The Independent Institute of Education 2013 MODULE NAME: MODULE CODE: TOURISM MANAGEMENT 2 TMAN6211 ASSESSMENT TYPE: EXAMINATION TOTAL MARK ALLOCATION: 120 MARKS TOTAL HOURS: 2 HOURS (+15 minutes reading time) (PAPER ONLY) STUDENT NAME: STUDENT NUMBER: INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Please adhere to all instructions in the examination booklet. 2. Independent work is required. 3. Fifteen minutes are dedicated to reading time before the start of the examination. You may make notes on your question paper, but not in your answer sheet. Calculators may not be used during reading time. 4. You may not leave the examination venue during reading time, or during the first hour or during the last 15 minutes of the examination. 5. Ensure that your name is on all pieces of paper or books which you will be handing in. Hand in all the pages of this examination question paper as well as your answer script. 6. Answer all the questions on the answer sheets or in answer booklets provided. The phrase “END OF PAPER” will appear after the final set question of this assessment. 7. Remember to work at a steady pace so that you are able to complete the examination within the allocated time. Use the mark allocation as a guideline as to how much time to spend on each section. Additional instructions: 1. This is a closed book examination. 2. For multiple choice questions, give only one response per question. The marker will ignore any question with more than one answer, unless otherwise stated. You should, therefore, be sure of your answer before committing it to paper. 3. Answer all questions. © The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd 2013 Page 1 of 5 The Independent Institute of Education Question 1 2013 (Marks: 20) Multiple choice questions: Select one (1) correct answer for each of the following. In your answer booklet, write down only the number of the question and, next to it, the letter of the correct answer. Q.1.1 ___________ comprises of the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business or other purposes. (a) Tourism (b) Travel (c) Leisure (d) Hospitality (e) None of the above (2) Q.1.2 Are two (2) international bodies that document where tourists go on a global scale and the contribution that tourism makes to a country’s gross domestic product: (a) SATSA and World Travel and Tourism Council (b) ASATA and World Travel and Tourism Council (c) IATA and World Travel and Tourism Council (d) WTO and World Travel and Tourism Council (e) None of the above (2) Q.1.3 Which of the following is not an example of leisure travel? (a) Visiting friends and relatives (b) Holidays (c) Conferences (d) Sightseeing (e) None of the above (2) Q.1.4 An idea can become an opportunity when it is: (a) Attractive, durable, timely and adds value (b) Unattractive, durable, timely and adds value (c) Attractive and durable only (d) Outdated, unattractive and costly (e) None of the above (2) Q.1.5 A/an __________ is defined as the process whereby the entrepreneur assesses whether a certain product, service or process has the necessary earnings potential based on the resource inputs that are required to manufacture and market it. (a) Idea (b) Opportunity (c) Distribution channel (d) Technological change (2) © The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd 2013 Page 2 of 5 The Independent Institute of Education (e) 2013 None of the above Q.1.6 Which of the following is not a criteria that can be used to assess venture opportunities? (a) Economics (b) Exit issues (c) Industry and market (d) Competitive advantage issues (e) Knowledge and education (2) Q.1.7 What is the best way to protect your product or service in the tourism industry? (a) Register your trademark (b) Become popular in the industry (c) Hire family members only (d) Be friendly with your competitors (e) None of the above (2) Q.1.8 Which of the following is not an example of a pull factor? (a) Independence (b) Recognition (c) Personal development (d) Personal wealth (e) Unemployment (2) Q.1.9 ______________________ is Rule 1 for a successful start-up of a business. (a) Choose a business that’s right for you (b) Do your market research (c) Draw up a business plan (d) Choose a specialist investor (e) Market your business (2) Q.1.10 Which of the following is not a reason for drawing up a business plan? (a) For your own use (b) To obtain funding (c) To help others understand your business (d) As a tool to reduce risk (e) For fun (2) Question 2 (Marks: 10) Match-the-columns question: Match the description in Column A with the correct term from Column B. In your answer booklet, write down only the question number and, next to it, the letter of the correct answer. © The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd 2013 Page 3 of 5 The Independent Institute of Education Column A Q.2.1 It refers to financing your business yourself or getting someone to invest in the business. Q.2.2 A tax –cutting tip for small businesses Q.2.3 Every new business has to register with _________. Q.2.4 This type of business allows up to 20 partners to share responsibility for the business, as well as skills and liability. Q.2.5 This type of business is best suited to a service business, where the owner is the sole employee. Q.2.6 A source that internally generated funds could come from Q.2.7 A source that externally generated funds could come from Q.2.8 It is also called asset-based financing and usually involves a loan being taken out, for which you pay interest. Q.2.9 They are offered by some organisations such as reduced interest rates and payment terms, bridging finance, import finance and development or rehabilitation funds. Q.2.10 Having your business online. 2013 Column B a. Sole proprietorship b. c. Partnership The South African Revenue Services d. Channel income to your children e. Equity financing f. Debt-based financing g. Physical resources h. Commercial banks i. E-business j. k. Incentive schemes Reduction in working capital Question 3 (Marks: 35) Answer all of the following questions. Q.3.1 One needs to have a wide range of management skills and knowledge to successfully run a business. Provide any five (5) essential management skills that are required for entrepreneurs. (5) Q.3.2 Discuss what you understand under the term “Black Economic Empowerment” and why it is important for the business’s long–term success. (10) Q.3.3 In order for us to understand what tourism is and what it means to tourism entrepreneurs, tourism needs to be viewed as a system with component parts that interrelate with each other and that are interdependent. (4) Name the four (4) main components of the tourism system. © The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd 2013 Page 4 of 5 The Independent Institute of Education Q.3.4 Q.3.4.1 Q.3.4.2 Q.3.4.3 Q.3.5 2013 Blocks to creativity can influence many entrepreneurial and business tasks that you as a tourism entrepreneur are supposed to carry out. Discuss how the following environments hinder creativity: Social environment; Economic environment; Physical environment. (9) Write a paragraph on how perceptual barriers impact on creativity and the habits associated with perceptual barriers. (7) Question 4 (4) (2) (3) (Marks: 55) Answer all of the following questions: Q.4.1 Q.4.1.1 Q.4.1.2 Q.4.1.3 Various factors can be seen to influence the decision of an entrepreneur to start his or her own business. For each of the following factors, provide two (2) examples each. The previous influences on the entrepreneur. The organisation in which he/she had previously been working. The environmental factors external to the individual that contribute to the decision. (2) (2) (2) Q.4.2 Discuss the role that location plays in starting up a business. (10) Q.4.3 Why is it important for a feasibility study to be done before committing time and energy to prepare a business plan? (4) Q.4.4 Provide any six (6) reasons why business plans fail. (12) Q.4.5 You are thinking of revising your marketing strategy for your business. One (1) of the signs that you would look out for when revising your marketing strategy would be the focus being inward looking rather than external. Discuss eight (8) other signs you should look out for that would motivate you to revise your marketing strategy. (16) Q.4.6 There are certain activities in your business that you or your staff are not good at and you may need to outsource them. State any three (3) functional areas that can be outsourced and any four (4) reasons that may hinder you to outsource activities. END OF PAPER (7) © The Independent Institute of Education (Pty) Ltd 2013 Page 5 of 5