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Environmental Science & Sustainability Presentation

Chapter One:
The environment and sustainability
Ecology and Ecosystems
Key Questions:
1.1) What are some Key factors of Sustainability?
1.2) How are our Ecological Footprints Affection Earth?
1.3) What causes Environmental Problems and why do
they persist?
1.4) What is an environmentally sustainable society?
1.1) What are some Key
factors of Sustainability?
What is Environmental Science?
The Interdisciplinary study of how humans interact with the environment it
includes information and ideas from engineering as well as natural science
such as biology chemistry geology meteorology and climatology.
It also includes ideas of social science such as geology, economics, political
science, environmental science,
It also investigates ethics and a moral judgments of right and wrong that
influence human behavior.
The study of Science
The study of environmental science involves three fundamental goals
learn how life on earth has survived and thrived
understand how human interacts with the environment
find ways to deal with the environmental problems and live more sustainably
Ecology in Environmental Science
Ecology is a branch of biology that focuses on how living things interact with
the living and nonliving parts of their environment
Each Organism in the environment belongs to a species, a species is a group of
organisms having a unique set of characteristics that set them apart from
another group (chapter 4).
a major focus of ecology is the study of ecosystems. An ecosystem is one or
more communities of different species interacting with one another with
chemical and physical factors of their nonliving environment
for example, a forest ecosystem consists of plants animals and organisms that
decompose organic material all interacting with one another and the
chemical in the forests air water and soil
Environmentalism or environmental
Environmental science and ecology should not be confused with
Environmentalism is not a scientific field of study but rather a social
movement dedicated to protecting earth and its resources.
Being used more in the realm of politics and ethics than science, however the
two are related. The finding of environmental scientist can provide evidence
to back or refute environmentalists claims and activities.
Scientific factors of sustainability
Earth is a great example of a sustainable system
Earth has been around for 3.8 billion years
experiencing climate changes, gigantic meteorites, ice ages, warming
periods, five mass extinctions, wiping out more than half the world's existing
The modern humans have been around for a mere 200,000 years less
Then the blink of an eye relative to 3.8 billion years life has existed on earth
The newest challenge of the human species is to learn how to live more
Natural resources
Natural resources
resources =Solar
Energy, Winds and
flowing water
Non renewable
Natural resources
resources =Solar
Energy, Winds and
flowing water
Resources= Forests,
grasslands, wildlife,
fertile topsoil, clean
air, and fresh water
Non renewable
Natural resources
Inexhaustible resources
=Solar Energy, Winds and
flowing water
Renewable Resources=
Forests, grasslands,
wildlife, fertile topsoil,
clean air, and fresh water
Non renewable resources
Fossil fuel energy
sources, metallic mineral
sources, and nonmetallic
mineral sources
Natural capital = natural resources +
ecosystem services
Solutions to harmful activities
Once identified people can work together to create a solution to protect
earth's natural capital to ensure sustainability
Social scientists look for economic and political solutions
1.2) How are our
Ecological Footprints
Affection Earth?
Living Unsustainability
Environmental Degradation or natural
capital degradation, continually wasting
depleting and degrading much of earth’s
natural capital.
“the little bit that I use or pollute
is not enough to matter” this logic does
not benefit anyone.
Resource Depletion
60% of earth ecosystem services are being overused
“human activity is putting such a strain on the natural functions of earth the
ability of the planet's ecosystem to sustain future generations can no longer
be taken for granted.”
Extremely complex scientific economic and political solutions could be
implemented within decades
Sources of Pollution
Pollution – contamination of the environment by any chemical or agent, such
as noise or thermal energy, at levels considered harmful to health, survival,
or activities of organisms.
Point source- pollution is any single identifiable source of pollution from
which pollutants are discharged. Examples are air pollution from exhaust
pipes of motor vehicles, chimneys, smokestacks.
Nonpoint source- pollution consists of pollutants that come from many
different sources that are hard to pinpoint examples are runoff of water
pollutants from croplands residential areas clear cut forests and construction
Ecological footprint
What is your ecological footprint?
1.3) What causes
Environmental Problems
and why do they persist?
Human population is growing at a rapid
Exponential Growth- Occurs when a quantity increases at a fixed percentage
per unit of time such as .5% or 2% per year.
Paper Folding Example:
How many times can you fold a sheet of paper?
If you doubled the thickness of a sheet of paper 50 times it would be thick
enough to almost reach the sun!
Human Population growth
Human growth rate in 20015 was 1.2% that means the earths population could
be 9.8 billion by 2050
Human population growth | Crash Course ecology | Khan Academy – YouTube
Poverty- the lack of basic human needs.
Prices of goods and services
Look at the cost of goods Vs the impact on the environment.
For example timber companies pay the cost of clear cutting forests they do not pay
for the resulting environmental degradation and loss of wildlife habitat
One impact is Soil erosion that leads to forest fires the goal of a company is to
maximize profits for its owner or stockholders.
companies are not inclined to add environmental costs to their prices voluntarily
because the prices of goods and services do not include most of their harmful
environmental and health costs consumers and decision makers have no effective
way to evaluate these harmful effects
Would you buy products differently if theses costs were added?
Look us the cost of a product of your choosing and then write a 200 word
report about the environmental impacts of that good.
What do you think that product would cost if it had its environmental impact
Different views and different solutions
Environmental worldview- is a set of assumptions and values concerning the
natural world and what you think your role and managing it should be
environmental ethics- the study of varying beliefs about what is right and
wrong with how people treat the environment. It provides useful tools for
example world views
why should people care about the environment ?
are humans the most important species on the planet or are they just another one
of earth's millions of forms of life ?