achievement of course objectives
and fulfillment of course requirements.
BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Spring Semester 2021
68 to 69
63 to 67
60 to 62
59 and
Incomplete understanding of the content
and method of the course, inability to
demonstrate satisfactory recognition of
obvious relationships, unsatisfactory
achievement of course objectives and
Lack of understanding of the content and
method of the course, failure to achieve
objectives and/or complete requirements of
the course.
Academic performance is contingent upon the student’s attendance in all class
activities. If an absence is unavoidable, the student must, if possible, discuss the
absence with the faculty member before the absence. Students who miss a scheduled
class activity are fully responsible for the class content and information presented
that day. Note: this should not include an expectation that the instructor will
“reteach” the class for the student who misses class. The responsibility is the
student’s to connect with classmates and review posted materials to obtain content.
Class activities will almost certainly be conducted over multiple modalities this
semester (consult the remainder of the syllabus and the instructor communications to
clarify the modalities for this course). Therefore, the following defines the expected
student engagement by the various modalities:
In-person, on ground class activities – Here traditional attendance
expectations will hold; arrive on time, prepared to participate and contribute,
and stay engaged throughout the session. For students unable to attend
classes or who opt out of in-person attendance, attendance is established by
1) attending lectures synchronously online (with camera ON) and actively
participating in class discussion including group activities or 2) accessing all
materials asynchronously (i.e., viewing the recorded lecture, reading the
posted lecture slides, and completing study problems) and then emailing two
to three pages of study notes (typed or copies of handwritten notes) to me.
All students are expected to complete any posted Discussion Forum for the
Online activities where participation by student is expected at a defined time
– These are often described as synchronous activities. In our case, these will
be scheduled lectures accompanied by student discussion that will take place
during a regularly scheduled class period. Students are expected to arrive on
time, keep their cameras ON, respond to chat and verbal discussion as
requested, and stay through the entire session. Sessions will be recorded to
permit students to review both material and discussion later; a link will be
provided on Moodle.
Lecture slides will be posted on Moodle as well. Attendance in this modality
is accomplished by meeting the expectations defined above.
For students unable to attend class at the time scheduled, attendance is
established by accessing all materials asynchronously (i.e., viewing the
recorded lecture, reading the posted lecture slides, and completing study
problems) and then emailing two to three pages of study notes (typed or
copies of handwritten notes) to me. All students are expected to complete
any posted Discussion Forum for the week.
Online activities where participation by student can be scheduled at their
convenience (but expected prior to some established deadline) – These are
often described as asynchronous classes and are designed for students to
review posted lecture slides (sometimes with embedded audio), video clips,
supporting articles, etc. and will in most instances be accompanied by a
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BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Spring Semester 2021
discussion forum to be completed by a certain defined point in time.
Attendance is measured here by completion of the tasks for the class period
within the time and manner requested.
All course lectures delivered in hybrid or synchronous formats will be
recorded and a link provided on that day’s Moodle page. While I will
notify students that I am turning recording on in class, this will serve as
a general notice that class lectures on Teams will be recorded.
Students with technology connectivity issues, must make the professor aware of the
issue as soon as possible. This will facilitate appropriate action to address the
Students are expected to participate regularly and actively in class activities and
discussions; without substantial participation, you cannot get an A in this class.
Note, “activities” should be read broadly here to include both face-to-face,
synchronous, discussion forums, and online group discussions.
Participation grades will be largely based upon assessments of course engagement
across the course modalities and accumulated over the semester. Ten points are
available for each class day excluding exam days, 270 points for the semester. A base
of 7 points is awarded for meeting the attendance guidelines above. Deductions are
made from the base for late arrival, early departure, and inappropriate conduct during
class activities (e.g. texting, e-mail, side conversations, camera off, etc.). Additions are
made for active participation in activities such as discussion, building on comments or
points made by other classmates, offering new insights, and/or demonstrations of
problem solution in class. The final grade will reflect the percentage of total points
achieved over the semester subject to instructor adjustment for unique circumstances.
A pattern of non-attendance and/or non-participation may lead to withdrawal from the
course or failure. Generally, lack of participation/attendance in two weeks’ worth of
work will lead to withdrawal or failure.
I also expect you to regularly check your Centenary email basis as I will email the
class at various points during the course to provide updates and/or explanatory
Each learner is required to complete each class’s assignments before arrival in
class. This includes the reading of textbook chapters and completion of assigned
chapter problems in preparation for discussion. Consult the Schedule provided
below and daily assignments on Moodle for specifics. It is critical for you to work
the problems on your own. You WILL be expected to solve problems in
discussion forums, on quizzes, and exams so DO NOT overlook the need to
practice in advance.
The reading of textbook chapters should be the first task as each chapter provides
information that will facilitate the successful completion of the course’s activities.
Be sure to focus on working through the example problems as they will walk you
through the calculations in parallel to the textbook. Additional readings and
problems may also be assigned to expand and explore course concepts.
Because most statistical analyses in the workplace are completed in Excel, it
is expected that, where appropriate, you will use Excel, the Data Analysis
Tool Add-Ins, and the course-provided templates to solve problems. As we
will frequently refer to Excel-based solutions, be sure to bring your laptop to each
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BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Discussion Forums
Spring Semester 2021
Unless otherwise noted and required by the specific discussion forum, primary
responses (initial responses to discussion forum postings) must be at least 250
words (excluding quotes, signature blocks, etc.) and supported by references,
where appropriate for non-original ideas or expansive material. Primary responses
are to be posted by 6:00PM on Tuesday (forum will open on Monday).
Some forums will contain problems as opposed to discussions.
Secondary responses where required (those in response to other students’ and the
instructor’s postings) should be at least several sentences in length (a minimum of
100 words, excluding quotes, signature blocks, etc.) and substantial, meaning that
your message has value and helps to further the discussion of course content.
Substantial messages include contributions of additional ideas and sources,
insights or questions about classmates’ comments, connections to the course
readings, ways of applying the lessons from the course, etc. Short comments, such
as "Good idea" or "I agree," are not substantial on their own; neither are
comments unrelated to the week’s topics. All of your points should be explained
fully. Secondary responses are to be posted between 6:00 PM Tuesday and 6:00
PM on Thursday.
Primary and secondary responses must include citations and references in APA
format, as appropriate.
Tips for creating substantial participation:
 Explain why you agree or disagree and add some examples to support
your belief.
Relate your personal or work experiences to the topic.
Ask additional questions of your classmates.
Make connections between the topic and the weekly readings.
Grading of forums will be based upon timeliness, quantity, and quality of input
across original post and responses to classmates.
Laptop Policy:
Students are encouraged to use laptops for educational purposes during this course
and will need access to a mobile device for virtual lectures. As we will frequently
refer to Excel-based solutions, be sure to bring your laptop to every class session
even if you are participating via a mobile app.
Late Assignments:
Twenty percent (two full grades) will be deducted per day late (i.e., 24 hours),
up to a maximum of two days (48 hours). After two days, late assignments are
not accepted. No assignments will be accepted after the last day of class.
To facilitate preparation and mastery, regular quizzes will be given. These are
designed to provide feedback prior to the two exams. Unplanned absence is not an
allowable excuse for missed quizzes, and quizzes missed without prior notice and
agreed upon arrangements may not be made up. All decisions concerning a make-up
are at the discretion of the instructor.
Exams generally may not be made up, unless there are extenuating circumstances
such as a documented severe illness. In the event of a missed exam, it is the
responsibility of the student to contact the instructor (via email) within 24 hours of
the missed exam or forfeit any possibility of a make-up. All decisions concerning a
make-up are at the discretion of the instructor.
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BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Personal Paper:
Spring Semester 2021
As a means of connecting your study of Business Statistics to your planned
professional endeavors and/or discipline of study, you will complete a personal paper
of at least four pages that addresses the following:
Your paper should provide background and discussion of the use of
statistics and related analytic tools in the business area/industry you
plan to pursue as a career. You may need to do some research to
identify these and be sure to provide citations for your sources.
You should identify what types of data are used in management
decisions in your industry or professional practice. Try to be as
specific as you can about the type of data and the type of business
decisions the data supports. Again, research may be helpful here.
Finally, provide a summary and conclusory discussion that
highlights the role of data analytics in your chosen industry.
Your paper should be in APA format, with supporting citations in text and
references, a minimum of four pages (approximately 1,000 words) in length (not
including any supporting data that should be in an appendix. The paper is due April
14th. A rubric can be found at the back of the syllabus for this assignment.
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BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Spring Semester 2021
Expectations of students in BUS1502 – Spring 2021
Business Statistics may look intimidating, but this material can be mastered by anyone willing to follow a few
guidelines. Our textbook is designed to walk you through the concepts and leverage software applications to do a
great deal of the heavy lifting. The following outline identifies paths to success that are also frame my expectations:
Commit to a study plan. This course is more challenging than most business courses and will require 2 to 3
hours of outside work per class on average for you to master the material. The earlier you commit to the
work, the easier you will find the course.
Practice solving problems. The answers to the even numbered problems in the text can be found at the back
of the textbook. The assigned class discussion problems represent a minimum level of practice. Additional
problem solving at your own direction will be necessary to gain understanding, confidence, and mastery of
the material. Note that the textbook includes an answer section starting on page 661 with even numbered
problem solutions.
Use Excel, it is the “tool of the trade” and designed to assist you in completing your work. Problems can be
solved by hand, but such an approach is both inefficient and increases the potential for errors.
Do not fall behind. We cover a great deal of material in this class and each topic builds on earlier work. If
you are having trouble, please arrange to see me and/or get tutoring help. You may want to start with a
conversation with me so that I can provide guidance on areas to work on.
Come to class prepared to discuss problem solutions. We will spend significant time on problems in class
and you may be asked to demonstrate a solution. Be prepared.
Be sure you know how to solve the problem on your own. Students tend to gravitate toward solving
problems together. I encourage discussion and working together. However, your classmates will not be able
to help you at the white board or on quizzes/exams.
Ask questions. I cannot help you if I do not know where you are having difficulties. The chances are good
that if you have a question so will someone else. So stick your hand up. Also, please feel free to see me
before or after class or schedule time during office hours. I am also frequently on campus beyond office
In summary, students who have trouble in this class frequently have not committed the requisite time to study, have
not adequately practiced solving problems, and/or have fallen behind in submitting assigned work. Focus on these
three areas and you will increase the probability of positive performance in this course.
While this is a serious subject, we should also have some fun along the way. Best of luck this semester!
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BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Spring Semester 2021
Tentative Course Schedule (DRAFT subject to change):
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
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Please read the Syllabus posted on Moodle
“First Things First” and Ch. 1 in Levine et al
Submit bio to welcome link on Moodle.
Complete problems: 1.8 and 1.9
for class discussion.
Complete Discussion Forum #1 posted on Moodle per instructions
in syllabus: Problem 1.45, p. 27.
Read Ch. 2 sections plus Excel Guide
Complete problems 2.4, 2.8, 2.9, 2.15, 2.58, and 2.60 for class
Read Ch. 3 sections
Complete problems: 3.10, 3.12, 3.18, 3.43, and 3.48 for class
Read Ch. 4 sections 1 and 2 and posted online chapters 4.4 and 4.5
(on Moodle).
Quiz #1
Complete problems: 4.6, 4.8, 4.14, 4.22, 4.24, and 4.28 for class
Read Ch. 5 sections 1
Complete problems: 5.2 and 5.6 for class discussion.
Complete Discussion Forum #2 posted on Moodle.
Read Chapter 5 sections 2 and 3.
Quiz #2
Complete problems 5.12, 5.14, 5.16, 5.22, 5.24, and 5.26 for class
Read Ch. 6 sections 1 and 2.
Complete problems 6.8, 6.10, and 6.12 for class discussion.
Complete Discussion Forum #3 posted on Moodle.
Review Chapter 7 sections 1 and 2
Quiz #3
Complete problems 7.4 (a only), 7.6, and 7.8 for class discussion.
BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
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Spring Semester 2021
Read Chapter 7 section 3.
Complete problems 7.14, 7.16, and 7.18 for class discussion.
Exam #1 covering Chapters 1 through 7.
Read Ch. 8 sections 1 and 2.
Complete problems 8.9, 8.10, 8.16, 8.18, and 8.22 for class
Read Ch. 8 sections 3 and 4.
Quiz # 4.
Complete problems 8.28, 8.30, 8.32, 8.38, 8.40, and 8.44 for class
Read Ch. 9 sections 1 through 3.
Complete problems 9.2, 9.4, 9.14, and 9.16, 9.24, 9.28, 9.30, 9.46,
and 9.48 for class discussion.
Complete Discussion Forum #4 posted on Moodle.
Read Ch. 9 sections 4 and 5.
Quiz # 5.
Complete problems 9.50, 9.56, 9.58, and 9.60 for class discussion.
Read Ch. 10 sections 1 and 2
Complete problems 10.8, 10.12, 10.14, 10.20, and 10.22 for class
Complete Discussion Forum #5 posted on Moodle.
Read Ch. 10 sections 3 and 4
Quiz # 6.
Complete problems 10.30, 10.32, 10.32, 10.46, and 10.48 for class
Read Ch. 11 section 1.
Complete Discussion Forum #6 posted on Moodle.
BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24
Day 25
Day 26
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Spring Semester 2021
Complete problems 11.5, 11.6, 11.8, and 11.10 for class discussion.
Review Ch. 11 section 2.
Quiz # 7.
Complete problems 11.20, 11.21, 11.22, and 11.24 for class
Review Ch. 12 sections 1 – 2.
Complete problems 12.6, 12.8, 12.10, 12.16, 12.18 for class
Complete Discussion Forum #7 posted on Moodle.
Read Ch. 12 section 3.
Quiz # 8.
Complete problems 12.22 and 12.25 for class discussion.
Exam #2 covering chapters 8 through 12.
Read Ch. 13 section 1 and 2.
Complete problems 13.1, 13.2, 13.6, and 13.8 for class discussion.
Try completing 13.6 and 13.8 long-hand as well as in Excel.
Read Ch. 13 sections 4 and 5 and 7 through 9.
Complete Discussion Forum #8 posted on Moodle.
Complete problems 13.16, 13.18, 13.20, 13.26, 13.28, 13.30, 13.58,
13.60, and 13.62 for class discussion.
Read Ch. 14 sections 1 and 2
Quiz #9
Complete problems 14.4, 14.6, 14.8, 14.14, and 14.16 for class
Review Ch. 15 section 4.
Complete Discussion Forum #9 posted on Moodle.
Complete problems 15.22, 15.23, 15.24, and 15.25 for class
Read Ch. 16 sections 1 through 4 (to p. 564).
BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29
Day 30
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Spring Semester 2021
Submit Personal Paper (syllabus p. 7) to Turnitin link on Moodle
before class.
Complete problems 16.4, 16.6, 16.8, 16.12, and 16.16 for class
Read Ch. 16 sections 6 and 7.
Quiz # 10.
Complete problems 16.34, 16.26, 16.38, and 16.44 for class
Read Ch. 17 sections 1 and 2.
Read Ch. 17 sections 3 through 5
Complete problems 17.6 and 17.8 for class discussion.
Exam #3 covering Chapters 13 through 17.
BUS1502A – Business Statistics
Spring Semester 2021
Rubric for Personal Report Assignment
Assessment Area
Does Not Meet Expectations
Meets Expectations
Data not identified or mis defined.
Appropriate data are
somewhat identified and
interpreted. Some discussion
of usage.
Appropriate data are properly
identified and interpreted and specific
usage is detailed.
conclusions and
developed with
(25 points)
The report demonstrates minimal
or incorrect research and analysis
and/or lacks support.
Conclusions and
recommendations are
partially based upon facts
and analysis but some of the
logic or support is missing
Clear conclusions and implications are
developed from the research and
analysis. Findings are logical and factbased.
Graphics and data
analysis and
properly labeled
and introduced
(10 points)
Tables are either missing or
unclear. Tables are not effectively
introduced and lack proper
labeling. Text lacks effective
supporting analytic graphics.
Tables are somewhat clear
and informative but require
additional explanation for
clarity. Tables are generally
properly labeled and
introduced/referenced in the
report. In-text graphics
somewhat balanced with
effective use of appendices.
Appropriate tables are intuitive and
informative. All tables are properly
labeled and introduced/referenced in
the report. In-text graphics balanced
with effective use of appendices.
The paper does not provide a
summary and conclusion about
the role of data analytics and/or
does not provide support and
Report is distractingly messy, too
busy or poorly designed. Report
requires significant revision to be
presentation ready.
The paper provides a partial
summary and conclusion
about the role of data
analytics and/or provides
some support and references.
The report is attractive in
terms of design, layout and
neatness but requires
additional work to be
presentation ready.
The report meets minimum
standards expected:
- Grammar
- Spelling
- Citations
- Reference page
The paper provides a solid summary
and conclusion about the role of data
and strong support and references.
Statistical data and
methods identified
and defined
(25 points)
Conclusion and
(10 points)
(10 points)
(20 points)
Total Team Score
DMB 1/4/21
The report does not meet
minimum standards expected:
- Grammar
- Spelling
- Citations
- Reference page
Exceeds Expectations
The report is exceptionally attractive in
terms of design, layout and neatness.
Product is presentation ready.
The report meets all standards
- Grammar
- Spelling
- Citations
- Reference page
Maximum Total: 100 points