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Bad News Message Assignment: CMNS 1290

Bad News Message
Department of Journalism, Communication, and
New Media
CMNS 1290 – 01 - 3 Credits
Introduction to Professional Writing (3,0,0)
Summer, 2021
Instructor: J. Bermiller
Phone/Voice Mail: 250-377-6081
OM 1831
E-Mail: jbermiller@tru.ca, PREFERRED: Moodle message
Office Hours:
Posted on Moodle or by virtual appointment
Create ONE bad news message using the following scenarios in your textbook. Choose ONE of the
following based on the first letter of your last name:
Last name between A – I: Page 284, #1, “Refusing a Request”. Write this as an email. Only providea
subject line and the introduction, discussion and conclusion.
Last name between J- R: Page 285, #6, “Announcing Bad News to Customers – Privacy Breach
Last name between S – Z: Page 286, #7, “Announcing Bad News to Conference Goers”. Only do a): write
the email.
Remember the 3-part construction. Include a subject line. Upload your email as a Word Document via
Moodle in the assignment module. (Save your document as a Word file as follows: Last name, 129001, BN, so if your last name is “Palmer”, save as “Palmer, 1290-01, BN” in Word)
Your assignment will be graded on:
Wordiness issues: /10
Grammar, including conversational tone: /15
Provides Buffer: /5
Provides Matter-of-Fact Statement: /5
States Rationale/Reasons for Bad News clearly: /15
States/Infers Bad News: /15
Maintains positive mood/goodwill: /15
“Closes” conversation about Bad News, redirects if necessary: /10
Paragraphing and formatting matches appropriate business form: /10
Submission date and time: Friday, May 16th, 2021, 4 pm Pacific
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