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EE 4243 Computer Organization Syllabus

University of Texas at San Antonio
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
EE 4243 – Computer Organization and Architecture
Syllabus Fall 2021
Part A – General Course Information
Catalog description:
Computer Organization and Architecture (2-3) 3 hours credit. Prerequisites EE3463 and EE3563
Design of advanced state machines and computer systems, and processor design using computerassisted design and analysis tools.
EE3463 Digital System Design and EE3563 Microcomputer Systems I
Textbook: (optional)
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, Hennessy & Patterson, 3rd
(or 4th) Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.
Optional Materials:
Any reference manuals for Verilog
Prerequisites by Topic:
1. Basic knowledge of combinational network design
2. Basic knowledge of sequential network design
3. Basic knowledge of microprocessors, machine languages, and computer
Course Objectives:
• To develop an understanding of the architecture of computer systems.
• To develop an understanding of ISAs (Instruction Set Architectures), Microarchitecture to implement the ISA, Datapath and Pipelining.
• To learn memory hierarchies, caches and virtual memory.
• To use design tools in the designing of a processor.
Topics Covered:
• Class preview and Performance Analysis (1 lecture)
• Review of Logic Design (2 lectures)
• Number Systems (2 lectures)
• Computer Arithmetic (2 lectures)
• Instruction Set Design (5 lectures)
• CPU Datapath and Execution Flow (2 lectures)
• Control Unit (1 lecture)
• Memory Hierarchy (5 lectures)
• Pipelining and Data Hazards (2 lectures)
• Advanced CPU (4 lectures)
Performance Criteria:
Students will demonstrate the following:
• an ability to design & conduct experiments and analyze data
• an ability to recognize need for, and have ability to engage in, lifelong
• knowledge of contemporary issues
Class Schedule:
• Two lecture videos per week (one posted on Tuesday and one on Thursday)
• Lecture hours on Tuesdays (6-7:15pm) are designated “Extra Help Sessions”;
attendance is mandatory.
• Lecture Delivery:
o All lectures are pre-recorded and posted on blackboard.
o Students are required to watch the lecture videos by the originally designated
class time slots (6pm Tues/Thur).
o Viewing record will be monitored in real time and counted toward attendance
Laboratory Schedule:
• One 3-hour lab session/week
• To be coordinated by the TA
Instructor Office Hours and Contact Information:
Office Hours: 6-7 pm Mondays and 4-5pm Wednesdays
(or by appointment)
Office hours are to be conducted through Zoom in real time.
Details are communicated through blackboard.
210-458-5529 (no longer available throughout the semester)
Online Contacts:
Zoom: weiming.lin@utsa.edu
weiming.lin@utsa.edu Please always email me directly to this
email address; DO NOT use blackboard to email me.
Grading Policy:
• First exam
• Second exam
• Final exam
• Homework, Quizzes, Attendance
• Laboratory Assignments
Evaluation Method:
1. Homework/Lab assignments
2. Midterm exams
3. Comprehensive final exam
4. Class participation
Other Important Policies:
1. No make-up quizzes and all exams are close-book unless specified otherwise.
2. Make-up exam is given only when special extenuating situation happens and under
the discretion of the instructor.
3. You are required to attend every class. Exception is given only if you notify the
instructor with a legitimate reason in advance.
4. All handouts are available on the instructor's website.
5. All assignments are due at the beginning of the class time on the due day unless
specified otherwise. No late turn-in will be accepted – no exceptions!!
6. No copying is allowed on any assignment. No credit will be given to both copier's
and copiee's work.
7. All assignments need to be bound well and arranged in the correct order before being
turned in. Otherwise, 20 percent of total points will be marked off.
8. All assignments should include your work, or else no credit will be given.
9. All behaviors of academic dishonesty will be handled according to university policy.
Please refer to the University's common syllabus information at
Part B – Student Outcome Information and General Policies
EE4243 is an elective course in Electrical Engineering, required course in Computer
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department Student Outcomes:
1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by
applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
2. An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified
needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global,
cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
3. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
4. An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering
situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of
engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
5. An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide
leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan
tasks, and meet objectives.
6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and
interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
7. An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate
learning strategies.
Relationship of this Course to ECE Student Outcomes:
This course primarily contributes to the following ECE student outcomes #4 and #7.
Common Syllabus Information:
The university maintains a web page containing information common to all syllabi. In
particular, it contains information on counseling services, student code of conduct and
academic dishonesty, students with disabilities, transitory/minor medical issues, and the
Roadrunner Creed. The link is at http://utsa.edu/syllabus .
The University of Texas at San Antonio Academic Honor Code
The University of Texas at San Antonio community of past, present and future students, faculty,
staff, and administrators share a commitment to integrity and the ethical pursuit of knowledge.
We honor the traditions of our university by conducting ourselves with a steadfast duty to honor,
courage, and virtue in all matters both public and private. By choosing integrity and
responsibility, we promote personal growth, success, and lifelong learning for the advancement of
ourselves, our university, and our community.
Honor Pledge
In support of the ideals of integrity, the students of the University of Texas at San Antonio pledge:
“As a UTSA Roadrunner I live with honor and integrity.”
Shared responsibility
The University of Texas at San Antonio community shares the responsibility and commitment to
integrity and the ethical pursuit of knowledge and adheres to the UTSA Honor Code.