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College Writing Assignment: Argument Essay

Jessica Mehr
ENGL 106
Assignment #1: Writing Diagnostic
The purpose of this assignment is for me to gain a preliminary sense of your writing skills at the
sentence and paragraph level.
Write a 1-2 page (about 500 words) argument essay in which you agree or disagree with ONE of the
following statements:
1. College athletes should be paid for their participation in sports, because they generate large
revenues for universities, media outlets, advertisers, etc.
2. Cell phones restrict the freedom of adolescents. Unlike previous generations, they can be
reached by their parents or procure assistance from a person or smartphone app at all times,
providing less opportunities for them to explore, making their own decisions and mistakes.
If you feel both sides of the argument have compelling points, you may outline both sides, but be
sure to draw a final conclusion. You may need to create a new, more precise thesis statement.
Your essay should:
Have an introduction, conclusion, clear thesis statement, and title.
Use as many paragraphs as you feel appropriate. Aim to tackle only one major point in each,
and identify it with a topic sentence.
Be as clear as possible. Don’t try to show-off.
Be very well-proofread, paying close attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Include your name, date, and word count in the upper left hand corner.
Be printed in a standard font, one-sided, stapled, on plain white paper.
NOT INCLUDE OUTSIDE SOURCES. This means no skimming the internet for other people’s
thoughts. Pretend this is an SAT prompt and you are locked in a classroom for one hour.