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Adjective endings

Adjective endings:
Note: -al có thể là noun
Note: -ate có thể là verb
Originality -> có –ity vào thì nal phát âm khác vs bth
-ive: có thể là adj hoặc n
Almost hiếm khi sau nó là noun ngay lập tức: ex: almost every student
Vacant = unoccupied / occupy
Hardened criminal: tên tội phạm máu lạnh
Acknowledgement: sự công nhận
Bài 4:
Kitchen appliance
Reasonable price
Be at the mercy of: ở dưới sự nhân từ
Attend to a patient: chăm sóc 1 bệnh nhân
Disorganized: It’s impossible to work for
Home-schooling: tự học ở nhà
educationally disadvantaged: bất lợi về mặt giáo dục
Educationally disadvantaged students: học sinh có hoàn cảnh khó khăn về mặt
giáo dục
Educating noun: đang giáo dục
Educated noun: được giáo dục
Bài 5:
To be in use: đang được sử dụng
Ex; the computer is in use now
To be of no use: ko có tác dụng gì
The sixth sense: giác quan thứ 6
Clear-cut: sắc xảo
Word: lời nói
Absent-minded: đãng trí
Many office supply businesses specialize in furniture that is as durable as it is
Trousers = pants: quần
Tweezers: cái nhíp
Sở hữu cách:
Đối vs noun chỉ vật, thường dùng the mouth of the horse hơn là the horse’s
Another, other, the other (determiners):
We've still got another (= a further) forty miles to go.
‘It's a bill.’ ‘Oh no, not another!’
I got another of those calls yesterday.
One another = each other
Other + plural noun, uncountable noun
Mr Harris and Mrs Bate and three other teachers were there.
Are there any other questions?
There seem to be no other survivors.
I can't see you now—some other time, maybe.
He was the only other person in the apartment.
There was a university party and various other things going on.
Dublin is very expensive compared to other major cities in Europe.
The other + singular noun, plural noun
another book = another = another one
other books = others =other ones,
other time = other = other one
the other book = the other = the other one
the other books = the others = the other ones.
This book = this one = this
That book = that one = that
These books = these ones = these
Those books = those ones = those
Who is it?
Who is this? / Who is that? / Who are these? / Who are those?
Is this Adam? / Is that Adam?
The one or ones belonging to a person or persons.
o Whose car is parked in the driveway? (whose is a subject?)
o Whose ticket is this? (whose is an object?)
o Whose coat were you wearing? (whose is an object?)
Certain = some (nào đó)
Some man took the cars
They have not any friends = they do not have any friends ???
I can’t find my wallet anywhere = I can find my wallet nowhere
Both of us knew him = We both knew him
Either/ Neither: dùng cho 2 người
Nếu dùng cho 3 người trở lên -> all of/ none of
Either + negative = Neither + positive
Not, Just, quite, bit, too, rather, fairly, more, any, almost, else, really, hardly, a
little, little, few, a few, longer, own, even, rest, one, that, yet, enough, early, too,
ever, never, then, soon, still, already, last, here, there, well, entirely, pretty,
awful, many, much, over, along, somehow, within, under, hereby, previously,
however, together, likely, lot, far, bit, further, anymore, done, matter, severally,
whole, ain’t, promptly
Through, thorough, thoroughly, thoroughness, throughout, through, throughput,
Though, thought
Trong những cấu trúc có sth, thì có dùng V-ing để lắp vào sth được ko?
Câu 10 [ID: 208939] You may not be impressed with _____ ideas, but are
_____ any better?
A. mine - yourself C. us - hers B. my own – your D. my - your own
Nothing more / Nothing less: ko hơn/ ko kém hơn
50. The telescope was designed to distinguish between random signals and.........
which might
be in code.
A. these B. those C. ones D. them
56. My father said............. would invite our teacher to dinner on Saturday.
A. of we B. so we C. we D. that if we
58. Pick out the correct sentence.
A. They fight each other everyday C. They fight against one another
B. They fight themselves. D. A and C are correct
Bổ ngữ là gì?, Trạng ngữ là gì? Postmodifier? Premodifier?
Much: trạng từ chỉ mức độ
Every one means ‘each one’:
The government signed 453 treaties with the Native Americans and
broke every one.
Everyone has the same meaning as everybody, and means ‘all people’.
Walking benefits everyone.
Every one is often followed by of:
It will require the support of every one of you.
Most of the pronouns that start with every are written as one
word: everyone, everything, everybody, everywhere. The exception
is every time, which is always written as two words:
✓ Every time I see the prisoners, it reminds me of animals kept in captivity.
Both of or neither of in negative clauses
We usually use neither of rather than both of … not in negative clauses:
Neither of them can swim. (preferred to Both of them can’t swim.)
Neither of my brothers lives at home any more. (preferred to Both of my brothers
don’t live at home any more.)
When a negative verb is used, we use either (of). In informal speaking, we often use
a plural verb after either, even though it is a singular word:
She didn’t like either dress. (She looked at two dresses.)
Are Yvonne and Lesley both coming?
We don’t know if either of them are coming. (or, more formally, … if either of
them is coming.)
Both: typical errors
We don’t use both with a negative verb; we use either instead:
There was not a considerable difference in percentages for either sex in terms of
having a Bachelor’s degree.
Not: There was not a considerable difference in percentages for both sex. …
Neither … nor
We can use neither as a conjunction with nor. It connects two or more negative
alternatives. This can sound formal in speaking:
Neither Brian nor his wife mentioned anything about moving house. (Brian didn’t
mention that they were moving house and his wife didn’t mention that they were
moving house.)
Neither Italy nor France got to the quarter finals last year.
The less formal alternative is to use and … not … either:
Italy didn’t get to the quarter finals last year and France didn’t either.
Not with neither and nor
When a clause with neither or nor is used after a negative clause, we invert the
subject and the verb after neither and nor:
He hadn’t done any homework, neither had he brought any of his books to class.
We didn’t get to see the castle, nor did we see the cathedral.
Neither do I, Nor can she
We use neither and nor + auxiliary/modal verb + subject to mean ‘also not’:
I hate snakes. I can’t even look at a picture of a snake.
Neither can I.
Not: I can’t also.
Jacqueline doesn’t drive.
Nor does Gina.
Not … either
We can use not … either to mean ‘also not’, but we do not change the word order of
the auxiliary or modal verb and subject:
I haven’t ever tasted caviar.
I haven’t either. (or Neither have I./Nor have I.)
I didn’t see Lesley at the concert.
I didn’t either. (or Neither did I./Nor did I.)
In informal speaking, we often say me neither:
I can’t smell anything.
Me neither. (or I can’t either.)
We don’t normally use both (of) + not to make a negative statement about two
people or things:
Neither of these shirts is/are dry yet.
Not: Both of these shirts aren’t dry yet.
Take care to spell neither correctly: not ‘niether’ or ‘neighter’.
used for adding a negative statement that emphasizes how good, bad,
impressive etc something is
He did a superb job, and he didn’t have any help either
*So sánh
- There are more/fewer people today.
*Mạo từ
- The Vietnamese -> toàn bộ người VN (The Vietnamese are kind)
- Vietnamese -> 1 người VN (ex: I am Vietnamese)
In a school/ at school
- I am British/English/Irish (British,.. là adj)
- I am Vietnamese/ I am a Vietnamese (Vietnamese vừa là adj vừa là
Màu sắc hay mùa nói chung ko dùng the
Chất liệu nói chung (gold, silver,…) ko dùng the
Most experts agree that a desert is an area of land that receives no
more than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of precipitation a year.
Định nghĩa -> dùng a
A sailor is a man who works on the sea
Ko phải định nghĩa -> dùng the
The sailor is the man who keeps the dog