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ENGR 0085 Engineering Seminar Syllabus

University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
ENGR 0085 – Engineering Seminar
Friday 2:30 – 3:20PM, McKenna Hall Room 136
Office & Tel.:
Office Hours:
James J. Sherin
No office, (724)832-1538 (home)
F 2:00 – 2:30PM, and by appointment McKenna Hall Room 136
PowerPoint Notes on Different fields of Engineering will be provided
ENGR 0015
The course will cover material in engineering topics related to every day topics: Road building, Computer networks,
Water supply, etc. There will be some discussion of engineering in Greco Roman times that have application in
everyday life.
Exams/Homework: This a pass/fail course, where the only need is for you to show up every Friday in Spring 2021,
stay awake, and learn facts about areas that affect your everyday life that people take for granted, even Instructors.
Supplies: None needed
Grade Calculation: Attendance will be taken and will be used to determine whether you pass this seminar or fail
Notice to Students with Disabilities
If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both
your instructor and the Director of the Learning Resources Center, Dr. Lou Ann Sears, Room 240 Millstein Library
Building (724) 836-7098 (voice) as early as possible in the term. Learning Resources Center will verify your disability
and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.
In July and August, students interested in disability services should get in touch with Mr. Gawain Emanuel in the
Millstein Library Building: 724-838-8027 voice or gwe@pitt.edu.
You are expected to attend all classes and participate actively in the interactive sessions. The student’s final grade will
be lowered for chronic non-attendance, or for unsatisfactory fulfillment of the in-class programming assignments.
A list of topics and dates will be provided on Canvas the first day of Class on January 22 2021.