Uploaded by Taylor Thomas

Special Education Terminology Guide

Aim to understand the
wonderful world of Special
By Taylor Thomas
SPECIAL specially designed instruction, at no cost to the
parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a
disability. (IDEA, 2021)
Inclusion: A model in which students
IEP: Individualized Education
Program which inform on different spend most of their school day in a
general education classroom,
supports, instructional needs, and included with the majority of
504 Plan: Give students equal access
by removing barriers in the general
education classroom and providing
Pull Out: To take the student our of
the general education classroom for
Push In: For a special educator to go
into the general education classroom
to provide support to student.
Accommodations: A change to a
students environment to remove learning
Learning Goal: A measurable and
attainable goal set for the class the
individual student.
Modifications: A change to a students
instruction or assessment.
Disability: one or more of the 13
conditions that are recognized by law by
the IDEA Act.
Annual Goals: A list of documented
skills and learning goals that the team
thinks the student can achieve by the
end of the school year.
Transition Plan: This plan is adapted for what
Progress Reporting: How a school
a teen will do after school. They are functional
reports on annual goals and student
and academic goals.
Due Process: A formal process in resolving a
Present Level of Performance: A
dispute in the school special education services.
description of where the students skills,
Related Services: Any support services that
abilities, and challenges are in regards to
the student may need for success in special Ed.
their goals.
Assistive Technology: Any device or
General Education Curriculum: This is the
equipment that helps students learn and
curriculum provided by districts or created
adapt to their environment at school.
by educators to target the general
Behavior Intervention Plan: A plan of action population in a classroom.
that provides students with tools and
LRE: Least Restrictive Environment is the
procedures to guide and promote positive
process of putting students in the
environment that is least restrictive and
PBIS: Positive Behavior Interventions and
most inclusive.
Supports. A school wide approach for positive Parent Report: An ability and behavior
behavior and school safety.
report from parents observations.
Contact Taylor Thomas at trt20s@my.fsu.edu
References: Understood For All Inc. (2021). Shaping The World For Difference.
Understood. Understood.org