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Essay Structure Guide: Keyhole Method

Basic ‘Keyhole’ Essay Structure
Thesis Statement and
Signposting (‘First, I
will note X. Second, I
will argue Y…’)
Move from the general to the specific,
and make intro punchy to capture reader
attention; frame the argument; roughly
10% of word count
Body of Essay (80% of word count, roughly)
Arg #1 – Topic Sentence – introduce first part of argument with topic sentence that
refers back to thesis
Arg #2 – Topic sentence – as above; arguments need to be logically sound, to show
knowledge of the topic, and to be supported with appropriate evidence
Restate thesis
Move from specific back to more
general conclusions; 10% of word
count, roughly
General advice:
• Buy a writing guide – see LMS tab on ‘How to Write’
• Use peer-reviewed academic sources – need to be able to distinguish good/bad sources; journals &
book presses found on reading list a guide (avoid e.g. the ‘Mississauga Journal of World Affairs’)
• Do not use subheadings for quite short essays – breaks up text too much
• Make an argument in the essay - support the argument with evidence
• Use literature to show you know the main arguments and to show how you are engaging with them
• Proof-read!! And get a friend to read over as well to check for clarity